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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

One the best parts of involvement in Sprague is every once in a while you stumble into a magical scene. The school assembly on Friday afternoon was one of those moments. I'll be honest, I miss hearing the H.E.A.R.T. awards given out in the morning, but understand it was disruptive to the teachers trying to start the day. This year the HEART awards are given out during the assembly. So when I heard an assembly was going on I quickly went to the gym. Hearing all the kind acts and hard work of our students who earned HEART awards was, well, heart warming. An unexpected bonus was watching a performance by a group of fourth grade girls of Jessie J's Price Tag, including an epic rap segment!

    Seems like everybody's got a price
    I wonder how they sleep at night
    When the sale comes first
    And the truth comes second
    Just stop for a minute and

If you passed Scott Marder in the hallway this week, you might have noticed he had an even brighter twinkle in his eyes (almost Will Ferrell Elfish). He received his new set of bongo drums this week and has already had great success at working with the kids while using them. Apparently Mr. Hagar-McKee heard the beat echo down the hallway and the two of them are exploring ways to work together. The bongo drums were purchased by the PTO to support Mr. Marder. I hear other schools are also looking into buying them as well.

Sprague received twelve new PTO-funded laptops last week to supplement the ones already owned by the school. Ms. Mandel had mentioned a shortage of laptops last spring, due largely to the size of Sprague relative to other elementary schools in Wellesley. The laptops have made an immediate impact, as highlighted by a thank-you note from Ms. Henzel:

"Thank you SO much for purchasing another 12 additional laptops for the kids at Sprague. It is AMAZING the way the PTO supports its students and staff. It will make an amazing difference. THANK YOU!!!"
I will echo Ms. Henzel's sentiment. Thank-you for all of the support! Your support has a huge impact on the school and our children.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

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