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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Upcoming dates

Tuesday, June 2nd
Walk to School Day
9:00 PTO Meeting in Cafeteria

Tuesday, June 9th 
Family Picnic at 6:00 PM on the playground, bring your own food, ice cream will be served

Thursday, June 11th

Monday, June 15th
Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast from 8:15-9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, June 17th
Band, Orchestra, and Grade 5 Choral Concert @ 9:00 a.m. (Parents invited)

Thursday, June 18 th
Grade 5 Farewell Assembly @ 9:00 a.m. (Families invited)

Friday, June 19th
Last day of school--half day

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Thank-you Betsey Weintraub and Amy Chase! The Spring Party was amazing, filled with great people and bellowing laughter. A pretty good indication was that many of us were thrown out at the end so the club could close (er, so I've heard...). Betsey and Amy, all your effort really showed and you really created a perfect year-end party for Sprague. Thank-you again!!

Thank-you Julia de Peyster! I rode your coat tails, er skirt, through the actual auction. Your energy and humor throughout the event made a huge difference. I can't thank-you enough for being my partner auctioneer and leading the charge. I honestly could not have done that without you. The auction cleared its fund raising goal, people had fun participating, and allowed everyone to go back to party-mode quickly. A clear success!

Thank-you everyone who helped spot and swipe during the auction, as well as helped pull together the auction packages. This event is a labor of love by everyone in the community, and the amount of love exhibited was inspiring. We should all be very proud of the community we have nurtured around Sprague. We accomplished both our goals, raising enough funds to support the enrichment of our students next year and putting on a great party!

On other notes, thank-you Jill Fischmann for organizing the Bertucci's partnership! The fundraiser earlier in the week raised over $200 for the PTO, and it was a good excuse to support one of our local businesses.

The Field Day is set for June 11. It is a great day when all the kids get to participate in games and events out on the fields. We are looking for volunteers to help. Please sign up using the linked spreadsheet.

This Tuesday is the final PTO board meeting of the year. The preliminary budget for next year will be approved and the torch will be passed to Elaine Martin. Thank-you to everyone at Sprague for all the support this year you've shown the PTO and me. It has been a wonderful experience and I really have enjoyed getting to know everyone a little better throughout the year. We have a community filled with exceptional and caring families. I feel very privileged to be a part of such a great group.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Walk to school Day

Calling all walkers, scooters and bikers! 

Tuesday, June 2nd is the final Walk to School Day of the school year! 

So, mark your calendars and join us!

If you are able to help out at the sign-in tables, or if you have any questions, please contact Lizzie Murillo ( 

Food Pantry Drive

The Annual Sprague School Food Pantry Drive
!! was a mighty success !! 

Over the course of 2 weeks, we managed to garner hundreds of much needed items, especially toothbrushes and pasta! This year personal care items were highlighted. 

During the last week, with the help of 5th grade volunteers, we collected items from car line and brought them to the gym stage. Principal Snyder surprised us and categorically displayed the items and invited the younger grades to estimate the items. We sure have a lot of great math minds at Sprague. In the end, the entire 5th grade formed a “human chain” and loaded the goods into cars for delivery to the Food Pantry. 

Thank you to everyone for doing their part. We definitely came together as a community to help those in need. 

WEF Red Apple Program

It’s Gift Giving Season – Please Consider the WEF Red Apple Program for your children’s teachers and staff, district-wide.  

Searching for a meaningful way to acknowledge your child’s teachers, aides and administrators this June? The Wellesley Education Foundation’s Red Apple Gift program is a long-standing program that provides Wellesley families with a simple and highly appreciated way to show their thanks for 180 days of superb education.  

Simply (1) select a total gift amount you’d like to share with WEF, then go to the WEF website:;

(2) choose any/all of your children’s educators from the present (and past!) years on the convenient drop down menu;

(3) click “add educator” after each selection 

(4) when your list is complete, select the “confirm and donate” button which will take you to the online payment system where you will make one aggregated payment.  

Each honoree will receive a magnet acknowledging the recipient as an Honoree and a Red Apple thank you e-card that includes your family’s name (but not the amount of your gift). 

