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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Thank-you Betsey Weintraub and Amy Chase! The Spring Party was amazing, filled with great people and bellowing laughter. A pretty good indication was that many of us were thrown out at the end so the club could close (er, so I've heard...). Betsey and Amy, all your effort really showed and you really created a perfect year-end party for Sprague. Thank-you again!!

Thank-you Julia de Peyster! I rode your coat tails, er skirt, through the actual auction. Your energy and humor throughout the event made a huge difference. I can't thank-you enough for being my partner auctioneer and leading the charge. I honestly could not have done that without you. The auction cleared its fund raising goal, people had fun participating, and allowed everyone to go back to party-mode quickly. A clear success!

Thank-you everyone who helped spot and swipe during the auction, as well as helped pull together the auction packages. This event is a labor of love by everyone in the community, and the amount of love exhibited was inspiring. We should all be very proud of the community we have nurtured around Sprague. We accomplished both our goals, raising enough funds to support the enrichment of our students next year and putting on a great party!

On other notes, thank-you Jill Fischmann for organizing the Bertucci's partnership! The fundraiser earlier in the week raised over $200 for the PTO, and it was a good excuse to support one of our local businesses.

The Field Day is set for June 11. It is a great day when all the kids get to participate in games and events out on the fields. We are looking for volunteers to help. Please sign up using the linked spreadsheet.

This Tuesday is the final PTO board meeting of the year. The preliminary budget for next year will be approved and the torch will be passed to Elaine Martin. Thank-you to everyone at Sprague for all the support this year you've shown the PTO and me. It has been a wonderful experience and I really have enjoyed getting to know everyone a little better throughout the year. We have a community filled with exceptional and caring families. I feel very privileged to be a part of such a great group.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

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