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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,
Rusticity's ungainly form 
May cloud the highest mind; 
But when the heart is nobly warm, 
The good excuse will find. 

Propriety's cold, cautious rules 
Warm fervour may o'erlook: 
But spare poor sensibility 
Th' ungentle, harsh rebuke. 
- Robert Burns - On Sensibility, 1786

Forgive my Scottish indulgence, I offer this poem after eating haggis and drinking Scotch to celebrate Robbie Burns Day.

The final numbers for Cookie Walk were presented at the PTO Board meeting. This year the net income goal was exceeded by over $2,200! (Which does not include Spirit Shop) Thank-you again to everyone who helped out and to Elizabeth Young for her leadership this year. We would love to identify a person or team for Cookie Walk next year (Many hands will help lighten the load). Elizabeth is happy to go over her plans while they are still fresh in her head.

A new social event was added for the end of January. The Bar Method has generously offered a complimentary private class on Thursday January 29 at 8p for anyone within Sprague who is interested. This is a great opportunity to hang out with friends, work off the holidays, and try out something new.

It is not too late to sign-up for the Ski Trip (see below). We have thirty-three families attending so far and the schedule put together by Jennifer Vernazza and Michelle Walsh promises a great time for all.

Parking has been an issue lately, we know. A lively discussion broke-out during the PTO board meeting about the topic. Our school has almost a hundred more students attending it than when it was originally opened, and we appear near gridlock (or worse) if solutions are not found. Ms. Snyder suggested we have the Wellesley Police come in and study the traffic patterns and usage in order to develop the most effective solution. Elaine Marten has also been proactive about discussing the matter with DPW concerning School Bus vans parked in our lot. Hopefully between these two efforts we will find a solution to ease the congestion.

In the meantime, we ask all parents to be patient and adhere to a few rules in order to improve safety and hopefully lower frustration levels:

(1) Do not wait in the car line if your child is a walker. This extends the car line well into the back parking lot and creates congestion for people trying to get into car line and into the back parking lot to park.
(2) Use the back parking lot. It is a longer walk, but ultimately much safer.
(3) Do not park other cars in, even if you think you'll be '30 seconds.' It creates congestion and traps families trying to exit.
(4) Do not double park next to car line and wait for your walker. It is very dangerous for children to walk between cars in car line, plus you are blocking a lane of traffic towards the exit.
(5) Do not park in the bus circle. Even after the initial buses leave, other buses are using that circle and parked cars congest the area.
(6) Park only in designated spaces. Do not park in lanes of traffic next to the curb, or in handicap spaces (unless authorized). 
(7) Be Patient. Be Courteous. Remember we have little ones running around who can be unpredictable and difficult to see from the drivers seat of a car.

The issue is being addressed. Please be patient as solutions are discussed. Thank-you!

Warm Regards,
Matthew McKay

Sprague PTO President

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