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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Message from PTO Co-Presidents, Jean Walsh and Andrea Giroux

We would like to convey our sincerest thanks to all Sprague families, teachers and staff for your generosity, spirit and willingness to support the PTO with the many events, programs and projects that have touched the lives of our children and community this year.

It's been our pleasure to serve Sprague and we're proud to be a part of the following accomplishments during our term:

1. A Feast of the World - The Mosaic Mural came to fruition this spring out of an idea of Jen Stabnick's from ten years ago. Quoting Jen, “We try not to focus on what makes people different. Instead, we say that when everyone works together, amazing things can happen. The Cafeteria Mosaic Mural signifies many cultures, one school."  
A heartfelt thank you to Jen Stabnick for leading us through this year-long project of great work. A special thank you to Michelle Heath for her leadership and the many parents who contributed countless hours of time necessary to complete a 63-foot long, 4-feet wide mosaic now showcased on the cafeteria wall. Click here for video, the making of a Sprague Mural.

2. The continuation of successful programs offered to every Sprague child this year including: Creative Arts & Science Programs, Field Trips, Assemblies, Library Books, Community Building Programs, Curriculum Support, Sprague Directory with Online Access, and a personal copy of the Sprague Yearbook. These programs are a joint effort of parents and teachers.  Our specialists, Jen Stabnick, Ellen Mandell, Brian Hagar-Mckee and Margaret Flitsch
 play a huge role in making assemblies, programs and special videos happen throughout the year - thank you for always coming up with new ideas and inspiring our children.

All of the programs were made possible through parent/community fundraising efforts from last year's spring auction (thank you to co-chairs Kathy Ashraf and Windsor Ferarra), the direct dues program initiated this past fall by the executive board and an outstanding Cookie Walk event.  Thank you Andrea Doglioli, Katy Comstock, Becca Cahaly and their enthusiastic team of parent bakers and volunteers; special thanks to Dr. Goodwin for his generosity with donating raffle items this year which allowed us to exceed our fundraising goal. 
Other fundraising events which allowed us to be successful were the Scholastic Book Fair led by DD Marcoux and Andrea Doglioli, Original Works and the Wellesley Books Event led by Yolanda Tong, Remember Me Books chaired by Shannon Smith and Amy Shultz, Box Tops led by Jeny Brown and Lisa Jones, the California Pizza Days arranged by Andrea Giroux and Cardraising organized by Jean Walsh. 

3. With successful fundraising come gifts to the school. This year our children benefited from the following gifts approved in May 2012, thanks to last year’s board led by past PTO Co-Presidents Catherine Mirick and Wendy Garber, with support from past Ways and Means Chairs DD Marcoux and Andrea Doglioli.

Gifts: additional money for Library Books, Cafeteria Mosaic Mural, Artists in Residents, All School Assembly with Bill Harley, 5th grade song writing assembly with Bill Harley, Reader's Breakfast guest entertainer – Wally the Big Green Monster, New Laptops/Carts, Art Supplies to keep up with the growing demand and popularity of Jen Stabnick's Knitting Club, Yoga Classes and Mats for younger students led by parent Jacqui Stathis, custom built light stations designed by Jen Stabnick for visual arts, perennial berry bushes and plants installed by Margaret Flitsch for the school garden, and staff t-shirts for the end of year inspirational reading video.

4. Installation of new mulch in the gardens surrounding the Kindergarten swings. Thank you to the many parents, children and Dr. Goodwin who worked last August to SPRUCE UP SPRAGUE by pulling weeds and spreading mulch. KUDOS to Colleen Conroy for planting beautiful seasonal flowers/creations in the front flower pots throughout the year and for her support over the years with Sprucing up Sprague. Sprague also enjoys its very own vegetable garden - many thanks to Margaret Flitsch, Jeny Brown, Danae Foley and Phyllis Theermann for their leadership and volunteer time to keep it flourishing throughout the year.

