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Saturday, April 26, 2014

PTO Volunteer Opportunity - Environmental Sciences

Over the next few weeks we will highlight a few PTO-managed programs offering volunteer opportunities. We hope to encourage enough people to help with each of these programs to make the commitment quite manageable and add a fun social dynamic for the volunteers. 

As is the case with all PTO activities, these opportunities will offer a chance to help the students of Sprague and make new friends with parents of children in different grades.

This week we highlight the Environmental Sciences program. 

Each year the PTO administers the nature walks for each classroom. This program has proven valuable by allowing the students to explore and better understand their environment. If you have volunteered for this program in the past, you know it is a fun half hour outside during which the students 'discover' plants and animals and learn about their surroundings.

We are looking for at least six to seven people to help administer this program next year. Ideally, one person to help coordinate each grade level and at least one person to oversee the program.

The administration is relatively light. Generally it requires sending out emails to parents, coordinating with the teacher, and spending a few mornings at school.

If you are interested in helping with the program, please send an email to either Matthew McKay at, or Melissa Martin at

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