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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Upcoming Dates

Monday, December 1st
No school: Professional Day for teachers

Thursday December 4th
Walk to School Day
9:00 PTO meeting

Thursday December 11th
2:30 pm - 5:30 pm Sprague Cookie Walk  
Bugworks presentations for grade 3
Field trip to Museum of Fine Arts for grade 5

Walk to School Day – Thursday, December 4th

Thursday, December 4th

Walk to School Day

The turnout has been awesome, so let’s not let the colder temps slow us down! 

If you are able to help staff the sign in tables on December 4th, please email me ( or sign up via this Google doc:

Sprague Team at Turkey Trot

Wellesley Turkey Trot 2014

 Sprague Team the Largest Team!

Thanks to all 50 children & parents 
from our Sprague community whom pariticipated 
and endured the bitter cold this year!

Around town


As part of this year’s Season of Giving, the Wellesley Education Foundation is proud to be part of the movement to encourage giving on #GivingTuesday.  We are asking WPS parents to join in this movement and give to WEF on Dec. 2, and help make grants to Wellesley Public Schools possible!   Please consider making an online donation to WEF on #GivingTuesday or during the Season of Giving (through Dec. 31, 2014).  Thank you!

The Wellesley Historical Society, in partnership with the Wellesley Community Center, is proud to announce its new family program series, “Winter Wednesdays”. 
Beginning December 4, each weekly program on Wednesday afternoons will feature a different historical topic presented in a hands-on, kid-friendly fashion. The program is free and open to the publc and more details can be found at or by calling (781) 235-6690.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Short school week, followed by a five-day break due to Thanksgiving on Thursday, no school on Friday, and a professional day for teachers on Monday. Don't be that parent who giddily shows up to Sprague on the Monday morning after Thanksgiving only to find out they have one more day of joyfully entertaining their children. (I'm not talking from experience, or anything...)

Time to walk-the-walk Sprague! In the spirit of the original Wellesley Cookie Exchange, the families of Sprague are asked to provide cookies to the Cookie Walk. We need cookies, lots and lots of cookies! Call up family and schedule a time together to bake. Invite over friends and make them together. Bake'em now and freeze them. Bake'em with the kids during the Thanksgiving break. Bake'em during the weekend before the Cookie walk. Make it fun, an excuse to spend time together with friends and family. The more love that goes into this community-building event, the more fun for everyone.

We're asking for at least three to six dozen per family, packaged in six cookies per bag. To ensure we will have enough cookies, please record how many cookies you will make in our exclusive cookie spreadsheet. (Thank-you Jenn Fallon for creating the sign-up sheet!)

One last point, Elizabeth Young has been working extremely hard organizing the Cookie Walk and pulling together volunteers. Her dedication, creativity and deep love for Sprague is inspiring to watch and support. Thank-you very much Elizabeth for all the hard work! Also, thank-you to everyone who has been supporting Elizabeth as she works through all the details of organizing the event. (Thank-you Aileen Farrell for creating the volunteer sign-up sheet) Sprague is very lucky to have so many families willing to roll-up their sleeves and help-out!

Have a great Thanksgiving and stay safe over the break!

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Cookie Walk - Calling All Sprague Families to Bake

Sprague’s Annual Cookie Walk
The Ultimate Cookie Sale!
Thursday, December 11
2:30 to 5:30 PM
Sprague Gym

Calling All Sprague Families to Bake
3 to 6 Dozen Cookies
Package 6 Cookies Per Bag in Decorative Wrap

You Bake'em & We'll Wrap'em
Wednesday, December 10 Thursday, December 11
Drop'em Off in Car Line From 8:10 to 8:40 AM
For $5 We'll Wrap'em All!

We've Invited...
P.A.W.S., 7 Elementary Schools, WMS, WHS
& The Town of Wellesley to our community event
...and We Hope You'll Invite Your Neighbors & Friends Too!

Information Coming Soon!
David Hall, House Magician
LINX Dancers
Wellesley Merchant Raffle
New Cupcake Corner
New Cookie Grams
New Eric Barry’s Photo Booth

Questions?...Contact: Elizabeth Young 781-223-6005

A Tiny Little Division of the Sprague PTO & Sprague H.E.A.R.T. Values

Absentee ballots available for Dec. 9 special town election

The Wellesley Town Clerk’s office now has absentee ballots available for the December 9 election, in which voters will be ask to issue final approval of long-planned renovations at Fiske and Schofield schools, as well as 280 new windows for Wellesley Middle School.

The Yes for School Buildings 2014 ballot question committee is encouraging those school parents who may be out of town on December 9 to:

  • either vote in person in advance at the Town Clerk’s office, or 
  • request an absentee ballot as soon as possible and mail it back as early as a week before the vote in order to ensure timely arrival.