5. Implementation of several new systems to reduce volunteer hours and streamline operations include:

· online directory for families and faculty with electronic confirmation instead of paper forms - accessible from a PC, smart phone and tablet

· addition of the Google ICAL calendar to our website highlighting Sprague PTO and school events at

· addition of Sprague Announcements on the website along with bi-weekly email delivery via Feedblitz - allowing officers, committee chairs and faculty to be regular contributors

· addition of PTO Budget online - complete transparency offered throughout the year

· open PTO board meetings and many great gatherings at Coffees on Walk to School days

· thank you to the many great speakers that enriched us this year at PTO Coffees: Sprague Parents Panel, Are Your Kids Coach-able with Glen and Jane Magpiong, Dr. David Lussier's Vision for Wellesley Public Schools, Fireside Chat with Dr. Goodwin, iPad Presentation with Rob Ford, and Helping Your Child Build a Healthy Beautiful Mind with Dr. Joleen Ross.  We also appreciate the assistance of our technology specialist who helped with setting up laptop/projector equipment, Jackie Hoglund and Leslie Hunter.

6. The board was pleased to end the year with the ability to provide the following gifts to the school on June 11th. Thank you to Shaune-Marie Berg for your leadership with preparing the gifts. 

· In-House Specialists (formerly Artist-in-Residence) $5,000
· School Psychologist $1,000
· Funding for 5th grade iPad program classroom setup $3,090 
(originally planned $12,000 for iPad program)
· BOKS  $1,000 
(Build Our Kids Success - before school physical activity program) 
· After School Programs $1,500
· Principal Gift $5,000
· Grades 3-5 Common Core Curriculum Grant $2,000

Thank you to the following PTO board members for their dedication throughout the year attending meetings, taking minutes, reviewing the budget, managing finances, welcoming new families, coordinating educational programs and assemblies, preparing announcements, running fundraisers, representing Sprague in the community, and assisting with the recruitment of new officers and volunteers.

Treasurer Shaune-Marie Berg, Secretary Lynn Sanville, Co-Vice Presidents Kim Khoury and Carla Panell, Co-Enrichment Officers Elise Rodino and Kirsten Stevenson, Social Officer Sarah Greene, Co-Community Service Officers Janae Goodall and Andrea Scampini, PAC Officer Mason Smith, METCO Officer Carrie Reepmeyer, Parent Representative Matthew McKay, Teacher Liaisons Lisa Mortarelli and Bevin Hale and School Principal Dr. Stephen Goodwin.

Thank you to the additional following committee chairs who led programs, organized projects and put in many hours behind the scenes or at events:

Art Volunteers: 
Julie Vogel, Claudia Whitely, Jenny Schneider 

August Mailing: Jean Walsh 

Car Line Bulletin: Andrea Doglioli

Committee 21: Eunice Groark, Mason Smith, Kathleen Woodward

Cradles to Crayons: Janae Goodall

Directory: Jean Walsh, Yolanda Tong and Cindy Marmer

Email Blasts: Jean Walsh and Julie Vogel 

Environmental Education: Melissa Martin 

Family Picnic: Katy Comstock and Sarah Greene

Family Ski Trip: Andrea Giroux 

Field Day: Kathy Lasch

Fifth Grade Activities: Julia de Peyster and Lisa Moore

Guided Reading Library: Jenn Caiazzo and Elizabeth Young

Kindergarten Library: 

KGG Leslie Tellelian & Angie Martinez-Gakidis 
KKG Janae Goodall & Andrea Scampini
KSG Elizabeth Young & Danae Foley 

Lost and Found:  Elizabeth Humber & Elizabeth Young

New Family Welcome: Janae Goodall and Andrea Scampini

MCBA Breakfast: Jennett Murphy 

POPS: Marguerite Chatelier 

Room Parent Coordinator: Kristina Alessi and to all of our room parents.
click here for list of room parents.

