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Saturday, March 22, 2014

News from Committee 21: Budget Override

News From Committee 21: What’s in the Gap List?
Wellesley Public Schools superintendent David Lussier and the School Committee have finalized the so-called “Gap List,” which details the $2.8 million in cuts from Wellesley schools that will be made should Town Meeting and the voters not approve the proposed town budget.
If the voters do not pass an override (or Town Meeting fails to give voters the opportunity to pass an override by not approving the proposed budget) the cuts to the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 school budget will total $2,820,082. Fully 46 percent of those cuts would be to existing staff and services.

Here is the breakdown by category*:
46 percent: Level Service - Base (existing staff, services), $1,303,787
16 percent: Level Service - Enrollment Driven (new spending due to increased enrollment, particularly at the HS), $461,260
8 percent: Strategic Plan - Technology, $215,277
19 percent: Strategic Plan - Full Day K, $537,240
4 percent: Strategic Plan - Curriculum, $125,454
6 percent: Other spending & programs, $177,064

*Click HERE to see the Gap List in an easy-to-read graph. 

For more on the Gap List and town government, visit the Committee 21 website home page and FAQ page. The full Gap List can be found here.

How do I contact my Town Meeting members about the budget? 
During Town Meeting, which begins March 31, Town Meeting members will vote on the proposed budget. If Town Meeting approves the budget, the proposed budget override (approximately $3.3 million total, which includes funds for other town departments) will be presented to the voters in the form of a ballot question in late May or early June. 
If Town Meeting does not approve the proposed budget, there will not be a town-wide vote, and items from the above Gap List will be eliminated. 
If voters feel strongly about an issue, they are encouraged to contact their elected representatives and express their views. Names and addresses of Town Meeting members can be found on the Town of Wellesley Website.  If you are unsure about which precinct you live in, you can check the Precincts map, or contact the Town Clerk’s office.
Want to get involved? Contact Becca Cahaly (, Mate Converse ( or Eunice Groark (, Committee 21 reps or email Committee 21.

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