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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, March 3rd
Walk to school Day
9:00a Math Coaches Presentation on Common Core Standards in Cafeteria
9:30a PTO Board Meeting in Cafeteria

Friday, March 6th

8:00a Sprague Open House (Note the morning time)

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

"The arctic fox is an incredibly hardy animal that can survive frigid Arctic temperatures as low as –58°F (-50°C) in the treeless lands where it makes its home. It has furry soles, short ears, and a short muzzle—all-important adaptations to the chilly clime. Arctic foxes live in burrows, and in a blizzard they may tunnel into the snow to create shelter." - National Geographic

Each time I exit through the back door into our arctic freezer, climb the seven foot snow pile on the back deck, emerging from my burrow to scan the barren landscape for signs of life and ice dams, I feel more fox-like. Anyone else having these issues? I know many of you have actively tunneled into the snow to create snow shelters, so I can't be too far off...

Lately it has taken some fox-like behavior to find a spot in our shrinking parking lot. Once again, please be patient and cautious as all of us navigate around the blind corners created by the snow piles.

This week we can pad across the wind-swept landscape for Walk-to-School Day on Tuesday. If you wish to stick around, there is a discussion of the Common Core Math Standards at 9:00a in the cafeteria, followed by the PTO board meeting. The main topic for discussion at the board meeting will be the Spring Party/ Auction. Everyone is always welcome to join us. So, if you are curious like a fox (or crazy from the weather) about what happens during these meeting, I encourage you to join us.

On Friday morning we have the Sprague Open House at 8:00am. This morning time is a change from last year. We understand the morning time is not the best for some of you. The staff plans to evaluate whether the adjusted schedule encouraged more parents to participate after Friday and make any necessary adjustments going forward.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Walk To School Day

The next Walk to School Day is this

 Tuesday, March 3, 2015.  

So, get out your walking boots, mittens and hats to join us!  Walkers, please be extra careful on the sidewalks and streets.

If you are able to help out at the sign-in tables, or if you have any questions, please contact me (  Stay warm and walk safely!  Lizzie Murillo

Around Town

Come Experience Tuesday Night Lights on Tuesday, March 31 at Sprague

Come learn the proper techniques of playing football from Wellesley Youth Football (WYF) Coaches who are well trained in “Head’s Up Football".  We want to educate you and answer all of your questions at the WYF Education Forum. Kids are welcome!

WYF Education Forum
Meet with Dr. Beng Yen –WYF Coach and Safety Director, and current WYF coaches

Learn about WYF expectations and commitment to the program, and find out about our American Youth Football Affiliation

Sprague Elementary School Gym

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Who Should Attend:
Any parents and children interested in learning more about the WYF program who are entering 2nd through 7th grade in the fall 2015.

For More Information:

Amy Paladino,
Lisa Wesley,

Calling All Kindergarten and First Grade Girls
You’re invited to a Daisy Girl Scout troop formation meeting!
This event is for girls in grades K-1 to meet new friends and participate in fun activities. 
Adults learn and ask questions about Girl Scouts.

Sunday, March 15th from 3-4pm
Wellesley Community Center, 219 Washington St. (Intersection with Rte. 9).

For more information about joining Girl Scouts in Wellesley contact
Kristen Schweikert at 617-352-0149 or


Wellesley STEM Expo on March 28, 2015
Wellesley High School

Time to start planning your day for the Wellesley STEM Expo, a Wellesley Education Foundation Event, which includes hands-on fun for all ages and is FREE and open to the public! Over 75 Exhibits and 15 workshops will be offered from 10-2 pm, and at 2 pm, we are excited to host Dr. Sheila Nirenberg, MacArthur "Genius" Award Winner, as the keynote speaker to discuss "Cracking the Code to the Future of Robotic Vision".

For more details, please see the STEM Expo flyer 

There is something for everyone
On Sunday, March 15
the Wellesley Symphony Orchestra will present its 
annual Family Concert at MassBay Community College
50 Oakland Street, Wellesley.

Pre-concert activities begin at 1:30 with an Instrument Petting Zoo, during which children may try various instruments. At 2:15 there will be a Show 'n' Tell with members of the Orchestra talking about their instruments and playing them. The concert, featuring the Wellesley 6th Grade Chorus, Middle School String Orchestra and the winner of our Young Soloist Competition, begins at 3:00 pm. For more information visit or call 781-235-0515. Children under 12 FREE.
Please join Wellesley Parents Supporting Art Students, (WPSAS), 
on Tues. March 3rd at 7pm 
at WHS Art Room 342 
for our general meeting & learn how you can help support art in our schools. 
All are welcome! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Are you a bear or a goose? Personally, I'm a bear and try to hibernate during the winter with layers of long underwear and sweaters. Others, migrate to warmer places and escape the cold weather. Whichever you are, welcome back to the reality of Sprague school. We hope you had a fun break and we will do our best to offer a warm reception!

Thank-you Jennifer and Andrew Vernazza and Michelle and Jon Walsh for all the effort organizing the Sprague Ski weekend and the warm hospitality provided up in Maine. You went above and beyond organizing a fabulous event for everyone who made the trek up to Sunday River. The fact you reserved exceptional ski conditions put it over the top! Thank-you again for all your effort.

Looking forward (because dwelling on February is not productive), the first week of March really kicks us back into the swing of things. On Tuesday, March 3 we have scheduled Walk to School, as well as the PTO Board Meeting at 9am. At the board meeting the Math coaches will present about Common Core Math Standards. We encourage parents to attend who are interested in learning more about these standards. On Friday, March 6 the Sprague open house will happen in the morning, from 8am to 9:30am. By changing the open house to the morning the hope is it will allow both parents to attend.

All of us are likely a little frayed at the moment. Please remember to use caution in the parking lots and have patience as all of us maneuver around snow banks and ice sheets.

Warm Regards!

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, March 3rd
Walk to school Day
9:00a Math Coaches Presentation on Common Core Standards in Cafeteria
9:30a PTO Board Meeting in Cafeteria

Friday, March 6th
8:00a Sprague Open House (Note the morning time)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Upcoming dates

Wednesday, February 11th
Walk to school Day
9:00 PTO Board Meeting in Cafetaria

Monday, February 16th - Friday, February 20th

H.E.A.R.T felt Thanks!

Thank you to everyone who participated in and 
contributed to our Valentine community service project!
It was a huge success.  

Our 24 student volunteers in grades 3-5 created beautiful gift bags and valentines. We filled the bags with our community's donations of boxed valentines and on Thursday Family Services Coalition distributed 74 Valentine bags to 74 happy kids and families! It was a wonderful surprise for them and truly appreciated. 

What an amazing display of H.E.A.R.T values by our whole community
-way to go Sprague!

Walk to School Day

Walk to School Day is this Wednesday, February 11th, 2015!

If you are able to help out at the sign-in tables, or if you have any questions, please contact me (  

Stay warm!  Lizzie Murillo

Dr. Robert Brooks to speak at Bates School

The Bates PTO has invited Dr. Robert Brooks to speak at Bates school on March 5th at 7pm.  

Dr. Brooks is a well known author and speaker and will specifically be discussing "raising resilient children."  His talks have captivated audiences across the country and have been described as informative, realistic, humorous, and inspiring.   

Bates PTO would like to extend an invitation for the parents of the other elementary schools in Wellesley to join us on March 5th.

You can read more about Dr Robert Brooks at