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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Upcoming Dates

Monday, September 1st
Labor Day - No School

Tuesday, September 2nd
Full Day Kindergarten Begins
8:30a - Welcome Parent Coffee

Tuesday, September 9th
9:00a - PTO Board Meeting
6:00p - New Family Picnic (Bring Your Own Food)

Thursday, September 11th
Back to School Night (Parents Only)
6:30p - Grades 3-5
7:15p - Grades K-2

Sprague PTO Update

The Sprague PTO is gearing up for another great year. On Tuesday morning we look forward to welcoming the kindergarten families into the community. Social Chairs, Andrea Scampini and Karyn DeVito, will host a welcome coffee for kindergarten parents. Please plan to stop by after drop-off and introduce yourself to our newest members. 

Please know that we will work diligently to keep you informed of upcoming board meetings (first one is Tuesday September 9 at 9am), as well as the financial position of the organization. Our focus is to enhance the Sprague experience, and hope that everyone can feel included. 

Thank-you to everyone who contributed dues to the PTO. We haven't gone through all the forms quite yet, but judging from the volume of forms the PTO should begin the year in a healthy financial position. By contributing at the front end of the year, the PTO can focus more on community building. There is still very much a need for successful fundraising by the Cookie Walk, Teacher Raffle, and Spring Party/ Auction, but we hope our focus can broaden somewhat this year.

Thank-you everyone who has stepped forward this year to help. Over forty people have raised their hand to take on a specific role with the PTO. I would like to specifically thank our newest volunteer, Jill Fischmann, who recently stepped into the role of Assistant Treasurer. Your involvement helps to deepen our bench and strengthen the organization.

Of course we will always welcome more involvement. We are stronger with more people engaged. If you are interested in a role, I encourage you to reach out directly to me, or to a member of the board overseeing an area of interest. From volunteering to lead a Nature Walk, to helping to organize a parent social event, to helping set-up Cookie Walk, there are numerous less intensive jobs where we need your help. 

Given some feedback, the PTO likely evolves somewhat this year. Art Appreciation is one area we are looking into with the help of parent Annie Newman and Ms. Stabnick. Community service is another area we would like to expand, to complement the efforts of the Fifth Grade Committee. I am taking a look at after school programing, in conjunction with Ms. Snyder, to see if there is a better way to support it and administer it. Also, working with local vendors in a more effective manner is an opportunity. If you are interested in helping out with any of these projects, please let me know.

Below is the current structure of the executive board:

Matthew McKay
Vice President(s)
Melissa Martin
Asst. Treasurer
Jill Fischmann (T)
Carrie Reepmeyer
Chair - Ways & Means
Betsey Weintraub (T)
Chair - Social
Andrea Scampini
Karyn Devito
Chair - Communications
Claire van der Elst
Chair - Enrichment
DD Marcoux
Kirsten Stevenson
PAC Representative
Lindsay Jones
T - Pending Board Approval

A full list of everyone involved in the Sprague PTO, including open positions, can be found here.

We're off to great start. There is lots to do and we're eager to get to work to enhance the Sprague experience for everyone. Again, thank-you for your contributions and involvement!

Warm Regards,
Matthew McKay
Sprague PTO President


THANK YOU to Warisa Angsupanich, Nancy Colbert, Katy Comstock, Julia de Peyster, Tanya Dupont, Jill Fischmann, Jenn Friedman, Sarah Green, Nur Hamzaogullari, Kirsten Hano, Karen Lindquist, Carrie Reepmeyer, Emily Shananhan, Shannon Smith, Jennifer Starck, Jacqie Stathis, Betsey Weintraub and The Linden Store for making our first Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch of the year such a success!!  
Many thanks ~ Angie Hemmerle and Becca Cahaly, Co-Chairs, Teacher/Staff Appreciation 

Fifth Grade Activities

To 5th Grade Parents 
~ Stay Tuned for Information Regarding 5th Grade Activities!  ~

Unpleasant Reminder - Lice Prevention

This time of year the spread of lice can cause absences from school, and create a real pain for families. With this in mind, we offer these guidelines to help minimize the spread of head lice.

