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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

One of the benefits we all enjoy this time of year is ample time to sit back and contemplate all of our good fortune. What? I lost you already as you scan down the email while balancing your phone between the only two fingers you have available while you shuffle out of whatever store dragging your little treasures back to the car. (Alright, maybe your kids don't need to be dragged through stores like mine)

Let me try again. Who hasn't had minutes, if not hours, added to their travel time lately while trying to drive down Washington St, or (heaven forbid) down Rte 9 to the mall? The other day I benefited from this 'good fortune' while finding myself on the wrong side of Natick Mall trying to make it to an appointment. Okay, maybe I wasn't counting my blessings at the time...

All that said, reflecting on the first four months of the school year makes me happy. We have a wonderfully vibrant community of families that nurtures and supports our children. Our fabulous teachers are committed to challenging and guiding our young Einsteins. Ms. Snyder has worked very hard to ensure she has the support of the teachers and parents, listening to all of us and enhancing areas with her ideas and attention to detail (if you have a suggestion or concern I strongly encourage you to talk with her directly). The PTO has many dedicated parents involved who have accomplished amazing things so far, from exceeding fund raising goals, to hosting social activities, to administering enhancements to the curriculum, to many other positive influences.

Looking forward, I'm excited at all that is in store for the remainder of the school year. There will be many enhancements to the curriculum enabled by parent contributions. An Art Appreciation program begins to ramp up, created by Ms. Stabnik in conjunction with the PTO. The PTO will continue to evaluate after-school programming and consider ways to improve it. Family socials events will be offered, including the upcoming ski trip! We will continue to pursue community and environmental awareness programs. Lots to look forward to.

Enjoy the winter break and I look forward to seeing everyone in January!

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

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