School Pictures: Julie Knudson 

SEED Team: Phyllis Theermann 

Sprague Spirit Shop:  Jenn Caiazzo

Summer Readers’ Breakfast: Maura Miele and Jennifer Friedman

Teacher Appreciation: Rebecca Cahaly and Lori Goldenthal

UNICEF: Leslie Tellalian

Walk to School: Catherine Mirick 

Web Site & Calendar: Aruna Reddy

Wellesley Parade:  Amy Paladino and Kathy Ashraf

Wellesley Townsman: Rani Elwy and Robin Wechsler 

Yearbook: Karen Haberly, Chair

Yearbook Committee Members:  Yolanda Tong, Julie Knudson, Jen Bowman, Lori Goldenthal, Rebecca Cahaly, Lin Boegholm, Kara Sullivan, Reed Smith, and Amy Paladino

Thank you to Lynn Sanville and Amy Schultz for organizing the lost and found at the end of the year - many items have been returned to their owners.  And a huge thank you to Shaune-Marie Berg and Rebecca Cahaly for wonderfully organizing the PTO closet.  

Thank you to the Fifth Grade Activities Co-Chairs Julia de Peyster and Lisa Moore, who with their parent coordinators provided 5th graders with fantastic memories of Sprague and leading examples to carry them forward to Middle School: 

Bargain Books 
Lin Boegholm, Michelle Heath, Leslie Tellalian, Yolanda Tong 

Leadership/Teamwork Workshop 
Ed Lasch, Leslie Tellalian, Janet Giesser 

Bulb Sales: 
Rebecca Cahaly, Lori Goldenthal, Kathleen Woodward 

Bake Sale/Costume Sale
Jen Bowman, Suzanne Fletcher, Phyllis Carter

Anne-Marie Hayden and Leslie Tellalian

Game Night
Leslie Del Col and Michelle Heath

Basketball Game: 
Charmaine Hartnett, Andrea Doglioli, Jessica Fixler 

Yearbook Pages: 
Rebecca Cahaly and Lori Goldenthal 

More Than Words Book Collection: Mason Smith 

Sprague’s Got Talent Show:
Laura Brown MacKinnon, Leslie Tellalian, Yolanda Tong 

Wellesley Food Pantry: 
Laura Brown MacKinnon and Leslie Tellalian 

Career Exploration Day:
Kathy Ashraf, Laura Brown MacKinnon, Leslie Del Col 

Teen Center: Lisa Jones and Rebecca Cahaly 

Car Wash: 
Phyllis Carter 

Brain Game: 
Leslie Del Col 

Carnival Movie Night: 
Andrea Doglioli, Anne-Marie Hayden, DD Marcoux 

Farewell Ceremony: Yolanda Tong 

Farewell Surprise Video for Staff: Julie Knudson and Yolanda Tong

Thank you to our Grade level social host families who kicked off our community building: K hosts Jen and Tom Bowman, 1st grade Michelle and John Walsh, 2nd grade Dulcey and Matthew Connon, 3rd grade Rebecca and Glen Cahaly, 4th grade Shaune-Marie and Steven Berg and 5th grade Beth and David Smith.

We couldn't end our year without special thanks to outgoing parent volunteers who have gone above and beyond for Sprague, that we hold a special place for them in our hearts. We wish them well as their youngest child will be entering middle school. Listed below are some of their accomplishments.

Honorary Heart Awards are presented to the following parents:

Yolanda Tong has truly been part of the PTO. Over the years she's led as communications officer and been involved in other projects big and small, including starting up Heartsongs, a student literary art magazine. Just this year, she's been behind the scenes managing 5th grade communications, yearbook ads and the talent show.

Lori Goldenthal has been our rock - always there when you need her. She's been Yearbook photographer, unofficial transfer family school tour guide, 5th Grade Girl Scout Troop Leader, Teacher Appreciation chair, New Family host, and behind scenes always willing to help.  She created the teacher/
staff photo montage outside the front offices for all to enjoy.  

Margaret and Chris Lindquist for several years generously donated their fall months to the Directory to make sure Sprague families were able to connect with one another.

Lisa Moore graciously co-chaired the 5th grade activities this year.  Over the years she's been responsible for after school clubs, revamping the Environmental education training materials and leading the sessions.