The Wellesley Town Clerk has more information on the election here and on requesting absentee ballots here.

In other news, the League of Women Voters of Wellesley has announced its support of both ballot measures. Based on what the LWV describes as “our public policy position on adequate funding for school facilities,” the organization is encouraging YES votes on both Question 1 (Fiske/Schofield) and Question 2 (WMS windows).

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wellesley PAC Meeting - Scheduled for November 20th - has been CANCELLED

The Wellesley PAC presentation 
by Anne Howard IEPs and the Common Core, 
scheduled for November 20th has been 
and will be reschedule in the Spring 2015.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, November 18th
Picture Re-Take Day

Friday, November 21st
Give Back Day

Wednesday, November 26st
12:00 Dismissal for holiday

Thursday, November 27 & Friday November 28
Thanksgiving Break

Monday, December 1st
No school: Professional Development Day for teachers

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Apparently the internet did not break this week, despite one celebrity's best effort to crack it. This news comes as a great relief because our own Jennifer Vernazza has been working feverishly to make the internet a better place. She has been busy updating information on the Sprague PTO website so that all of us remain well informed. A huge thanks to Jenn for all her effort!

Jennifer Vernazza has also put together the Sprague Ski weekend for the year. The weekend is planned for February 6-8 at Sunday River in Maine. Before you panic, the Super Bowl is scheduled for the weekend before. This way you can work off that seven-layer bean dip on the slopes, or simply soak in the hot tub. Thank you, Jenn, for planning the event!

The preparations for the Cookie Walk are rolling along, spear-headed by Elizabeth Young. You should expect to begin to hear more about baking cookies in the near future. We will need a lot of cookies! Personally, I'm very excited for the event this year with all the interesting ideas Elizabeth has incorporated. The final Cookie Walk preparation meeting happens this Thursday after drop-off in the morning in the Sprague cafeteria. Please either come to the meeting or reach out to Elizabeth if you would like to be involved.

Recently two members of the School Committee presented to the Sprague community about the improvements planned for the Wellesley schools. For those who are interested in learning more about the December 9 debt exclusion vote, please view the linked presentations about the Fiske and Schofield improvements, as well as the Middle School. These presentations will be made at School Committee on November 18 in Town Hall.

In the interest of supporting a strong and engaged community, if you are interested in running for a member of Town Meeting in the March 2015 town election, the Town Clerk has information about the process and deadlines. Candidate election forms can be picked up starting on December 4. A list of current Town Meeting Members is also available.

Pull out those cookie recipes!

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Luncheon appreciation THANK YOU


Ana Alexander, Bridget Banta, Jenn Caiazzo, Christine Choate, Nancy Colbert, Gregory Desautels, Jill Fischmann, Angie Gakidis, Kim Giangrasso, Glynis Gould, Emily Shanahan & Chad Harris, Patty Javidi, Nandita Kapoor, Sarah Lyn Kashou, Heather Kirkpatrick, Vitaly Koltov, Crystalle Lacouture, Mbaira Maorongarti, Lisa Neighbors, Anastasia Pantelides, Susan Prince, Michael Rodman, Lucienne Ronco, Marissa Rosenbaum, Andrea Scampini, Jaquie Stathis, Ju Liu & Yi Wang, Betsey Weintraub, Ameika Wilson, Juan Wu, and Shuo Zhuang for making anotherTeacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch of the year such a success!!  

Many thanks 
 Angie Hemmerle and Becca Cahaly, Co-Chairs, Teacher/Staff Appreciation 

YES for School Buildings

In December, Wellesley voters will have the opportunity to green-light long-awaited renovation projects at Fiske and Schofield and new windows at the Wellesley Middle School.Special Town Meeting has approved funding for the capital projects, which are scheduled to begin in summer 2015. Both projects are part of the town's long-term facilities plan.

The funding must be approved by voters in a special election will be held Tuesday, December 9.
There will be two separate ballot questions: 
  • Fiske/Schofield renovation project
  • WMS windows replacement
At Fiske and Schofield:  the $19.6 million in improvements unanimously approved at Town Meeting will include critical heating, ventilation, electric and plumbing upgrades and greatly extend the useful life of the buildings, which house more than 700 students.

At WMS:  The existing windows are between 50 and 60 years old. The Wellesley Public Schools were invited to participate in the state's Accelerated Repair Program by the Massachusetts School Building Authority. Up to 31 percent of the estimated $4.9 million replacement project is expected to be paid for by state funding from the MSBA.
'Yes for School Buildings 2014' formed

The volunteer members of the Committee 21 board have formed an official ballot question committee, "Yes For School Buildings 2014" to promote and support "YES" votes on Questions 1 and 2 on the December 9 ballot. Look for an email blast from Yes for School Buildings next week.

