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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

One the best parts of involvement in Sprague is every once in a while you stumble into a magical scene. The school assembly on Friday afternoon was one of those moments. I'll be honest, I miss hearing the H.E.A.R.T. awards given out in the morning, but understand it was disruptive to the teachers trying to start the day. This year the HEART awards are given out during the assembly. So when I heard an assembly was going on I quickly went to the gym. Hearing all the kind acts and hard work of our students who earned HEART awards was, well, heart warming. An unexpected bonus was watching a performance by a group of fourth grade girls of Jessie J's Price Tag, including an epic rap segment!

    Seems like everybody's got a price
    I wonder how they sleep at night
    When the sale comes first
    And the truth comes second
    Just stop for a minute and

If you passed Scott Marder in the hallway this week, you might have noticed he had an even brighter twinkle in his eyes (almost Will Ferrell Elfish). He received his new set of bongo drums this week and has already had great success at working with the kids while using them. Apparently Mr. Hagar-McKee heard the beat echo down the hallway and the two of them are exploring ways to work together. The bongo drums were purchased by the PTO to support Mr. Marder. I hear other schools are also looking into buying them as well.

Sprague received twelve new PTO-funded laptops last week to supplement the ones already owned by the school. Ms. Mandel had mentioned a shortage of laptops last spring, due largely to the size of Sprague relative to other elementary schools in Wellesley. The laptops have made an immediate impact, as highlighted by a thank-you note from Ms. Henzel:

"Thank you SO much for purchasing another 12 additional laptops for the kids at Sprague. It is AMAZING the way the PTO supports its students and staff. It will make an amazing difference. THANK YOU!!!"
I will echo Ms. Henzel's sentiment. Thank-you for all of the support! Your support has a huge impact on the school and our children.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Spin into Spring!

Join fellow Sprague parents for an upbeat, fun workout at CycleBar Wellesley on Monday, April 13 at 11:00am. CycleBar caters to all fitness levels, and has graciously offered this class to the Sprague community as a chance to get moving again after a long winter!

A light lunch will follow. Sign up here:

In lieu of payment, please bring an item off of the Playground Wish List:

Playground Balls
Footballs: Nerf and standard
Sidewalk Chalk
Soccer Balls
Flag Football set
Hula Hoops
Hackie Sacks
Jump Ropes: individual or large

Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Invitation to the Wellesley STEM Expo, and Call for Volunteers for the Sprague Activity Booth

On March 28, 2015 Wellesley High School will be transformed into a series of interactive science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) activities geared towards elementary, middle and/or high school ages, for the 2nd Annual Wellesley STEM Exhibition.  Each elementary school will have at least one activity at the expo, including our very own Sprague M&M Math. 

There are over 100 exhibitors signed up with exhibits open from 10-2 pm, and at 2 pm Dr. Sheila Nirenberg, a MacArthur "Genius" Award Winner", will give a keynote address discussing  "Cracking the Code to the Future of Robotic Vision".  New activities this year include:

  • Expanded robot zoo everything from SUV to insect sized robots including WALL-E naturally interactive robot, wizard's levitating chess set, motorized paper airplane dispenser and more.
  • Sports STEM area - Learn about testing of baseball bats and balls, see how a Titleist golf ball is made, experience centrifugal force like a figure skater, use geometry to increase your odds of making a basketball shot, learn how an alpine ski is made and more.
  • No advanced sign up required for workshops this year.
We are seeking volunteers for the Sprague table between 10:00a and 4:00p.  Please sign up for a 45 minute slot to show people/visitors how to do a simple math exercise using M&M candy.  Your child/children can help too!  No technical knowledge is needed.  Sign up via the Google Form link.