Charmaine Hartnett chaired this year's 5th grade basketball game and helped out with many of the activities. She has also served Sprague as past PTO Co-President.  

Jennett Murphy served as MCBA Breakfast chair this year and last.  She's helped out in a myriad of ways over the years including serving on Sprague School Council, Guided Reading, Email Blasts, and Communications. 

Beth Smith created many special outfits for Sprague dancers to wear at Spring Open house nights as well as very creative t-shirts for special occasions and field trips.  Thanks for your creativity and time.  

Jessica Fixler for serving on Sprague School Council for several years and always willing to lend at hand at the many events throughout the years.  

Anne-Marie Hayden, Kathleen Woodward and Kim Katz also served as a shining presence at events always willing to pitch in.

A special thanks to the front office staff, Lennie Becker, Cheryl Moy, Lisa Licata and Penny Cobblestone for always being so helpful and welcoming. And to Sharon Kahn and Elana Wolcoff for being regular contributors to Sprague Announcements.  And finally to the custodial staff for all of their support with managing our facilities during events/programs - Scott Grady, Rob Carter and Jack Glorioso.

Best Wishes to the Incoming PTO Board for the 2013-14 school year!  If you haven't had a chance to sign up for volunteer opportunities for next year, please click here.  Have a wonderful summer break!


Jean Walsh and Andrea Giroux, 

Outgoing 2012-2013 PTO Co-Presidents

Sprague Families - It's Farming Time - Sign up below for "Farmer of the Week"

Bring your children, or come alone with friends and be the Sprague Family, "Farmer of the Week."

It's a giving experience to simply water, weed and harvest 3 days of one of our summer weeks.

Pick when you are home and enjoy lots of healthy produce. Let your children know where food comes from.

Pick on Tuesday morning, and share with the Food Pantry. There are so many gifts to being a Family Farmer of the week.

Sign up today before all the weeks are gone!
Link is here 

Happy summer everyone!

The Sprague Garden Committee
Questions contact:
Margaret Flitsch 
Phyllis Theermann 
Jeny Brown
Danae Foley

Remember Me Books: Missing Donors - Did you donate these books to Sprague?

Please read if you have recently donated to the Remember Me program through Amazon.  

1. Weird but True 5
2. Kelsey Green, Reading Queen
3. Princess Posey and the Dog Next Door 

If you are the donor of any of these titles, please email Amy ( with the following information: 

Your name 
The book title 
The dedication (Ex. This book is for John for his 7th birthday, Love Mom) 

Thank you for supporting the library! 

Amy and Shannon 
Remember Me Books 

Creative Arts and Sciences News

Some Spring Highlights:

First graders worked with LINX theater director Todd Morse to learn, rehearse and perform the Ghanaian folk tale Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock. 

The members of Eine Kleine Konsort presented their Recorder Goes to School program to third graders studying the recorder. Students were invited to play along with the ensemble.

Joe and Vida Galeota shared a typical day in the life of a Ghanaian student with first graders studying Ghana.

Poet and children's author Lyn Littlefield Hoopes conducted poetry workshops in the fifth grade classrooms focusing on the Terra Cotta Warriors of the Qin Dynasty. Lyn worked with students to develop ideas and write from the perspective of the archeologist who discovered the Terra Cotta Warrior or the artist who created the figure.

These programs are sponsored by the Sprague PTO. Thank you for your generous contributions!

A special thank you to the members of the Sprague Creative Arts and Sciences Committee who worked with the teachers, staff  and numerous artists, musicians, authors, scientists and storytellers to coordinate over 25 enrichment programs for Sprague students this year:  Judy Boettger, Michele Frost, Angie Gakidis, and Melissa Martin. 

