"Basic Rights Workshop" presented by Federation for Children With Special Needs
Tuesday, October 15th 7:00 pm
Broadmeadow School Media Center, 120 Broadmeadow Rd. Needham
"Anxiety in Youth and Emergency Mental Health Services" presented by Riverside Community Care
Wednesday, October 16th 7:00 pm
Wellesley Middle School Library
The survey will be open until October 23. Thanks in advance for your help!
Wellesley Green Schools Presents:
"It Is Vampire Energy Hunt Season"
Students: Try This to Help Save Energy & Money!
Energy Vampires are electronic appliances that are constantly using energy – even when you think they are off! Instead of being all the way off, they go into “stand-by mode” and suck energy when you are not using them. Sometimes these vampires have a tell-tale sign that can help you catch them — some give off a little light (like DVD players or microwave oven clocks) and some make noise like a laptop computer. Others (such as a cell phone charger) might be warm to the touch.
Along with a parent/guardian, K-2 students can walk around their homes looking for lights on appliances (cable box, TV, etc) and make note of these potential energy vampires. Students in grades 3-5 will like this hunt and WMS Students can try this to find out how much always being “plugged in” is costing you.
For more information please contact Wellesley Green Schools.
WEF Spelling Bee
Catch the BUZZ!! The Wellesley Spelling Bee is right around the corner!! This annual, high-spirited community event is a major fundraiser for the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF). Admission is free and it's a fun event for the whole family! The 24th annual Wellesley Spelling Bee, an adult spelling contest sponsored by the Wellesley Education Foundation, will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Sprague Elementary School gymnasium.
There is still time to register a team! Click here to register. Teams of three participate so gather some friends, neighbors or coworkers to join in the spelling fun!
Not a speller but still interested in participating? Attend, donate or volunteer. And come on November 7th to cheer for your favorite team! Donations of any amount are always needed and appreciated. Click here to donate. You can become a Friend or Sponsor by donating at one of the following levels:
Bee a Friend with a $100 donation
Bee a Team Sponsor with a $450 donation
Bee a Round Sponsor with a $1,000 donation
Please visit our website or email our chairs at BEE@WellesleyEducationFoundation.org
Bates Pumpkin Fair: 40th Anniversary!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
10am - 2pm
Survey: School Year 2014-2015 Calendar options
As you are probably aware, the WPS Calendar Committee is in the process of developing a calendar recommendation for SY 2014-2015. The feedback we have received to date has been invaluable in helping us draft three formal options for your review and consideration. In order to capture your responses, we have posted the three calendar options on our website, allowing you to see what these options look like for next year, along with the start/end dates of each approach for the next ten years. Once you review these calendar options, we invite you to complete the survey and rank order the three options based on your preferences. Please note: The order of your options will change with your rankings. It will do this each time you make a selection.The survey will be open until October 23. Thanks in advance for your help!
Wellesley Green Schools Presents:
Students: Try This to Help Save Energy & Money!
Energy Vampires are electronic appliances that are constantly using energy – even when you think they are off! Instead of being all the way off, they go into “stand-by mode” and suck energy when you are not using them. Sometimes these vampires have a tell-tale sign that can help you catch them — some give off a little light (like DVD players or microwave oven clocks) and some make noise like a laptop computer. Others (such as a cell phone charger) might be warm to the touch.
Along with a parent/guardian, K-2 students can walk around their homes looking for lights on appliances (cable box, TV, etc) and make note of these potential energy vampires. Students in grades 3-5 will like this hunt and WMS Students can try this to find out how much always being “plugged in” is costing you.
For more information please contact Wellesley Green Schools.
WEF Spelling Bee
Catch the BUZZ!! The Wellesley Spelling Bee is right around the corner!! This annual, high-spirited community event is a major fundraiser for the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF). Admission is free and it's a fun event for the whole family! The 24th annual Wellesley Spelling Bee, an adult spelling contest sponsored by the Wellesley Education Foundation, will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Sprague Elementary School gymnasium.
There is still time to register a team! Click here to register. Teams of three participate so gather some friends, neighbors or coworkers to join in the spelling fun!
Not a speller but still interested in participating? Attend, donate or volunteer. And come on November 7th to cheer for your favorite team! Donations of any amount are always needed and appreciated. Click here to donate. You can become a Friend or Sponsor by donating at one of the following levels:
Bee a Friend with a $100 donation
Bee a Team Sponsor with a $450 donation
Bee a Round Sponsor with a $1,000 donation
Please visit our website or email our chairs at BEE@WellesleyEducationFoundation.org
Bates Pumpkin Fair: 40th Anniversary!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
10am - 2pm
Bates Elementary School, 116 Elmwood Road, Wellesley
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