WPAC: Supporting our Different Learners

Writing Effective IEPs and the Common Core
Education chiefs and governors in 48 states came together to develop the Common Core, a set of college- and career-ready standards for kindergarten through 12th grade in ELA and mathematics. The Common Core standards are designed so students are career and college ready at graduation.

What is it we really want an individual student to know and be able to do? With the implementation of the Common Core, parents can easily become confused.  How can we ensure that at the end of a year, we will know if the child has made the progress we targeted?  The workshop will provide a framework for understanding how various parts of the IEP fit together and will focus on the development of meaningful and measurable IEP goals and objectives.

Anne M. Howard, PhD
Professor in the Education Department, Fitchburg State U.
Dr. Howard coordinates the undergraduate and graduate programs in severe disabilities. She is a Board member of the Federation for Children with Special Needs.

November 20, 7:00 – 8:30 pm,
Wellesley Middle School Library
There will be a short meet and greet prior to the start of the meeting. No RSVP required!

What is WPAC? In Massachusetts, each town is required by law to have a Parent Advisory Council (PAC). The Wellesley PAC is an independent organization of parents and caregivers of children in Wellesley working together to enhance the education of Wellesley Public School students who have different learning styles, strengths, abilities, and opportunities. For information or to request disability accommodations for the meeting, visit

Around Town

Know anyone looking for a number for the 2015 Boston Marathon?  
WEF is looking for a willing runner to run for WEF and fundraise for a great cause!  If so, please contact

For the past twenty five years, WEF has funded grants to educators in the Wellesley Public schools system to explore new techniques and implement innovative programs that result in richer and deeper learning experiences for students. More than $125,000 invested in the 2013-14 school year and over $1.25 million has been awarded in grants and assistance in the past 10 year.

WMS Fall Breakfast & Book Talks 
Friday Nov. 21, 9-11am
WMS Library

Join us for a light breakfast as a representative from Wellesley Books gives recommendations for even the most discriminating young reader. Plus, bring a copy of the coupon below into Wellesley Books from 11/21-11/23 and they will donate 20% of the sales to WMS PTO.  Click here for coupon link.  

Share the holiday light on December 7th, 2014 at the 8th Annual Wellesley Luminary Night.  

Luminary Night is presented by the Wellesley Hills Junior Women’s Club (WHJWC).  Each kit, containing 10 luminaries, can be purchased for $20 online at or at (1) Roche Brothers, (2) the Linden Store, (3) Wellesley Dental, (4) the RDF (December 6th only) or (5) the Holiday Boutique the week of December 1st. Kits will also be available for purchase at the Wellesley Marketplace (Nov. 22 at WMS).  Proceeds help the WHJWC to help create scholarships for college-bound WHS seniors and support local charitable organizations.   For more information about Luminary Night, please e-mail

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cradles to Crayons: A successful year!

I want to extend huge thanks to everyone who participated in the Cradles to Crayons Drive last week! 

This year’s drive was the most successful one ever!   

The generous donations from our Sprague community will enable Wellesley to impact 1,134 children across Massachusetts.  

Special thanks to our 5th grade volunteers who arrived early each morning to collect donations and enthusiastically consolidated and moved lots and lots of heavy bags!  

Special thanks also to the wonderful team of parent coordinators who ensured that each day of the drive went smoothly – thank you Mason Smith, Becca Cahaly, Eunice Groark, Anne Marvan, Karen Haberly and Julie Knudson.  

The power of our community coming together to help others is truly amazing!  THANK YOU!!
~ Jenn Friedman

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, November 11th
NO SCHOOL: Veterans Day

Tuesday, November 18th
Picture Re-Take Day

Wednesday, November 26th
12:00 Dismissal for Holiday

Thursday, November 27th
NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving

Friday, November 28th

Sprague PTO Update

Dear Sprague Community,

Suffrutescent. This word took down our fearless Sprague Spelling Bee team, despite their expansive brains. The pronunciation by the announcer may have been a bit off, leading our team down the wrong road, but we'll give credit to the Bates PTO who managed to fight through the acoustics in the Sprague gym and spell it correctly. Thank-you Kim Khoury, Julia de Peyster and Brian Hagar-McKee for all the hours of studying and preparation. You represented Sprague well!

On Tuesday we had two members of School Committee, KC Kato and Matt Kelly, talk with parents about the upcoming special election on December 9. Residents of Wellesley will be asked to approve funding for renovations to Fiske, Schofield and the Middle School. Susan Snyder also presented Sprague MCAS scores, which were very strong. If you would like to learn more about the scores, and were unable to attend the meeting, please send Ms. Snyder an email.

Also on Tuesday we held our November board meeting for the PTO. Karin Sodervall was officially voted in as Co-President. Thank-you Karin! Kirsten Stevenson updated everyone on Creative Arts and Sciences. DD Marcoux wanted to thank all the parents who helped with Nature Walks this fall. Ms. Snyder provided an update on the school, which included the start of the installation of the 'Buddy Bench' on the playground (the area recently prepared by the shade structure).