Thank you!
Elise Rodino and Kirsten Stevenson
Creative Arts and Sciences Committee Co-Chairs

Message from Elizabeth Perry, Director of Performing Arts

Dear Sprague PTO and Fifth Grade gift committee,

On behalf of the performing arts department, and Mr. Hagar-McKee, I thank you so very much for your donation of new microphones for the gym stage at Sprague.
Even though the space is wonderful, and a great gathering spot for the school, we always had trouble getting full sound from any performing group using the stage. Last month we felt that listening to the grade five chorus use those new mics was a marvelous experience for all. We could finally catch the words, and diction was clear! Please know that your gift will be used to great advantage as we continue to create and stage our concerts and productions.

I also send my personal thanks. Your support has been invaluable to many years of students yet to perform!

With appreciation,

Beth Perry
Director of Performing Arts
Wellesley Public Schools

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Last Week at Sprague - Happy Summer Break

Monday, June 24
 5th Grade Farewell Assembly
Wednesday, June 26
 Last Day of School
Thursday, June 27
 Teacher and Staff Appreciation Lunch - Chair Rebecca Cahaly

A huge thank you to Katy Comstock and her team of scoopers, CatherineMirick and Mary Cameron Thursday night at the End of Year Picnic.  Thank you Katy for your leadership with the event!
KUDOS to Kathy Lasch and the MANY parent volunteers who joined the FieldDay festivities on Friday.  Kathy has run this event seamlessly for several years nowand she's committed for two more.  Way to go Kathy!Thank you also to Margaret Flitsch for organizingsuch wonderful games and activities for our children.  
A Special thank you message will be published prior to Wednesday from the outgoing PTO Co-Presidents.  
Please make sure to have your child visit lost and found this week whilecleaning out lockers.  
A green/grayish blanket was found at the 5th grade event Friday night. Please email Andrea Doglioli if you left it behind.

Sprague Summer Reading List 2013

As school librarians, we believe strongly that students should continue to read over the summer. Children who read gain skills and start the new school year with a better understanding of language and the world around them. We also know that summer is a time for families to relax, enjoy and pursue individual interests.  Students should have the opportunity to choose the books they read over the summer, and it is in that spirit that we research and offer our list of recommended reading.
To access the 2013 summer reading list, go to the Sprague Library Media Website Summer Reading Page at:
The page includes list related Book Trailers plus our sensational Summer Reading Videos. We ask that your child keeps a reading log during the summer. Additional logs are available on the webpage listed above. Students who return their logs to their new classroom teachers will be invited to the Fall Reading Breakfast.
A hearty thanks to the Sprague Community for the all the support you’ve given the library throughout the school year. By supplementing the book budget and volunteering during library classes and special events, you have enriched our program immeasurably.
We’d also like to thank Amy Shultz and Shannon Smith for their terrific management of the Remember Me program for the past two years. And a special Shout out to Yolanda Tong and Jennett Murphy for their above and beyond contributions. We will miss you!

Have a great summer. Happy Reading!
Ellen Mandel
Sprague Library Teacher

Anne Allieri
Instructional Library Assistant

From Sprague School Nurse - Summer Safety

By Sharon Kahn RN

            Finally, it’s almost summer vacation!  We’re all looking forward to the lazy days that are ahead.  My wish is for everyone to have a safe, fun and restful summer so we can return in September ready for another great year.

