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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Upcoming Week at Sprague

Monday, October 28th
3:05 pm Sprague Excellent Adventure Club, Grade K-5 

Tuesday, October 29th
3:05 pm Olin College of Engineering Discovery Club, Grades 2-3

Wednesday, October 30th
Afternoon:  Parent / Teacher conferences

Thursday, October 31st
8:30 am Halloween Parade

Teacher / Staff Appreciation Lunch

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon
hosted by Grades K, 1st and 2nd grades on
Wednesday, November 13
Please join us in hosting a delicious lunch for our teachers and staff by providing a menu offering, supplies or helping out that day. Many thanks!
Click HERE for details and to sign up.
Contact Becca Cahaly with any questions.

Cradles to Crayons Drive in 2 Weeks!

Once again, Sprague will be participating in the Wellesley wide Cradles to Crayons drive from November 4-8.   We will be collecting new or gently used clothing, toys and books for children in need.  Cradles to Crayons mission is to provide these children with the essential items they need to thrive - at home, at school and at play.  Every year the Wellesley community does a fantastic job in supporting this mission with very strong participation from the Sprague community!

As part of this drive, we are looking for volunteers to help collect donations in the morning car line on Monday Nov 4, Wednesday Nov 6 and Friday Nov 8 (dates are changed from previous announcement so as not to interfere with Walk to School Day 11/5).  We are also looking for families to volunteer for Sorting Day at Babson College on Saturday morning, Nov. 9.  These are both great opportunities to get the children involved in making a difference in the lives of others.

If you would like to help collect donations from the morning car line on any of the dates listed above please contact Jenn Friedman (  THANK YOU!

If you are interested in volunteering for sorting day at Babson on Nov. 9, please sign up using this link below:


Sprague Cafeteria Mosaic Mural Columns Volunteers Needed!

We have decorated the columns in front of the mosaic with food related poems 
that the children have created and have begun to fill in around them with tile. 
We need your help to finish it off!
We hope you can join us during school hours:
8:45-12:00 & 1:15-3:00 on Tuesday October 29th
   To volunteer click HERE.

Babysitting Available for Conferences - Nov 5th

Are you attending a Parent/Teacher Conference on
Tuesday, November 5th from Noon - 3pm?


The 5th graders, along with parent helpers, will provide childcare in the alcove by the front office.  We’ll play games, dance, and have fun. 
No food will be served during this time.
Please click here to sign up your children for a time slot. (If you are a 5th grader that would like to help babysit, keep an eye out for the 5th Grade Flash with sign up details.) This is a community service project for the 5th graders and is offered FREE OF CHARGE!  Please be mindful that this childcare is for conferences only - no sneaking off to The Cottage for lunch.

We look forward to seeing you on November 5th!
Julie Barker

Around Town

Volunteer Drivers Needed:  Wellesley Council on Aging Volunteer Drivers Program
Volunteer drivers are needed to help Wellesley Senior Citizens get to various destinations in the MetroWest area (non-medical and medical rides). This is a very meaningful and flexible volunteer opportunity. Drivers provide rides based on their availability - there is no need to commit to a regular schedule. A pending rides list is emailed out daily. To request an application and/or to get more information, please contact us at or 508-479-9301. We want you to join our team!

Lois Camberg
Wellesley Council on Aging Volunteer Drivers Program

Volunteer needs for POPS (Parents of Performing Students)
POPS has an urgent need for a President/Co-President and Vice President/Co-Vice President committed to leading the organization for a minimum of two years. 

For more information, please click HERE.

To view the 2013-2014 POPS update for parents, please click HERE.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Upcoming Week at Sprague

Monday, October 21st
3:05 Sprague Excellent Adventure Club, Grades K-5
3:05 Sprague Peer Mentoring Offering, Grades 3-5

Tuesday, October 22nd
3:05 Olin College of Engineering Discovery Club, Grades 2-3

Wednesday, October 23rd
Afternoon:  Parent teacher conferences

Friday, October 25th
7 pm  First Grade Parent Social:  Dymek home (24 Ivy Road)
7 pm  Fourth Grade Parent Social:  Arronte/Kendall home (35 Clifford Road)
**please RSVP to Katy Comstock @

Cradles to Crayons Drive coming soon!

