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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Dear Sprague Community,

5 more days left! It’s been a wonderful week with many events. I’ve enjoyed meeting new families and seeing all the smiling faces from the picnic to field day. 

My boys have definitely had fun with hearing their mom being called "The President". I had failed to mention this term to them.  This news created great excitement at our house as they somehow thought that meant that I could make all the rules at school. Well, not so much.

During Field Day this week (my fav), I watched as teachers, aides and parents supported ALL of our students. I saw our kids cheer each other on and everyone work to solve problems as they came up in a kind and gentle way. 

I also saw Mrs. Fiore run with her feet in buckets, Mr. McManus class cheer him on as he raced while trying not to spill water and aides hold hands and run together to integrate children. 

One thought I had was that this was not just about movement but about seeing each other in a different space. Maybe even a vulnerable space, the same as some children may feel in the classroom. In the end, even when hot and tired, there was good all around and people helping and supporting one another. That’s Sprague Spirit! I told you, I LOVE Field Day. 

Exciting news, thank you to Patty Javidi and Erica Meyers for stepping up to fill the Treasures position for the PTO next year. This is a behind the scenes job that is highly involved. We appreciate their support and are grateful to have them. The PTO will finalize this position with a vote in the fall. 

I’ve had the privilege through the years to watch as our community has rallied behind families through illness or loss. Our strength often shines during these times. We’ve added below two community events coming up that support the Joe Perdoni Family Trust Fund and another for the Davidson Family Fund. Our hearts go out to both of these families. 

Many have asked how I feel about taking on the PTO this year.  I thought how fitting that this weekend, after taking on this role, I’m hiking Mt. Washington. Somehow, the PTO role kinda feels like a yes to hiking Mt. Washington. You check your gear, study the trail, keep up your fitness and keep checking the weather. We have a great school and a great team of parents with lots of heart and Sprague spirit. The weather is looking good. Will it be easy? Not always, but I feel up to the challenge. I hope you’ll join me. We have lots of ways to volunteer, support and get involved. 

5 days and the summer is all yours! 

Kind regards,
Elaine Marten
Sprague PTO President


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