            One way to keep safe in the summer is to remember sun protection. Research shows a definite link between sunburn in childhood and an increased rate of skin cancer in adulthood; scientists estimate that protecting the skin from the sun’s rays could prevent 80% of skin cancers. According to the National Safety Council, just a couple blistering sunburns in childhood doubles one's risk of developing melanoma later in life. Sun exposure has also been linked to the development of cataracts, damage to the cornea and retina in the eye, transient immune suppression, and wrinkling and aging of the skin. (All people, regardless of skin or eye color, are equally at risk for eye damage from exposure to the sun.) Taking a few sensible precautions allows us to enjoy being outside while lowering the chance of sun-related health problems.
The American Cancer Society recommends Slip! Slop! Slap! and Wrap!   Slip on a shirt; Slop on sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher; Slap on a hat that shades the face, neck and ears; and Wrap on sunglasses to protect eyes and the tender skin around them from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Additional protective measures include:
  • Limit the time spent in the intense sun during midday.  Seek shade when possible, remembering that the sun’s rays are strongest between 10 am and 4 pm.
  • Teach your children that if their shadows are shorter than they are, they should look for some shade.
  • Liberally apply sunscreen with broad-spectrum (UVA and UVB) protection before going outside (approximately 1 ounce per application). PABA-free sunscreens are recommended for people with sensitive skin, including children.  
  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours and after swimming. Remember that sunscreen usually rubs off when you towel yourself dry - time to reapply.   (Do not use sunscreen on babies younger than 6 months; instead, use hats, clothing, and shade to protect small babies from the sun.) 
  • Be mindful that 80% of the sun’s rays can penetrate clouds, mist, and fog; sunscreen is also needed on cloudy days to prevent sunburn. 
  • Use lip balm with an SPF of 15 or higher. 
  • Wear protective clothing such as a shirt, pants, or a wide-brimmed hat whenever possible.
  • Use extra caution near water, snow, sand, and any light-colored surfaces like concrete since they reflect UV rays and increase chances of sunburn.
  • Make sun protection a habit and be a good example for your children.
            Sunscreen contains ingredients that lose potency over time; bottles that have been sitting on the shelf for a year may not provide adequate protection from the sun.  It’s recommended to replace sunscreen yearly.

            The Sun Safe Alliance recommends we “check our birthday suits on our birthdays”; if you notice anything changing on your skin, see a dermatologist. Skin cancer is very treatable when detected early.

            Studies have shown that much of one’s lifetime sun exposure occurs before age 18.  Following safe sun practices with our children will protect them and promote life-long good health.

Have a wonderful summer,


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sprague - End of Year Picnic: Thursday, June 20, 6-8pm

Join us for the Sprague End of Year Picnic on Thursday, June 20th from 6-800pm.  

BYOD - Bring your own dinner.
Water ice will be served for dessert.

If you'd like to help scoop - please contact Katy Comstock at 

Thank you!
Sprague PTO

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday April 5, 2014 - The Wellesley Science & Technology Expo

Save The Date

The Wellesley Science & Technology Expo

 ~ A Wellesley Education Foundation Event ~

Saturday, April 5, 2014
Wellesley High School

“Be in the wonder”
 Wellesley, MA – Following a series of discussions with the founding steering committee of the Wellesley Science & Technology Expo, the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF) is pleased to announce the decision to launch this much anticipated town-wide science and technology exposition as a WEF event next spring.  Planned for April 5, 2014, the event will promote hands-on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) learning through exhibits, lectures, movies, and demonstrations at Wellesley High School.  Residents of all ages are invited to join K-12 students, local college and university faculty and students, area corporations and organizations, and the community at large at the high school.  The building will be transformed for a day into an interactive science museum offering experiential activities appropriate for all age levels.

The Expo will support the WPS curriculum areas of life and environmental science, physical science, earth science and space, technology, engineering and mathematics, and will showcase leading scientists and technologists from around town. Similar to the WEF Spelling Bee, this community-wide event is designed to bring citizens together in a fun and engaging way through the real-time experience of cutting edge developments that span the science and technology universe. 

Have ideas? Interested in participating?  Just want to be on our mailing list for future updates?   Please contact us at:

#                     #                     #

2014 Expo Planning Committee
Julia de Peyster, John Duffy, Kelly Friendly, Andrea Giroux, Katey Goehringer, Stall Good, Marybeth Martello, Sheila Olson, Rama K Ramaswamy, Sue Sours, Phyllis Theermann, Kena Thompson, Kristen Toffer, Beth Anne Willett

About Wellesley Education Foundation

WEF is a non-profit organization dedicated to investing in programs that enhance, enrich & maintain educational excellence as well as foster innovation in the Wellesley Public Schools. WEF's Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers who raise money through WEF's traditional fundraisers including an annual Spelling Bee, Annual Fund campaign and Red Apple teacher recognition program, and who fund initiatives and award grants to WPS educators at least twice a year.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