For more information visit the STEM Expo link below or email Sprague’s representative: Matthew McKay at

Wellesley Education Foundation - Attend 2015 STEM Expo (

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

               “Despite the forecast, live like it's spring.”  
                                         - Lilly Pulitzer

Spring sprung, winter splatted. Don't know about you, but my mind is turning to grassy fields and flowering forsythia. And so... efforts are in the works to rid us all of the winter scourge, despite the forecast.
Bring your shovels and pick axes this Wednesday afternoon, we're storming the ice palace! Mason Smith and Anne Marvan are gearing up and organizing an assault party. The playground is rather treacherous with the hard packed snow and ice, resulting in a steady stream of young visitors to the nurse's office. Monday through Wednesday should provide sunny warmer weather and we hope to clear portions of the playground to improve safety for the kids. Ms. Snyder is also working to bring in reinforcements from the DPW to remove snow and ice.
Coming up on March 28 is the second Wellesley STEM Expo at the high school. Last year's expo blew my mind with the quality and variety of STEM exhibits and workshops. Our very own Julia de Peyster is one of the master minds behind the organization, so you know it will be another incredible event. It is definitely worth a visit.

On the social side, our dynamic duo of Karyn DeVito and Andrea Scampini are at it again. They have helped organize a class at Cycle Bar on Monday, April 13 at 11:00a. A light lunch and social opportunity will follow the class. Our own Jacqie Stathis has generously offered to stoke the burn in the legs. In the spirit of a healthy body, the event will be an opportunity to donate playground equipment.

Looking forward a bit further, Bridget Banta has begun organizing the Sprague float for the parade. She has some awesome ideas for showing off our H.E.A.R.T. to the community. The Wellesley Veterans' Parade will happen on the weekend of May 16/17. Expect to hear more about the plans in the near future.

Thank-you Becca Cahaly and Angie Martinez for organizing another exceptional Teachers Appreciation lunch. As always, the teachers and staff very much appreciated all the effort you and everyone who contributes put into adding a little more spirit in the school. From one appreciative recipient, "Thanks SO much for a wonderful lunch yesterday!  it was one of the best!!!  Thank you for all your efforts - we look forward to these special treats for days.  ;-)  I am also well aware of, and  appreciate all the effort it takes on your parts.  You all make Sprague a great place to work..." High praise indeed!
 Warm Regards,
Matthew McKay

Sprague PTO President


The 2015 Massachusetts Children’s Book Award program (MCBA)

The 2015 Massachusetts Children’s Book Award program (MCBA) culminated in our annualvoting party on Friday, March 13thWe’d like to thank the members of the PTO for their generous financial assistance. Without you we would never have been able to buy multiple copies of paperback books, CD’s and raffle prizes to support this successful program.
Since September, students in grades four and five have read and reviewed books from a list of twenty-five nominated titles. Over 150 students voted and selected THE LIONS OF LITTLE ROCK, by Kristan Levine as their favorite. The statewide winner will be announced at the end of MarchWe also participated in the Bates-Schofield-Sprague-Upham Jeopardy challenge, and we’ll find out the results in a couple of weeks.
Here’s a list of students who went over and beyond by reading and reviewing more than the five books necessary to vote. 
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
10 or more
Charlie ColemanTeddy Connon 
Zachary Dupont
Vincent Ferrara
Xavier Ferrara
Hadley Giesser
Nina Goujiamanis
Katie GreenVaani Kapoor
Jake Parker
Cyreena RichwineRuari Sadasiv Michael SkuratovskyRayken Zhuang
Ava Hawkins
Anna Hemmerle
Anna Lazzarino
Sophie Majernick Addie Schiller
Iris Xia
15 or more
Paul Awdeh
Henry MacKinnon
Ellie Owens
Ingrid Voldins
Lovisa Davidsson
Phoebe Green
Anya Kochling
Alexa Quinn
Jane Russell
20 or more
Kathryn Fischmann Olivia Fletcher
Kate Lindquist
Ellie Stevenson

All 25
All 25 plus reviews!
Eliza Barker
Lillie Caiazzo
Emma Goodall
Mason Guthrie
Ishan Kundu
Lily Levitzky
Zoe Maggioni
Rindha Reddy
Abby Stathis
Elizabeth Cahaly
Tom Cahaly
Eliza Churchill
Audrey Martin
Ella Martin
Jonathan Marvan
Michelle Thorbjornsen
Vicky Thorbjornsen

Happy Reading,
Ellen Mandel and Samantha Gradwohl

THANK YOU 3rd, 4th and 5th graders



to Carrie Brown, Jenn Caiazzo, Kate Connaghan, Katy Comstock, Julia de Peyster, Danae Foley, Jill Fischmann, Jennifer Friedman, Angie Gakidis, Glynis Gould, Eunice Groark, Nur Hamzaogullari, Leslie Laud, Weiwei Lin, Anne Marvan, Maura Miele, Josephine Okun, Amy Paladino, Carla Panell, Aileen Russell, Andrea Scampini, Mason Smith, Shannon Smith, Jaquie Stathis, Sandra Thorbjornsen and Jennifer Voldins for making anotherTeacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch such a success!!  

