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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

               “Despite the forecast, live like it's spring.”  
                                         - Lilly Pulitzer

Spring sprung, winter splatted. Don't know about you, but my mind is turning to grassy fields and flowering forsythia. And so... efforts are in the works to rid us all of the winter scourge, despite the forecast.
Bring your shovels and pick axes this Wednesday afternoon, we're storming the ice palace! Mason Smith and Anne Marvan are gearing up and organizing an assault party. The playground is rather treacherous with the hard packed snow and ice, resulting in a steady stream of young visitors to the nurse's office. Monday through Wednesday should provide sunny warmer weather and we hope to clear portions of the playground to improve safety for the kids. Ms. Snyder is also working to bring in reinforcements from the DPW to remove snow and ice.
Coming up on March 28 is the second Wellesley STEM Expo at the high school. Last year's expo blew my mind with the quality and variety of STEM exhibits and workshops. Our very own Julia de Peyster is one of the master minds behind the organization, so you know it will be another incredible event. It is definitely worth a visit.

On the social side, our dynamic duo of Karyn DeVito and Andrea Scampini are at it again. They have helped organize a class at Cycle Bar on Monday, April 13 at 11:00a. A light lunch and social opportunity will follow the class. Our own Jacqie Stathis has generously offered to stoke the burn in the legs. In the spirit of a healthy body, the event will be an opportunity to donate playground equipment.

Looking forward a bit further, Bridget Banta has begun organizing the Sprague float for the parade. She has some awesome ideas for showing off our H.E.A.R.T. to the community. The Wellesley Veterans' Parade will happen on the weekend of May 16/17. Expect to hear more about the plans in the near future.

Thank-you Becca Cahaly and Angie Martinez for organizing another exceptional Teachers Appreciation lunch. As always, the teachers and staff very much appreciated all the effort you and everyone who contributes put into adding a little more spirit in the school. From one appreciative recipient, "Thanks SO much for a wonderful lunch yesterday!  it was one of the best!!!  Thank you for all your efforts - we look forward to these special treats for days.  ;-)  I am also well aware of, and  appreciate all the effort it takes on your parts.  You all make Sprague a great place to work..." High praise indeed!
 Warm Regards,
Matthew McKay

Sprague PTO President


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