What's Happening at Sprague Until the End of June

Sunday, June 16
 Father's Day
Tuesday, June 18
 Sprague Volunteer Appreciation Tea
 End of Year Picnic
Thursday, June 20
 Rain Date: Picnic
Friday, June 21
 Sprague Field DayClick for Sign Up
Monday, June 24
 5th Grade Farewell Assembly
Tuesday, June 25
 Rain date - Sprague Field Day
Wednesday, June 26
 Last Day of School
Thursday, June 27
 Teacher and Staff Appreciation Lunch - Chair Rebecca Cahaly

Sprague Parents: Attend a WPS Strategic Plan Forum Session THIS WEEK

Come hear the work to date and provide your feedback! 

2 Sessions to Choose From:

  1. Tues 6/18 at 9:00-10:30AM at the Middle School Auditorium
  2. Wed 6/19 at 7:00-8:30PM at the Katherine L. Babson, Jr. Auditorium at the Wellesley High School

Honor someone special in your child's school with a Wellesley Education Foundation Red Apple Gift

Supplement your year-end gift to your child's teacher or honor your favorite educators with a Red Apple Gift through the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF).

The Red Apple Program is a meaningful way for parents and students to show their appreciation to a teacher or staff member through a gift to WEF in the staff member’s name. All funds raised are used immediately for educator grants that enrich learning experiences for Wellesley Public School students.

When you participate, your honoree(s)will receive a Red Apple thank you e-card that includes your child’s name (but not the amount of your gift). You may also choose to print out a Red Apple thank you card for your son or daughter to deliver personally to his or her teacher(s).

To make a Red Apple gift or to learn more,
Thank you for your generous support, and enjoy the Summer!


“School’s Out for Summer”
Awesome Express
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Ice Cream truck -  Hot Dog Cart   
7:00 -8:30 p.m.          
Wellesley Town Hall Green
Brought to you by the
Wellesley Recreation Commission

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


1.  Sprague PTO End-of-year Picnic: The Sprague PTO End-of-the-Year Picnic will be held on Tuesday, June 18th 6-8 p.m. in/around the Sprague playground/field.  (Rain date would be Thursday, June 20th 6-8 p.m.)  If you attend, it is BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner).  However, for dessert, Italian Ices will be served complimentary.  We do need a few volunteers to help scoop the Italian Ice.  If are able to help, please contact Katy Comstock at

2.  Sprague Volunteer Tea/Coffee Appreciation Event:  The Sprague School would like to formally invite all parent and community volunteers to our Sprague Volunteer Tea/Coffee Appreciation Event.  We very much appreciate all of the efforts of our K-5 parents.  Weather permitting, this event will take place outside on Tuesday, June 18 from 8:15 to 8:45 a.m. to the left of the main office doors.  If inclement weather, we will move it inside to the atrium.  Light refreshments will be served as we thank everyone for their volunteer service to the Sprague School.  We look forward to seeing you there. 

3.  Field Day Reminders:  SPRAGUE PARENTS - WE NEED YOU!!  Sprague’s Field Day will be held this Friday, June 21st  from 8:50ish to 11:30ish.  (The rain date will be Tuesday, June 25th and held at the same time.)  In order to make this a great, whole school event, we need a bevy of parent volunteers to provide support for the 19 Field Day activity stations.  We would love to have two parents at each station.  The great Margaret Flitsch, Sprague Physical Education teacher, will train you up that morning so you will be good to go in terms of running your station.  So, grab a friend/neighbor and come join us this Friday morning.  The Google doc. sign up sheet link is below: 
Finally, a couple of reminders:  please have your child apply sunscreen before coming to school; be sure to have them bring some form of a water bottle; don a hat if it is sunny; wear sneakers/athletic footwear since they will be running, jumping, et al.  Many thanks to Margaret Flitsch, Sprague Physical Education teacher, and Kathy Lasch, Sprague parent, for all of their leadership prior to Field Day.   
Questions - Contact Kathy Lasch at
Thanks so much for your help and support of this great event.