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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Dads & Donuts event this Thursday

2014 Book Fair

DADS and Donuts event

Remember this Thursday (tomorrow)
Dads’ and Donuts event!!

7 am – 8:30 am

Coffee, apple cider, donuts and lots of great books!
Don’t miss it!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Trick-or-treat for UNICEF

Each year, millions of kids across this country go trick-or-treating.  Some of those students also take along a UNICEF box to collect coins for those children who live in communities where basic needs (i.e., clean water, comfort from disease carrying mosquitoes, immunizations, ample food/sustenance) are sometimes in short supply.  Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began in 1950 as a way to help kids who need more than candy. Since then, children all over America have gone door-to-door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes, calling out, "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!" They have raised more than $170 million for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF since 1950.  

Sprague supports these efforts, and this week your child will receive a UNICEF box that they could bring along when they trick-or-treat.  The UNICEF boxes will come home with your child(ren) on Tuesday, October 28th.  **If you participate, all UNICEF boxes should be returned to the Sprague Main Office by Friday, November 7th.**  If you would like to write a check and or receive one, it should be made out to "U.S. Fund for UNICEF".  Thank you!  

For more information about Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, please go to  

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, October 28th-31st
Scholastic Book Fair week

Friday, October 31st

Halloween Parade

Tuesday, November 4th
Walk To School Day
8:45 School Committee (KC Kato) Talk with Parents
9:30 PTO Board meeting, all Invited
12:00 Dismissal K-5 for Parent Conference

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Everyone is probably in the final stretch of stitching together Halloween costumes, literally and figuratively. It is always fun to watch our little monsters (er princess/ princesses) put on their costumes for Halloween. The parade of costumes at Sprague will occur Friday morning with a set route so that all parents/ paparazzi can snap enough photos to fill their memory cards. Be safe on Halloween!

The grade level social season drew to a close Friday evening with the second grade parents celebrating all that is wonderful about having a baby-sitter on Friday night. Thank-you Melissa and Kevin Martin for opening your home and providing an outlet for all the pent-up parental social needs.

The Scholastic Book Fair happens this week, October 28-30. This is one of my favorite events of the year as the kids have the opportunity to browse through titles and choose what they want to read. It also gives them an opportunity to set a budget for themselves and work to remain within it. (Why should grown-ups have all the fun?) Parents are encouraged to come in during the time their child's class visits the book fair to assist their book worms. Also, the teachers have put together a wish list of books they would like for their classrooms, another way to support your child's learning. Finally, Catherine and Andrea purposely scheduled Dads and Donuts for Thursday so all the lost donut fans can find sustenance during the reconstruction of the Dunkin' Donuts on Route 9.

The Wellesley Education Fund is celebrating twenty-five years of hosting the Spelling Bee on November 6 and Sprague is sending an All-Star team to claim the title. Kim Khoury, Julia de Peyster and Brian Hagar-McKee are busy memorizing the spelling of EVERY SINGLE WORD in the dictionary. You can come support our team in your finest Sprague inspired 'habiliments,' and bring your 'lorgnettes' to watch the action.

Preparations for the Cookie Walk on December 11 are well underway by Elizabeth Young. She has assembled a stellar team and the plans look amazing. Elizabeth would like some help with cookie coordination, which offers a wonderful opportunity to work with some really fabulous people. If interested, please contact Elizabeth.

One note, on November 4 a member of the School Committee, Ms. KC Kato, will talk to interested Sprague parents at 8:45a in the cafeteria. This is a good opportunity to learn about initiatives within Wellesley schools and to ask questions. Immediately following Ms. Kato, the PTO board will meet.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Walk to School Day – November 4th

The next Walk to School Day is Tuesday, November 4th!  

November 4th is also Election Day, and since Sprague is a polling station, it may be more crowded in the parking lot... even more reason to leave the car behind and walk/bike/scoot to school! 

Many thanks to parent volunteers Jenn Fallon, Lisa Neighbors and Emily Shanahan for their help at October’s Walk to School Day. 

We could use a couple more parent volunteers for November 4th.  If you are able to help out that morning, email Lizzie Murillo (

WEF Spelling Bee November 6th

November 6th at 7:00 pm at  Sprague Elementary School is 

Wellesley Education Foundation’s 25th Anniversary Spelling Bee

To Donate, Participate, and/or Share Memories Visit:  

Please also link to the Bee via WEF’s website, Twitter and Facebook:   

One more week until the Cradles to Crayons Drive

The Cradles to Crayons drive at Sprague 
takes place from November 3-7

We will be collecting new or gently used clothing, toys and books for children in need.  5th grade volunteers will be in car line each day to gather your donations and there will also be a C2C donation bin in the main lobby.