Many thanks 

Angie Hemmerle and Becca Cahaly, Co-Chairs, Teacher/Staff Appreciation 

Safe the Date - Cycle Bar Event

Please mark your calenders for our 

Cycle Bar Event 
Monday, April 13th 
Cycle Bar Wellesley

Class will start at 11:00am and will be followed by light luncheon/mingling

Saturday, March 14, 2015


Would you like to make BOKS happen this spring?

What is Reebok BOKS? It's a before-school physical activity program for elementary schools that sparks a child's mind and body for better learning during the day.  

Typical BOKS Class: 
-40 minutes long 
-Fun warm-up game or movement drills 
-Running activity, relay races, obstacle courses and strength movements 
-Fun game 
-Cool down and BOKS Bits, a nutrition component of the program

What we need: PARENTS! We can serve more students with more parent volunteers. We are looking to start up our Spring Reebok BOKS program at the end of March and are in need of volunteers on Tues/Thurs mornings at 7:30am. If you are interested in helping facilitate this program, please email Elaine Marten at Thank you!

Do you know your child's RIGHTS?

Thursday, March 19, 2015

9:00 to 11:00 AM

Wellesley Free Library - Wakelin Room 530 Washington Street, Wellesley MA 

Do you know your Child's RIGHTS?
According to the National Institutes of Health, fifteen percent of America's school children have a learning disability or learn differently. Under US Federal Law, there is a process to identify and provide services to these children. 

Join us to learn about this process and how to reassert your child's right to an appropriate education. This presentation will help parents understand the eligibility and IEP-writing process, and what to do when the parents and the districts disagree.

Presenters: *Tere Ramos, Disability Law Center Lori Cimeno, Director of Student Services 

*Tere Ramos, is an Attorney and Equal Justice Works Fellow at the Disability Law Center, focusing on special education law. Tere is a School Committee member and is a former President of the Wellesley PAC. She is the parent of a child with Autism.

What is WPAC? In Massachusetts, each town is required by law to have a Parent Advisory Council (PAC). The Wellesley PAC is an independent organization of parents and caregivers of children in Wellesley working together to enhance the education of Wellesley Public School students who have different learning styles, strengths, abilities, and opportunities. For information or to request disability accommodations for the meeting, visit or email

Girls Scouts

Around town

Please use this new Link for Community Events, our 'Around Town'

You may use the link in our blog or go to the Wellesley Public School website and see for the tab community/community notice.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Alright, did anyone else start dancing at the end of the performance at the Open House? Mr. Hagar-McKee inspired me! I jumped up and got into the groove. I executed a sweet little spin, only to notice half way through the spin that I had become the entertainment. Oh well, I'm here for your entertainment through the rest of the year! Thank-you to all the teachers and staff at Sprague. You do an incredible job!

Elaine Marten has agreed to take on the role of PTO President next year (Yeah!), thankfully avoiding a tyrannical rule by yours truly (Phew!). Good thing too, because I was about to dye my hair black and trim my eyebrows, Kim Jung Un style. Thank-you Elaine for stepping up for next year and saving us all!

Over the next few months Elaine will work to encourage as many people as possible to get involved. I have loved my involvement in the Sprague PTO. It has provided an opportunity to get-to-know many incredible people in our community, share laughs and tackle challenges together. It has also opened my eyes to all the wonderful daily happenings occurring in Sprague. I strongly encourage anyone who is interested to reach out to Elaine. There is a role for everyone, even if you can only offer a small amount of time.

At the board meeting on Tuesday Betsey Weintraub and Amy Chase presented their plans for the Spring Party/ Auction. They have started to plan out what should be an incredible evening. The ticket price will be lower this year to enable more people to attend the party, but the price will still need to cover the cost of the party. The hope is the live auction format will enable a healthy fundraiser to support the PTO. The date is set for Friday May 29 at the Wellesley Country Club.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President