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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wellesley Aquatics Facility Survey

Dear Sprague Community,

In addition to the PTO I also co-chair the Aquatics Sub-committee for 900 Worcester Street. The following is a message the committee is sending out through PTOs as we would like to reach all Wellesley residents:

The 900 Street Worcester Street Committee continues to make progress towards a recommendation for recreation facilities on the site. As many of you know, the top priorities for the location are an ice rink, aquatics facility and playing field. By the end of June the town plans to release a RFP (Request for Proposals) for the site. However, before this can be done the town must understand the demand for aquatics among residents in order to evaluate incoming proposals.

To answer these questions Wellesley has hired consultants to perform an aquatics feasibility study. ConsultEcon, Inc. in partnership with Isaac Sports Group, is tasked with providing the town a detailed understanding of its needs. In order to perform their research, they have created a survey and plan to host public forum on June 11 in Town Hall  at 7:00 pm to present initial findings and gather feedback from the community. In addition, they are reaching out to over sixty aquatic programs and facilities in the area to provide an in-depth understanding of demand and economic patterns in the area.

This survey builds on the aquatics survey completed in 2012 by the town. It offers an independent analysis of town needs. It will enable a better understanding of resident needs versus residents of neighboring towns. It also will clearly define the economics supporting an aquatics facility, including suggested pricing, revenue and expense analysis. For these reasons it is imperative we gather as much input as possible.

We are asking all Wellesley residents to please fill out the aquatics survey. You can also go to the town’s website to find the survey. It will only take a minute.

By the end of June Wellesley will receive a detailed report, complete with suggested facility amenities and programming schedules. This report is critical for evaluating proposals that include aquatic facilities on 900 Worcester Street.

Thank-you for your support!

Matthew McKay and Suzy Littlefield
900 Worcester Street Aquatics Sub-committee

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