Times to clean out the closets!  Once again, Sprague will be participating in the Wellesley wide Cradles to Crayons drive from November 4-8.   We will be collecting new or gently used clothing, toys and books for children in need.  Cradles to Crayons mission is to provide these children with the essential items they need to thrive - at home, at school and at play.  Every year the Wellesley community does a fantastic job in supporting this mission with very strong participation from the Sprague community!

As part of this drive, we are looking for volunteers to help collect donations in the morning car line on Tuesday Nov 5, Thursday Nov 7 and Friday Nov 8.  We are also looking for families to volunteer for Sorting Day at Babson College on Saturday morning, Nov. 9.  These are both great opportunities to get the children involved in making a difference in the lives of others.
If you are interested in volunteering for sorting day at Babson on Nov. 9, please sign up using this link below:

Sign up for car line collection help coming soon!  If you have any questions, please contact Jenn Friedman at


Sprague's 3rd Annual Halloween Costume Swap

Please donate your gently worn costumes this week in the Sprague Halloween Costume Box at drop-off and inside by the office. We will be sharing them with the Sprague community the following week in exchange for a donation of your choice at UNICEF.
Sprague’s green team will be: 
** Collecting Costumes Oct. 13-18th **
** Sharing them on Wednesday Oct. 22nd **
INTERESTED IN HELPING?  HAVE EXTRA CLOTHING RACKS OR HANGERS??  We need your help!  Please contact Elaine Marten ( or Phyllis Theerman ( THANKS!  
THANKS to Ms. Stabnick for challenging the Sprague Community to celebrate an EEK-O-friendly halloween by creating costumes with recycled/renewed materials and/or REUSing some.

Remember Me Books: GHOSTING event

Remember Me Book GHOSTING is back for the fall! Join us for some ghosting fun while supporting the fabulous Sprague Library!

GHOSTING at Sprague involves a "ghost" leaving a bag of new books (donated by Sprague families - that means you!) and a "You've Been GHOSTED!" sign on your child's classroom door. All students feel involved and we take a class photo with the new book(s) before they go back to the library.

Families can donate two ways:

1. Go to "Wish List", then "Find Someone's Wish List" and type in Sprague School
2. View our list, choose a book(s) and add them to your cart
3. Make sure you ship to "Ellen Mandel - Wellesley, MA" - Sprague's Librarian.
4. DON'T FORGET - click on "Ordering a Gift" and type your child's name and class

Wellesley Book Store:
1. There is a Sprague Wish List on file at the children's desk at the back of the store.
2. Choose and purchase your books off the list and deliver them to the Sprague Library desk where you can fill out your child's name and class.

Books should be in the Library no later than October 28 for on-time Halloween delivery. This is a great way to show your Halloween spirit and support the Sprague Library

Questions? Email Maura Miele at

Around Town

P.A.W.S. (Preschool at Wellesley Schools)
To view the related flyer, please click HERE.

2nd Annual Wellesley Kiwanis Pumpkin Race
Build, Decorate and Race the Fastest Pumpkin on Wheels!
Sunday, October 27th
10 am - 12 noon
Wellesley Middle School
$10 donation requested per entry

Click HERE for details

Cradles for Crayons Drive
Support the annual Wellesley Cradles for Crayons Sorting Day and Drive! Drop-off sites around Wellesley are available November 2-8th.

Sorting Day will be November 9th, 9:30 -12:30 pm at the Babson PepsiCo gymnasium.

Click HERE for more information.
Sign up to volunteer HERE.

Wellesley Conservation Council Invites you to "Mt. Washington: Home of the World's Worst Weather"
Wednesday, October 30th at 7 pm
Wellesley Free Library
Admission is FREE.

For more information, please click HERE.

Wellesley Volunteer Fair
Are you looking for a way to volunteer your time and talents, but aren't sure what local organizations need volunteers? Come join Wellesley Volunteers and the Wellesley Free Library at the Wellesley Volunteer Fair on Sunday, November 3, 2013, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.! This event will be held at the main library at 530 Washington Street. Wellesley Volunteers is an initiative designed to bring together Wellesley residents interested in volunteering with Wellesley charitable and other nonprofit organizations or municipal departments and agencies that need volunteers. By utilizing an external website,, Wellesley Volunteers enables these groups to publicize their requirements for volunteers and provides these individuals with a central source at which to find meaningful volunteer opportunities.