There will be a town wide sorting day 
at Babson College on 
Saturday November 8 from 9:30-12:00.  

Sign up for the sorting day using the link below – the link does not specify shifts, so you can feel free to attend the sorting day for as long as you are able.  This is a great community service event for families!  

Please contact Jenn Friedman with any

Around Town

A walkin clinic for Wellesley residents 18+
WHO: Wellesley residents 18+
WHEN: Thursday, October 30, 2014

TIME: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
WHERE: Wellesley Hills Congregational Church
207 Washington Street (Route 16)
Wellesley, MA 02481

Medicare and some insurance plans for those 18 and older will
be accepted. Donations welcome. Caregivers of homebound
residents should contact the Wellesley Health Department at
781‐235‐0135 to schedule an appointment.
For more information visit:

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) 101 – Wednesday, October 29, 2014, 6:30-8:00 PM
 – Wellesley Town Hall – Great Hall

MEMA is the State agency responsible for coordinating the response to emergencies and disasters. Richard LaTour, Jr., Local Coordinator from MEMA will provide an overview of “Who’s Who and What’s What” at MEMA. Light dinner will be served and all attendees will receive goody bags! Please send RSVP to Cheryl Lefman: or by telephone 781.235.0135.

Dear Wellesley families,

A quick reminder that the Wellesley Youth Hockey Learn to Play & Mosquito Program is now open for registration. These programs are for beginning and returning hockey players alike, ages 4 1/2 to 8, and serve as the building blocks for our hockey program. The season starts Saturday, November 1 and is ideal for the developing hockey player. For more information please visit our website:
Thanks for your support,
The WYHA Board of Directors

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Time to clean out the closets!

Sprague will be participating in the Wellesley wide 
Cradles to Crayons drive from November 3-7.  

We will be collecting new or gently used clothing, toys and books for children in need.  Your donations support Cradles to Crayons’ efforts to help children living in homeless or low-income situations have the essentials they need. Last year, Wellesley donated more items than any other town in Massachusetts with strong participation from Sprague.

 Please help us keep the momentum alive! 

More information about volunteering the week of the drive and the town-wide sorting day at Babson coming soon!sa

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sprague Scholastic Book Fair

Sprague Scholastic Book Fair 
 -- The Kingdom of Books --

We need your help! Join us for a ½ hour shift or for the whole afternoon.

Volunteers are especially needed for set-up on Monday afternoon & the event early morning on Thursday : Anyone who could donate an hour to help cashier, re -shelve and help kids choose books would be greatly appreciated.  No experience is necessary!  Click here to sign up

Please Mark your Calendar:
Tuesday October 28th – Thursday, October 30th 8:30am – 3:30pm all three days
Plus – our second annual - Dads and Donuts on Thursday 30th from 7am to 8:30am.   Bring your kids for a donut and some special time with Dad picking books and reading in the cafeteria.

Parents are invited to visit the book fair at any time and each of your children will visit the book fair with their class.  Check the chart below to see when your children will visit. You may send money in with your child to purchase books when they visit the book fair.  For younger kids, it’s often helpful to have a parent there as well.

You are not able to visit the book fair….no worries, you can shop online at:

Don’t forget to bring your pre-order for the New Diary of Wimpy Kid during the book fair!!

If you have questions please contact 
Catherine Mirick, or 
Andrea Doglioli,

2013 Book Fair Class Visits

Tue Oct 28th
Wed Oct 29th
Thu Oct 30th
9 to 9:30
3AR – Rogers
2KF - Fiore
4TD – Drake
9:30 to 10
5EB - Banthin
4MH - Henzel
3JB – Byrne
10 to 10:30
2KC- Casalena
5KC - Craig
5BH – Hale
10:30 to 11
3JL – Lundbohn
KSB – Bartelloni
KKB - Bender
11 to 11:30
1KL - Lindquist
4JH - Heckman
KGG - Gledhill
1 to 1:30
1DG - Lai

1LM - Mortarelli
1:30 to 2
2LB - Blumenthal

2 to 2:30
4JM - McManus

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, October 28th
Scholastic Book Fair week

Friday, October 31st

Halloween Parade

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Grade level socials were in full swing Friday night, testing the scheduling flexibility and intestinal fortitude of Ms. Snyder and myself. Thank-you Sarah and Paul Green, Catherine and Chris Mirick, Michele and David Frost, and Carrie and Will Reepmeyer for opening your homes to the community and supplying a little more warmth to us all. Also, thank-you to everyone who contributed food and supplies to the events. Finally, thank-you again Karyn DeVito and Andrea Scampini for organizing all of them and ensuring they went of smoothly.

