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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sprague Elementary 8th Annual Cookie Walk!

What is the Cookie Walk?
It is an event where you can buy a wonderful assortment of holiday cookies and other treats, enjoy entertainment by the LINX dance troupe, purchase raffle tickets for your chance to win amazing prizes, and write a letter to a soldier which will be delivered for you right after the event. This event is an important fundraiser for our school.

When is it?
Thursday, December 5th from 2:30-5:00 p.m. (snow date 12/6 2:30-5:00 p.m.)
Location: Sprague Elementary gym, 401 School St., Wellesley

Calling all Sprague Bakers
Preheat your ovens, and show off your best cookie recipe at our yummiest fundraiser! We NEED tons of cookies and we appreciate ANY amount you can bake but this year we are hoping for 3-6 dozen per family.  If you can bake more it will be GREAT, but if you cannot, no worries! We also welcome gluten-free and peanut/tree-nut free items. If you cannot bake, consider purchasing items at a local bakery that look homemade!  Wrap up the cookies festively in bundles of 6 and label them with the type of cookie you baked OR just label them and we will wrap them for you for a $5 flat fee.
Drop off cookies: Thursday December 5th at car line from 8:10 to 8:45

Please let us know how many cookies or other baked items you are able to make by either:
*Filling out the form being sent home via backpack this week and returning to your child's teacher OR
*e-mailing Adam Van Arsdale at

We need Volunteers
To make this a great event, we need volunteers to wrap cookies, help set up, be cashiers, and help clean up. 

*Click HERE to sign up for the following volunteer shifts:
   -8:10-9:00 / 9-11 / 11-1 / 1-3 / 2:30-5:30 / 3:30-4:30 / 4:30-5:30

Thank you in advance for making our Sprague Cookie Walk a success!!!
Katy Comstock & Adam Van Arsdale

Cookie Walk is getting GREENER!
Please bring your own bags to bring home purchased cookies from the Cookie Walk.  Also, in an effort to go green, there will not be bottled water available at this event so please bring your own reusable water bottles.  Thank you!!

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