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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

The PTO is hitting its stride with many parents stepping up to help in various capacities. The community is as strong as the people involved, and we are very fortunate to have so many dedicated parents within Sprague. Many conversations on the playground either start or end with, "I'll do that." Something truly special. Thank-you for all the support!

This week our incredible dynamic duo Social Chairs of Karyn DeVito and Andrea Scampini hosted an awesome Ice Cream Social. Karyn and Andrea did a fantastic job organizing and coordinating the event. Thank-you again for all your effort over the past month to ensure the school year started off on a positive note. Also, thank-you to all the parents who helped scoop and clean-up! This includes Principal Susan Snyder, Patty Javidi, Michelle Walsh, Jen Mungovan, Michael Scampini (love the spousal support!), Jenn Fallon, Annie Newman, Ana Alexander, Carrie Brown, Andrea Doglioli, Sue Maggioni, and Frank Zhao. Finally, thank-you Perdoni family for donating twenty of the pizzas, as well as Old School Pizza and White Mountain Creamery.

The first Walk-To-School went off on Friday (who didn't need to walk off the ice cream?). Lizzie Murillo has taken the reins of running Walk-To-School and did a great job gathering volunteers to help all our young students write in their names and mark the appropriate circle. Thank-you Lizzie and all the volunteers for supporting this fun monthly event. Also, thank-you Carrie Reepmeyer and Karyn DeVito for meeting the Metco students and walking with them. One note, future PTO Board meetings will take place during the morning after Walk To School.

An example of great ideas was offered by Pete Murillo, one of our two dads tasked with putting together some social events with fathers in mind. For the Wellesley Turkey Trot on the morning of November 27 (Thanksgiving), Sprague School will have a team called the "Sprague Speedsters." Simply go to the website, choose to join "Sprague Speedsters," and enter the necessary information to sign up for the race. Kate Naughton is working to create t-shirts for the event as well, so everyone will know about Sprague Spirit!

A couple reminders about how you can support the Sprague PTO, without a major time commitment or cost. Karyn DeVito (amazing, isn't she?!) is running the BoxTops program this year. There is a box in the main school office where you can drop off the box tops you've collected. Also, Jill Fischman has set up Sprague PTO as a charity in Amazon Smile. This means that all you have to do is select Sprague Parent Teacher Organization as your preferred charity in Amazon and a portion of eligible sales made through Amazon Smile will be donated to the PTO. Thank-you Karyn and Jill for administering these programs.

As a quick reminder, there is no school on Thursday. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Warm Regards,
Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

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