To see the related flyer, please click HERE.

New Mini-Raiders Basketball Program for Boys & Girls in 2nd & 3rd Grades

Wellesley Youth Basketball Association will offer a new Mini-Raiders Basketball Program this winter focused on developing skills and fundamentals for 2nd & 3rd graders.

Skills emphasized will include dribbling, ball-handling, shooting (on low hoops), and passing. Participants will also play "small games": 1-on-1, 2-on-2, 3-on-3 to help reinforce the skills taught.

The co-ed, hour-long program will run from December 7th to March 1st on Saturday afternoons in WMS B. The program will be overseen by Wellesley High School Boys Assistant Coach, Isaiah Davis.

For more information or to register, please go to Enrollment is limited.
If you have any questions, please email

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Upcoming Week at Sprague

Monday, October 14
No School - Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 15
3:05p - Olin College of Engineering Discovery Club - grade 2, 3

Thursday, October 17
9:00a - Parent Forum to discuss Full Day Kindergarten (Sprague Cafeteria)
Friday, October 18
7:00p - 2nd grade Parent Social (Spagnuolo/McIntosh families)
7:00p - 3rd grade Parent Social (Brown family)

Sprague's 3rd Annual Halloween Costume Swap

Please donate your gently worn costumes this week in the Sprague Halloween Costume Box at drop-off and inside by the office. We will be sharing them with the Sprague community the following week in exchange for a donation of your choice at UNICEF.
Sprague’s green team will be: 
** Collecting Costumes Oct. 13-18th **
** Sharing them on Wednesday Oct. 22nd **
THANKS Ms. Stabnick for challenging the Sprague Community to celebrate an EEK-O-friendly halloween by creating costumes with recycled/renewed materials and/or REUSing some.

Around Town

Wellesley PAC invites you....
"Basic Rights Workshop" presented by Federation for Children With Special Needs 

Tuesday, October 15th 7:00 pm
Broadmeadow School Media Center, 120 Broadmeadow Rd. Needham

"Anxiety in Youth and Emergency Mental Health Services" presented by Riverside Community Care
Wednesday, October 16th 7:00 pm
Wellesley Middle School Library

Survey:  School Year 2014-2015 Calendar options
As you are probably aware, the WPS Calendar Committee is in the process of developing a calendar recommendation for SY 2014-2015. The feedback we have received to date has been invaluable in helping us draft three formal options for your review and consideration. In order to capture your responses, we have posted the three calendar options on our website, allowing you to see what these options look like for next year, along with the start/end dates of each approach for the next ten years. Once you review these calendar options, we invite you to complete the survey and rank order the three options based on your preferences. Please note: The order of your options will change with your rankings. It will do this each time you make a selection.

The survey will be open until October 23. Thanks in advance for your help!

Wellesley Green Schools Presents:
"It Is Vampire Energy Hunt Season"
Students: Try This to Help Save Energy & Money!

Energy Vampires are electronic appliances that are constantly using energy – even when you think they are off! Instead of being all the way off, they go into “stand-by mode” and suck energy when you are not using them. Sometimes these vampires have a tell-tale sign that can help you catch them — some give off a little light (like DVD players or microwave oven clocks) and some make noise like a laptop computer. Others (such as a cell phone charger) might be warm to the touch.

Along with a parent/guardian, K-2 students can walk around their homes looking for lights on appliances (cable box, TV, etc) and make note of these potential energy vampires. Students in grades 3-5 will like this hunt and WMS Students can try this to find out how much always being “plugged in” is costing you.

For more information please contact Wellesley Green Schools.

WEF Spelling Bee
Catch the BUZZ!! The Wellesley Spelling Bee is right around the corner!! This annual, high-spirited community event is a major fundraiser for the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF). Admission is free and it's a fun event for the whole family! The 24th annual Wellesley Spelling Bee, an adult spelling contest sponsored by the Wellesley Education Foundation, will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Sprague Elementary School gymnasium.