The BOKS program starts up this week, running on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. BOKS is a before-school physical activity program that sparks a child's mind and body for better learning during the day. Thank-you Elaine Marten for organizing this program! It is a great way to ensure our kids start-off the day on the right foot. Elaine could use a few more parents to help with the program. Please email her at if you would like to help or sign-up your child for the program.

The Book Fair is right around the corner and you should have received information in your child's folder. The incredible pair of Andrea Doglioli and Catherine Mirick have again organized an awesome book fair for the kids on the days of October 28-30. One of my favorite personal events, Dads and Donuts, is on October 30 and offers a great opportunity for all the fathers to spend some time picking out a book with their kids and sharing it over a donut. 

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Sprague Scholastic Book Fair

Sprague Scholastic Book Fair

 -- The Kingdom of Books --

Tuesday October 28th – Thursday, October 30th

8:30am – 3:30pm all three days

Plus – our second annual - Dads and Donuts on Thursday 30th from 7am to 8:30am.  Bring your kids for a donut and some special time with Dad picking books and reading in the cafeteria.

This week your child should have received the book fair flyer and a pre-order for the New Diary of Wimpy Kid. This pre-order can be brought to school during the book fair.

Parents are invited to visit the book fair at any time and each of your children will visit the book fair with their class.  Check the chart below to see when your children will visit. You may send money in with your child to purchase books when they visit the book fair.  For younger kids, it’s often helpful to have a parent there as well.

You are not able to visit the book fair….no worries, you can shop online at:

We are still looking for VolunteersAnyone who could donate an hour to help cashier, re -shelve and help kids choose books would be greatly appreciated.  No experience is necessary!  Click here to sign up

If you have questions please contact Catherine Mirick, or Andrea Doglioli ,

2013 Book Fair Class Visits

Tue Oct 28th
Wed Oct 29th
Thu Oct 30th
9 to 9:30
3AR – Rogers
2KF - Fiore
4TD – Drake
9:30 to 10
5EB - Banthin
4MH - Henzel
3JB – Byrne
10 to 10:30
2KC- Casalena
5KC - Craig
5BH – Hale
10:30 to 11
3JL – Lundbohn
KSB – Bartelloni
KKB - Bender
11 to 11:30
1KL - Lindquist
4JH - Heckman
KGG - Gledhill
1 to 1:30
1DG - Lai

1LM - Mortarelli
1:30 to 2
2LB - Blumenthal

2 to 2:30
4JM - McManus

Support Sprague!!


Do you have a TARGET Credit or Debit REDcard? Every time you use it at Target and , not only will you save 5% on your purchases, but Target will donate 1% of your purchases to help the eligible K-12 school of your choice.
Follow the link below to assign Sprague to your REDcard.

Around town

Superintendent's Advisory Committees

WPS and the Wellesley Education Foundation are partnering to form four Superintendent's Advisory Committees (SACs) that will advise and support the implementation of key areas of the school district’sStrategic Plan. WEF and WPS are seeking qualified, passionate candidates from varied backgrounds and experiences, including private industry, academia and non-profit or civic organizations to serve on these committees.  

If interested in serving on a Superintendent’s Advisory Committee, please fill out this SAC interest form by Monday, Nov. 3.  

For more information, please refer to the "Overview of the SACs" <insert url for uploaded document or for new WPS sub-page> or to the description of the SACs on WEF's website.  If questions, please email:

The Wellesley Youth Basketball Association (WYBA)

is pleased to announce the grand opening of the new, outdoor Hunnewell Courts.  Located next to the high school track and football field, the court has four hoops and, beginning next month, lights will be installed to extend your basketball playing time!  

To celebrate, on October 25th, between the hours of 11am and 1pm, WYBA will be hosting a variety of activities, including: 3 on 3 games, free throw and around the world competitions, and much more.  We hope you will stop by to share in the fun.  All ages and abilities are welcome.  As a courtesy to the neighbors in the surrounding area, please park only in approved spaces such as the high school parking lot.


November 6th at 7:00 pm at  Sprague Elementary School 

is Wellesley Education Foundation’s 

25th Anniversary Spelling Bee

To Donate, Participate, and/or Share Memories Visit:



Please also link to the Bee via WEF’s website, Twitter and Facebook:

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reminder: Grade Level socials this Friday

Grade Level Socials all held this coming Friday, 
October 17th

Fourth grade
7:00:  hosted by Sarah and Paul Green at 18 Alba Road. 

Fifth grade
7:00:  hosted by Catherine and Chris Mirick at 65 Kingsbury Street. 

Third grade
7:30:  hosted by Michele and David Frost at 42 Calvin Road. 

8:00:  hosted by Carrie and Will Reepmeyer at 8 Kirkland Circle. 

Please RSVP, if you have not already done.