Community Events

Please click here for Community Events

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wellesley Aquatics Facility Survey

Dear Sprague Community,

In addition to the PTO I also co-chair the Aquatics Sub-committee for 900 Worcester Street. The following is a message the committee is sending out through PTOs as we would like to reach all Wellesley residents:

The 900 Street Worcester Street Committee continues to make progress towards a recommendation for recreation facilities on the site. As many of you know, the top priorities for the location are an ice rink, aquatics facility and playing field. By the end of June the town plans to release a RFP (Request for Proposals) for the site. However, before this can be done the town must understand the demand for aquatics among residents in order to evaluate incoming proposals.

To answer these questions Wellesley has hired consultants to perform an aquatics feasibility study. ConsultEcon, Inc. in partnership with Isaac Sports Group, is tasked with providing the town a detailed understanding of its needs. In order to perform their research, they have created a survey and plan to host public forum on June 11 in Town Hall  at 7:00 pm to present initial findings and gather feedback from the community. In addition, they are reaching out to over sixty aquatic programs and facilities in the area to provide an in-depth understanding of demand and economic patterns in the area.

This survey builds on the aquatics survey completed in 2012 by the town. It offers an independent analysis of town needs. It will enable a better understanding of resident needs versus residents of neighboring towns. It also will clearly define the economics supporting an aquatics facility, including suggested pricing, revenue and expense analysis. For these reasons it is imperative we gather as much input as possible.

We are asking all Wellesley residents to please fill out the aquatics survey. You can also go to the town’s website to find the survey. It will only take a minute.

By the end of June Wellesley will receive a detailed report, complete with suggested facility amenities and programming schedules. This report is critical for evaluating proposals that include aquatic facilities on 900 Worcester Street.

Thank-you for your support!

Matthew McKay and Suzy Littlefield
900 Worcester Street Aquatics Sub-committee

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Support Sprague - eat at Bertucci's TODAY, May 27th

Upcoming Dates

Monday, May 25th
Memorial Day: NO SCHOOL

Wednesday, May 27th

Bartucci's support Sprague and safe 15% on your meal deal 

Friday, May 29th
Sprague Spring Party 2015

Tuesday, June 2nd

Walk to School Day
9:00 PTO Meeting in Cafeteria

Tuesday, June 9th 
Family Picnic at 6:00 PM on the playground, bring your own food, ice cream will be served

Sprague Spring Party is this Friday

We can't wait to see everyone Friday night at the Spring Party! 

We don't want anyone to be left out so if you still need to purchase tickets we have a few remaining that we can sell. Please use this link to order your tickets.

The live auction looks amazing! There is something for everyone, from sports packages to kids camps to concert tickets, so come ready to bid! We will send out package details in a few days so that everyone has time to look them over before the event.

The event begins at 7:30 with the live auction at 9:00 sharp. Just a friendly reminder that Wellesley Country Club does not allow denim although white jeans are allowed.

Amy Chase and Betsey Weintraub

Show your HEART- Volunteer

Show Your HEART - Volunteer!

Thank you to everyone who has already offered to volunteer in some way for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year.

The greatest impact that you can make comes from getting involved. If you have not already signed up to volunteer, see the list of open positions we are still looking to fulfill.

2015 - 2016 Current PTO Board Positions Available:
Treasurer: Maintain/update budget, donation/fundraiser receipts, deposits, file taxes, etc. Experience is helpful but not necessary. We have a really great assistant willing to teach and guide you.

Current Volunteer Needs:
Host Families - reach out to new families in the same grade, meet for play dates before school starts and attend the New Family Social in the Fall.  You would be the family's contact to Sprague helping them get acclimated.  It's a great, fun way to help out, welcome new families to our community and meet new friends.

Host Family Liaison - match up families and be the ongoing contact for all of the Host Families. 

Summer Mailing - preparing packets for the school’s August mailing

Fall Class Social - host the grade fall social at your home. We need a family for each grade level.

Communication - tech assistance (any experience with websites, integration, etc.)

Environmental Studies/ STEM
Creative Arts
Social Events
Community Service

To volunteer, sign up here: VOLUNTEER SIGN UP FORM

Do what YOU can! Most importantly, we need you to be an active part of our community. An actively involved parent community allows us to offer support to our teachers and provide an enhanced education experience for our children. I hope you’ll join us. 

If you have questions, please reach out to Elaine Marten at

Support Sprague

HUNGRY? Have a yummy meal at BERTUCCI and raise money for Sprague!