The board approved a small increase in the previously approved gift for fourth grade study aides to cover shipping expenses. The board also approved the creation of an Innovation Fund that will support technology purchases for the school. The fund was seeded with a $15,000 gift that will initially go towards the purchase of laptops. Due to the size of the school, it was determined through conversations with teachers and school officials that Sprague had a shortage of laptops. The purchase of laptops is consistent with the district's technology vision and curriculum. In the future, the desire is to enhance the district's technology plans within the parameters of the curriculum through this fund.

Melissa Martin presented the Treasurer's report, noting the financial position of the Sprague PTO remains healthy after making these gifts. The board also approved a modest increase in expenses associated with PTO-sponsored events, such as coffee and donuts at presentations for parents. Please contact me if you have any questions about the items discussed at the board meet.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 as the date of  

The doors open to the gym at 2:30p with activities and shows starting 
late enough to allow for families from other schools to attend.

On Thursday Elizabeth Young hosted a kick-off meeting for preparations of the Cookie Walk. It was a productive meeting with lots of good ideas and productive discussions about the best way to organize the event. Thank-you to everyone who attended and contributed to the discussion. 

The collection of items for Cradles to Crayons this week was awesome! Thank-you to everyone who donated items. Also, thank-you Jenn Friedman, the exuberant fifth graders who helped, and the rest of the Cradles team for reminding all of us each morning to bring our donated items to the school. The volume that was picked up at the school on Friday was incredible. The Sprague community should feel quite proud of our generosity.

Thank-you to everyone who has come in and looked through the Lost and Found! There has been a noticeable reduction in the height of the piles and I'm sure the articles of clothing were overjoyed to get washed and reunited with their owner. At the end of the month we will donate what is left in the Lost and Found to Cradles and Crayons.

Kate and Robert Naughton have been busy working on the Sprague Turkey Trot T-shirt design. Please fill out the Turkey Trot Form if you would like to buy a shirt! Deadline is Monday, November 10 to order shirts.

Warm Regards,

Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President

Order your Turkey Trot Sprague T-shirt

The Fund for Wellesley Turkey Trot is coming up on Thanksgiving and many in the Sprague community will be running. 

Kate Naughton, with the help of Julie Knudson and Pete Murillo, has created T-shirts for anyone who would like to purchase one for the event. 

You can click on the Team Sprague link to see what is on the back of the t-shirt.

The deadline to order the shirts is November 10. The tight turn-around is necessary to ensure we receive the shirts in time for the race. There is still time to enter the event, if you have not already.

For anyone who would like to purchase a T-Shirt, please fill out this ORDER FORM for each participant who would like to purchase a T-Shirt. The price of each T-Shirt ordered is $15, which largely covers the cost of the shirt and printing of the graphic. A small amount goes to the Sprague PTO.

After filling out the form please make out a check to SPRAGUE PTO and drop it off in the front office.
We look forward to seeing as many people as possible at the Turkey Trot wearing their Sprague shirts!!

Around Town

 November Green Focus - Recycling
There are many important reasons to recycle including: recycling saves natural resources, recycling prevents environmental problems that come from landfills, and recycling saves energy.  

November 15th is America Recycles Day – join us in making a difference through recycling (www.!  

And support Cradles to Crayons – many Wellesley Schools are collecting gently worn clothes and toys.

The 1st Annual "Taking the Lead for Children" (TLC)  Conference will be 

Monday, March 23, 2015 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel in Sturbridge, MA. 

  This is a day for parents, teachers, social workers, guidance counselors, clergy and anyone who works with children to come together to listen, learn and engage in open discussions on ways to improve the lives of our children.  

Wellesley Health Department Presents:
Dinner and Learn:
Emergency Preparedness Begins at Home!
Workshop for Town of Wellesley Volunteers and the Community

At this “Dinner and Learn” presentation, you will be entertained and
informed about emergency preparedness. Dawn Sibor, M.Ed. from the
Brookline Health Department will provide templates and tools you can use
to prepare yourself, your family and your pets for all kinds of emergencies.
Along with a delicious FREE dinner and important information, you will
leave with a goody bag!

This presentation will be offered:

WHEN: Thursday, November 13, 2014
TIME: 6:30-8:00 PM
WHERE: Great Hall at Town Hall

PLEASE RSVP: E-mail Cheryl Lefman:

The Fund for Wellesley is proud to present the Wellesley Turkey Trot, a wonderful start to Thanksgiving Day.

The mission of the fund is to promote the common good and to benefit all of the residents of the town. There will be a 5k run/walk and a 1k Kids Fun Run.

The event website is:

Volunteers are needed!  Please send an email to: