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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Upcoming Week at Sprague

Welcome to Sprague!

To all the new families at Sprague, the PTO would like to welcome you to the start of the school year. For all the returning families, Welcome Back! We hope all of you enjoyed your summer and are excited for the school year to begin.

Sprague is a unique school, and home to an energetic and committed group of parent volunteers. Our PTO is here to enhance your families' experiences by providing support to the teachers and professionals who work at the school, as well as foster a positive community for all the families. We are very excited for the school year to start and look forward to building on all the hard work completed over the years by families who have created the very special community at Sprague.

So again, we welcome you wholeheartedly. Please reach out to us if we can help you, or if you would like to learn more about Sprague PTO. Our volunteer mantra is, "It's never too little or too late."  We aim to help all parents, grandparents and guardians find a time and place to volunteer at Sprague if they choose to do so-- so please, consider contacting us and learning about all of the opportunities we have. Some of the most memorable experiences the elementary years hold are field trips, art projects, and field days-- or simply the day my Grandpa came to read a book to my class.

The Sprague PTO

Tuesday, September 3
First Day of School - The PTO will have a table set up with coffee and donuts to welcome back families and answer questions.

Thursday, September 5
School Closed - Rosh Hashanah

The Sprague School Online Directory went LIVE on Saturday, August 31st - have you input your family information yet?

Thank you to the many families who have already gone online and added/confirmed their contact information. Online Directory access instructions were sent out on Saturday, August 31st to all parent email addresses registered in the system.  Please review your account information for accuracy and make necessary updates. Easy access to the online directory can be found on the PTO website, by clicking on the Online Directory Box.

If you missed the initial deadline of August 23rd, please add your family/student information to the directory now or by Sunday, September 15th which is our final call for submissions. You will receive access to the online directory by Sunday, September 22nd by email and your family information will also be shared at that time in the online directory.  Families who miss the "opt in" date above will not be included in this year's printed directory.  Both PTO volunteers and individual families are responsible for gathering and providing contact information for the school directory, it does not come from the school or district offices.

For new families: Click Here:  ( to input your contact information. 

For returning families who have not yet updated and confirmed their contact information: Please email Cindy Marmer at and you will be sent an eConfirmation email with a personalize link for easier updating.

For questions or assistance with this process, 
contact Cindy Marmer at

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Performing Arts class in Wellesley

All About Us Performing Arts Co. Inc.
Expert theatre arts & main stage performances
Classes & performances held at Mass. Bay Community College,
50 Oakland St. in Wellesley in the John F. McKenzie Auditorium 

All about Us Kids - ages 6 and up
Fall show: Peter Pan
Performance dates: November 23-24 at 2:15 p.m.

Tweens and Teens - ages 10 & up
Fall show: 42nd Street
Performance dates: December 14-15 at 2:15 p.m. 

Classes start Saturday, 9/7/13
1:00-3:00 for All about us Kids
3:15-5:15 for Tweens and Teens

For more information:

Sprague Families: A Great Volunteer Opportunity!

Looking for people to host grade level socials:


Kindergarten and grade 3: Friday night 10/4
1st grade and 4th grade: Friday night 10/18
2nd grade and 5th grade: Friday night 10/25


Provide your home for parents at one grade level to
come and get to know each other better. Food, drinks,
paper goods, nametags, flowers, set up and clean up
will be done by others with your input/preferences of

If you would be kind and generous enough to open up
your home for this fun event, please contact Katy Comstock
at with the grade level you are 
interested in hosting.

Thank you!
~Katy Comstock
Sprague P.T.O. Social Chair 
(mother to Isabella Leone, 2nd grade) 

Upcoming events

• Kindergarten Classroom Visits , New Student/Family Tour & Popsicle Play date
Thursday 8/29 2:00-3:30 p.m. 

• First Day of School
Tuesday 9/3 - Coffee and donuts at 8:30 by the Sprague vegetable garden

• No School: Rosh Hashanah
Thursday 9/5

• New/Host Family Picnic
Tuesday 9/10, 6:00-7:30 p.m. 

• Back to School Night (Parents only) 
Thursday 9/12

• Ice Cream Social 
Thursday 9/19, 6:00-7:30 p.m. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

New/Host families Picnic

New/Host Families Picnic

Bring your own dinner and get to know each other better.

When: Tuesday, September 10th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. 
Where: Sprague back playground

1st Day of School, Tuesday Sept. 3rd- PTO Coffee at 8:30 a.m.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 1st Day of School, Tues., Sept. 3rd.
Please enjoy coffee and donuts at 8:30 a.m. by the Sprague Vegetable garden
or in the cafeteria if it's raining.

Kim Khoury, PTO president

Ice Cream Social

Come join us for the annual Sprague Ice Cream Social!

When: Thursday, September 19th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. 
Where: Sprague back playground 

Ice cream will be served compliments of the Sprague P.T.O. 

Kindergarten & New Families Visit

Calling all Kindergarten students and New Families to Sprague!

When: Thursday, August 29th
             2:00-3:30 p.m.


• Kindergarten students meet their teacher and visit their classroom
• New students/families meet the principal, Dr. Steve Goodwin and get a tour of Sprague
• Everyone enjoy a popsicle play date on the back playground to get to know each other