WEDNESDAY MAY 27, 11am-11pm


-Go to our iTownStore by clicking on this icon
- shop amazon smile
- Shop at TARGET 

Annual Sprague Picnic

All Sprague families are invited to the 

Annual Sprague Spring Picninc 

 Tuesday, June 9th 
6:00 PM on the playground.  

Please help serve Italian Ice at this fun event! 
You can sign up via the link below. Note: aprons strongly recommended!

In the event of rain, we will be inside in the cafeteria.

BYOD - Bring Your Own Dinner.  
Italian Ice will be served!

Sunday, May 17, 2015


What an amazing DAY, 
What an amazing Help, Effort, Appreciation, Respect and Teamwork have been put in this H.E.A.R.T.

Thank you 
to have made this an outstanding parade 

Upcoming Dates

Monday, May 18th
7:00p in Middle School: Information about Launch of World Language Program K-2

Tuesday, May 19th
8:45a in Sprague Cafeteria: Information about Launch of World Language Program K-2

Monday, May 25th
Memorial Day: NO SCHOOL

Wednesday, May 27th
Bartucci's support Sprague and safe 15% on your meal deal

Friday, May 29th
Sprague Spring Party 2015

Tuesday, June 2nd
Walk to School Day
9:00 PTO Meeting in Cafeteria

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Happy Wellesley Wonderful Sunday! Or, Saturday if you're reading this on-line before it is sent out as an email. 

Spring Party Tickets! Get'em while they're hot!! We hope to see many of you at the party. You can now buy'em on-line! (Thank-you Jill Fischmann and Jenn Vernazza for figuring out the on-line button)

Bridget Banta has been working feverishly as she pulls together all the details for the parade. As many of you saw on Friday, her Sprague Heart looks incredible. A wonderful touch to have all the kids put their name on it as well. Remember you should plan to arrive around 12p at the float location if you plan to walk in the parade. Thank-you Bridget for contributing your creativity and hard work to make the parade a success.

One last reminder, World Language presentation about the pilot next year at Sprague is Monday May 18 at 7p at the Middle School. There will also be a option for parents to hear Helena Curtain’s presentation during the day on May 19th at 8:45 a.m. in the Sprague cafeteria.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President


The parade is Sunday, May 17th, at 1:00.  
The start of the parade is on Washington Street (Route 16) at the route 9 overpass. 

The Sprague float will be located on Woodlawn ave. Near Fuller rd. Our pole number is 11-1 and we are #94 in the parade. And The parade ends on Crest about 100 feet after the linden street intersection.

Please join us and walk with us this years PARADE: for those who plan on marching, please arrive at 12. All students need to be accompanied by an adult.  And a gentle reminder: put sunscreen on!

Food drive

Help make the food drive abundantly successful for the needy in our town.  Here is how:
  • Bring donations to school between now and May 22nd. 
  • Each grade is collecting as follows:
Kindergarten: Deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes

First Grade: Canned meats (chicken, turkey, Spam),  Pasta

Second Grade: Toilet paper, vegetable oil, 

Third grade: Jams, Jellies (esp. non grape), canned fruit

Fourth Grade: Shampoo, Shaving cream

Fifth Grade: Bagged White Rice, Ketchup, papertowels
There will be a labeled bin outside the Front office for additional collection as well.

Contact Danae Foley with any questions at

Annual Sprague Picnic

All Sprague families are invited to the 

Annual Sprague Spring Picninc 

 Tuesday, June 9th 
6:00 PM on the playground.  

Please help serve Italian Ice at this fun event! 
You can sign up via the link below. Note: aprons strongly recommended!

In the event of rain, we will be inside in the cafeteria.

BYOD - Bring Your Own Dinner.  
Italian Ice will be served!

Launch of World Language Program K-12

Monday, May 18, 2015

 at 7:00pm

in the Middle School Auditorium

Please join us for an evening of learning and celebration as Dr. Helena Curtain, world-renowned elementary world language expert, joins us to launch our new K-12 World Language program in Wellesley. Dr. Curtain is the former Elementary World Language Coordinator for Milwaukee Public Schools, and has taught elementary through university level. She is widely regarded as the leading expert on creating elementary language programs that are engaging, vibrant, and effective in inspiring young children to embrace a second language. She is the author of several articles on second language learning, and the co-author of "Languages and Learners: Making the Match." Dr. Curtain will share her wisdom about the impact of early language learning on brain development, what a high quality foreign language program should emphasize, and what parents can do to support their children’s learning. Sprague and Hardy parents are highly encouraged to attend so that they can learn more about what to expect next year, and parents from throughout the community are invited to come in anticipation of our World Language program being fully implemented in fall of 2016.