There is still time to register a team! Click here to register. Teams of three participate so gather some friends, neighbors or coworkers to join in the spelling fun!

Not a speller but still interested in participating? Attend, donate or volunteer. And come on November 7th to cheer for your favorite team! Donations of any amount are always needed and appreciated. Click here to donate. You can become a Friend or Sponsor by donating at one of the following levels:

Bee a Friend with a $100 donation
Bee a Team Sponsor with a $450 donation
Bee a Round Sponsor with a $1,000 donation

Please visit our website or email our chairs at

Bates Pumpkin Fair:  40th Anniversary!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
10am - 2pm
Bates Elementary School, 116 Elmwood Road, Wellesley

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sprague Cafeteria Mosaic Mural Volunteers Needed!

Thank you to all of your hard work with our Sprague Cafeteria Mosaic Mural last year. It is a visual splendor!
To add to this masterpiece work began decorating the columns in front of the mosaic as well. Our extraordinary art teacher, Jen Stabnick, 
chose food related poems and had the children create tiles to go with the poem. All the words are up and we need to fill in the rest with tile. 
We hope you can join us during school hours 8:45-12:00 & 1:15-3:00 Thursday October 10, Tuesday October 15 & Thursday October 17.
To volunteer click HERE.

Remember Me Books - GHOSTING Event

Remember Me Book GHOSTING is back for the fall!  Join us for some ghosting fun while supporting the fabulous Sprague Library!

GHOSTING at Sprague involves a "ghost" leaving a bag of new books (donated by Sprague families - that means you!) and a "You've Been GHOSTED!" sign on your child's classroom door. All students feel involved and we take a class photo with the new book(s) before they go back to the library.

Families can donate 2 ways:
1.Go to "Wish List", then "Find Someone's Wish List" and type in Sprague School
2.View our list, choose a book(s) and add them to your cart
3.Make sure you ship to "Ellen Mandel - Wellesley, MA" - Sprague's Librarian.
4. DON'T FORGET - click on "Ordering a Gift" and type your child's name and class

Wellesley Book Store:
1. They have a Sprague Wish List on file at the children's desk at the back of the store.
2. Choose and purchase your books off the list and deliver them to the Sprague Library desk where you can fill out your child's name and class.

Books should be in the Library no later than October 28 for on-time Halloween delivery.  This is a great way to show your Halloween spirit and support the Sprague Library

Questions? Email Maura Miele at

BOKS: Register by October 15th

BOKS is coming to Sprague! BOKS, or "Build Our Kids' Success," is a before-school physical activity program. The first session will begin on October 22nd and 25 students will be enrolled. Please read the registration packet thoroughly and register by October 15th.

The registration packet can be downloaded HERE.

Thank you!
Sprague BOKS Team

Cub Scouts: Taste of Scouting

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Tuesday Meeting to Discuss Changes to Fundraising Calendar

This year we are changing the fundraising calendar to emphasize community, while ensuring the continued financial success of the Cookie Walk, Teacher Raffle and Spring Auction. Expect to see a letter in your student's folder on Monday detailing the changes. In addition, there will be a presentation and discussion about the new fundraising calendar.
We invite all interested parents to attend the fundraising meeting at 9:30 am on Tuesday at Sprague School. 

Click Here for Fundraising Letter

Upcoming Week at Sprague

Monday, October 7
3:05 pm - Sprague Excellent Adventure Club 

Tuesday, October 8
8:45 am - PTO Board Meeting (Sprague Cafeteria)
9:30 am - Fundraising Presentation to Parents (Sprague Cafeteria)

Wednesday, October 9
8-8:30 am Walk to School Day

Ellen Cunniff Library News

We are off to a great start in the Ellen Cunniff Library. Once again, I am at Sprague four days a week – Tuesday through Friday. We are delighted to welcome a terrific new Library Instructional Assistant, Samantha (Sammy) Gradwohl. Sammy is at Sprague every day but Wednesday.

