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Saturday, September 28, 2013


The start of the school year is always a bit hectic as everyone tries to shift from summer gear to fall gear. It is also a busy time in the PTO calendar as the community re-engages, welcomes new families and catches up with returning families. 

We, the PTO, are catching our collective breath and wanted to say "THANK YOU" to all the amazing parents who have helped kick off the school year by coming out and supporting the Sprague community. We are very fortunate because the Sprague community is rich with families who genuinely enjoy each others' company and want to create a positive environment for all families.

To all the parents who stepped up to help out at PTO events and make the first month a success, "THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY WITH YOUR TIME AND EFFORT" 

The calendar was choke full of events, including the Teacher Appreciation Lunch, First Day PTO Coffee Welcome, New Family Welcome and Picnic, hosting Central Council, kicking-off Fifth Grade Activities, Back to School Night Celebration, Pizza and Ice Cream Social, Walk to School Day, and Summer Readers' Celebration. All of these events were hugely successful due to your help, as you literally rolled up your sleeves to set-up tables and chairs, scoop ice cream, make food dishes, manage sign-in sheets, cut apples, pour water, decorate rooms, clean up trash, and organize events. Phew!

We would also like to thank all the parents who this year have involved themselves directly in the PTO, either through positions on the board or taking on leadership roles orchestrating specific events or programs. Your leadership makes us a stronger community throughout the year and our students better. 


We look forward to another wonderful year at Sprague!

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