HUNGRY? Have a yummy meal, raise money for Sprague!

WHEN:        WEDNESDAY MAY 27, 11am-11pm

WHY:           WHY NOT?

-Go to our iTownStore by clicking on this icon

- shop amazon smile
- Shop at TARGET 

TARGET TAKE CHARGE OF EDUCATIONDo you have a TARGET Credit or Debit REDcard? Every time you use it at Target and , not only will you save 5% on your purchases, but Target will donate 1% of your purchases to help the eligible K-12 school of your choice.

Community events

Please use link to see what  Community Events there are planned

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


To read about all activities during our 
Wellesley Wonderful Weekend 
please click here

Please Join us at thd Family Festival on 
May 16th between 10 & 3 at 4 Municipal Place
Kids Zone* Fashion* Cars* Home & Garden* Music and much more!

The Sprague community is invited to the Sustainable Living Festival hosted by the Wellesley Municipal Light Plant to learn about ways to do many of the things you do everyday in a more sustainable fashion. Find out more about lights that look great, last longer and use less energy; eco clothing; green architecture and home design; solar; local and home garden farming; investing; landscaping; musical instruments; cars and much more. 

This family friendly event takes place this Saturday, May 16th between 10 & 3 at 4 Municipal Place.

Deadline yearbook Ads is This Friday



SINGLE AD SIZE IS 2” X 2.5” FOR   $15
DOUBLE AD SIZE IS 2” X 5” FOR     $25

You can fill out the paper form and leave it in Yearbook box in the office with your check or you can order online.

Click here to begin our new online proces.

Click here if you prefer to print the paper document for use.


Ads are a special way to recognize your favorite person or group and to support our Yearbook. 

  • Your Child for playing sports, for showing sportsmanship, for being a good teammate.
  • Your Child for advancing in their activities.
  • Your Fifth Grader is graduating.
  • Your Kindergartner for the first year at Sprague.
  • Your Child for having an excellent year, for a fantastic project, for learning new things, for perfect attendance, for walking even in the snow this year...

Every Sprague student will receive a yearbook this June thanks to families and PTO fundraising.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Happy Mother's Day!

The PTO Board met on Friday to go over a very full agenda. Topics discussed included: (1) continuation of current practices on Picture Day and Yearbooks next year by Julie Knudson, (2) Wellesley Bookstore summer reading weekend in June and a book drive by Lisa Neighbors, (3) Spring Party by Betsey Weintraub and Amy Chase, (4) PTO budget for next year, and (5) status of board positions for next year. Thank-you to everyone who attended and participated! If you are interested in getting involved, at any level, please reach out to Elaine Marten.

I am very excited to announce the pilot of a new After School Program Platform at Sprague. The pilot is a partnership between the town departments of Schools and Recreation. The program will (1) Reduce the administrative burdens on principals concerning After School programming, (2) Enhance After School programming for the children, and (3) Enable a collaborative process between schools, recreation and PTOs to generate and support ideas for After School.

The pilot program will offer an Art Class, Drawing and Painting Modern Masterpieces, taught by former Sprague Mom and PTO President, D'Ann Hansen. Students will create large 16" x 20" pieces of art painted on archival paper. All supplies are included. It will meet once per week on Tuesdays, from 3-4 pm for four weeks, starting May 26. The PTO voted to somewhat offset the price of the program, reducing the cost per student to $60. Sign-up and payment will be made on-line. Because this is a pilot, limited to ten students, the class is open only to second and third graders at Sprague. Look for sign up information soon.

The hope is to expand the program next year at Sprague to include all current After School programs in the school, including programs like Lego, Engineering and possibly second language. If you have any questions about the After School program, please email me directly.

All parents interested in the pilot of the second language program for K-2 in Sprague and Hardy next year should plan to attend a talk May 18, 7pm at the Wellesley Middle School. Language expert, Helena Curtain, will be consulting with Wellesley. A daytime talk for parents on either May 18th or 19th while Helena is in town is also planned.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President