Students spend their scheduled library time practicing information and research skills, appreciating literature, and selecting books for learning and leisure use. Kindergarten and 1st graders may check out one book, and 2nd through 5th graders may check out two books. (These numbers may increase in the future)
The loan period is two weeks; books can be renewed unless they are in high demand. Students can always exchange books in the library during the week, and check out new materials. Although fines are not charged for overdue books, we ask that families be responsible for the cost of books that are lost or damaged. Please help your child remember to put his or her book in a backpack and bring it back to school on, or before library day.

Many thanks to Andrea Doglioli for coordinating the volunteers who will be assisting Sammy with the Kindergarten classes on Monday. We are also thrilled that Maura Miele has taken charge of the Remember Me book donation program. Once again I wish to acknowledge the generous support of the PTO for supporting the Massachusetts Children’s Book Award Program (MCBA) and the general library collection. Thanks to all of you who have donated generously to enrich our collection!

Wellesley Free Library News…

Meet Popular Big Nate Author, Lincoln Peirce, on Thursday, October 17th from 4 – 6 p.m. in the Wakelin Room. (Sponsored by Wellesley Books)

The Reading Club, for grades 4 & 5 with a parent, will meet on Monday evening October 21st to discuss The Witches by Roald Dahl.

Kids Read, for grades 2 & 3, will meet on Friday afternoon, October 25th, to discuss Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan. Please call 781-235-1610 ex. 1108 for exact time.
Happy Reading!
Ellen Mandel -- Library Teacher
Sammy Gradwohl – Instructional Library Assistant

PTO Dues Drive--It's not too late to pay your dues!!!!

Thank you to everyone who has contributed PTO Dues!  So far, 68% of families have participated in our annual dues drive.  Our goal is 100%!

If you have not paid your dues, it's not too late! Please send in your check to the main office, made out to "Sprague PTO".  Ideal dues amount = $100.00 per student.

PTO dues benefit ALL students at Sprague.  For details on how we spend your dues, please click on the PTO budget here.

Not sure if you have paid your dues? Please email

PTO Budget Up and Running!

Did you know you can access the Sprague PTO Budget from our website?  The online budget is updated every month so you can see how much we have spent and how we are spending it.  

Here's how to access it:

  • Go to
  • Click on the "About PTO" tab
  • Click on "Treasurer" on the left side of the screen
  • Links to our current and past budgets are at the top of the screen.
Or, simply click here.

Around Town

WHS Fall Musical:  Legally Blonde

WHS presents the fall musical, Legally Blonde, with music and lyrics by

Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin

November 7 at 4:30PM

November 8 at 7:30PM

November 9 at 2:00 and 7:30PM

Adults $16

Students K-12 $8

Seniors (65+) $8

Advance tickets for students on sale in cafeteria Oct 21, 22, & 23

Online ticketing opens Oct 21(see Performing Arts website)

Wellesley Hoops
Registration for the 2013-14 Wellesley Hoops Basketball Season (formerly
known as CYO) will open on October 4th. All Boys and Girls in grades 4 – 12 are eligible.

Participation in Wellesley Hoops is available to all town residents and also METCO students attending WPS. Please register online at our website,

High School students who are interested in coaching are asked to register
online as well.

Player evaluations for the upcoming season will be held on October 20th
and October 27th. The complete schedule is posted on the Wellesley Hoops website. Evaluations are for team selection only as we balance the teams competitively—there are no cuts, and all registered players will be ensured a spot on a team.

If you have questions or constructive comments, please contact us at:

We look forward to a great 2013-2014 season!

Cub Scouting Overnight: Boys in grades 1-5 are invited

5th Grade Bulb Sale has begun!

Get started on your planting while helping the 5th graders raise money in support of the amazing activities they will be participating in this year.
  • When?   Now through October 15th
  • How?     Look for students at pickup with order forms (cash or checks made out to "Sprague PTO") or you can order online. Visit, select "Place Order" in the upper right corner, enter "Sprague" in the Organization field, select "Sprague PTO", buy bulbs. It's that simple!
Whether ordering in person or online, bulbs will be delivered directly to you through the mail.

Contact Carla Panell at (781) 235-2978 or find her on the playground (she loves the tire swing).
Thank you for supporting 5th Grade!