From CDC Website:

Head lice are spread most commonly by direct head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact. However, much less frequently they are spread by sharing clothing or belongings onto which lice have crawled or nits attached to shed hairs may have fallen. The risk of getting infested by a louse that has fallen onto a carpet or furniture is very small. Head lice survive less than 1–2 days if they fall off a person and cannot feed; nits cannot hatch and usually die within a week if they are not kept at the same temperature as that found close to the scalp.
The following are steps that can be taken to help prevent and control the spread of head lice:
  • Avoid head-to-head (hair-to-hair) contact during play and other activities at home, school, and elsewhere (sports activities, playground, slumber parties, camp).
  • Do not share clothing such as hats, scarves, coats, sports uniforms, hair ribbons, or barrettes.
  • Do not share combs, brushes, or towels. Disinfest combs and brushes used by an infested person by soaking them in hot water (at least 130°F) for 5–10 minutes.
  • Do not lie on beds, couches, pillows, carpets, or stuffed animals that have recently been in contact with an infested person.
  • Machine wash and dry clothing, bed linens, and other items that an infested person wore or used during the 2 days before treatment using the hot water (130°F) laundry cycle and the high heat drying cycle. Clothing and items that are not washable can be dry-cleaned OR sealed in a plastic bag and stored for 2 weeks.
  • Vacuum the floor and furniture, particularly where the infested person sat or lay. However, spending much time and money on housecleaning activities is not necessary to avoid reinfestation by lice or nits that may have fallen off the head or crawled onto furniture or clothing.
  • Do not use fumigant sprays or fogs; they are not necessary to control head lice and can be toxic if inhaled or absorbed through the skin.

Around Town

Wellesley Swimming Association 
The Wellesley Swim Association (WSA) is hosting a Stroke Clinic on September 13th and Tryouts for the 2014/2015 season on September 14th at the Babson College Pool in Wellesley.
WSA Stroke Clinic
  • The stroke clinic will be held on Saturday September 13 at Babson College.
  • The clinic is open to the public and intended for non-WSA swimmers only.
  • Online registration for the stroke clinic is now open and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.  Each clinic session is limited to 30 swimmers to ensure a positive experience for each participant.  Pre-registration is required at
  • If you attend the stroke clinic, the tryout fee is waived.

WSA Team Tryouts
  • Tryouts for WSA will be held on Sunday September 14 at Babson College. 
  • Online tryout pre-registration is required and is open now through September 10.
  • Please note that it is not necessary to attend the stroke clinic to tryout for the team. There are no limits on the number of swimmers who try out for the team. 
  • Current WSA swimmers do not need to tryout.
  • No walk-in registrations will be allowed on the day of the tryout.
  • The fee for tryouts is $25/swimmer.
  • More information and the registration process can be found on the team website

The team draws from a number of towns including, but not limited to, Wellesley, Medfield, Needham, Newton, Dedham, Norwood, Natick, Dover and Sherborn. 

WSA arranges for quality training facilities, coaching and swim meets from October through March. The team has eight highly experienced and dedicated coaches.   WSA values team spirit and sportsmanship in a competitive atmosphere.  Swimmers are encouraged to reach their potential through hard work and great instruction!  
WSA swimmers and families love to swim and to have FUN!
 Come see what WSA is all about!

Join Cub Scouts! Calling All Boys Grade 1-5
3 Ways to join Pack 140:
  • All-Scout Sign-up-  Thursday Sept. 4th, 7 PM-8:30 PM                         At the Wellesley Community Center - 219 Washington St., where Rt. 9 meets Washington, next to the Wellesley Hills Congregational Church. Sign up for Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts or Venturing.
  • First Cub Scout Pack 140 Meeting – Mon. Sept. 8th, 6:30 PM-8:00 PM Also at Wellesley Community Center, 219 Washington St. This is specifically for Cub Scout sign up.
  • Check out our site Cub Scout Pack 140 or Email:
Just for Fun & Information:
  • Soda Mentos Geysers!   Tues. Sept. 2,  3 PM at Sprague playground
  • Model Rocket Launch!    Sat. Sept. 6,   5 PM at Sprague fields

Instrument Information Session For Parents And Students

Wednesday, September 10
Bates Music Room

The session will provide:
• A video with professionals playing all of the instruments available for students
•An explanation of the program
•A question and answer session led by Elizabeth Perry,Music Extension Program Coordinator
•Instrument rental information - “Should I buy or rent an instrument?”
•Registration procedures

If you can’t make this session, please contact
Elizabeth Perry, Music Extension Coordinator at

Julie Verret, Music Extension Assistant at

Learn to play an instrument

Come and Join the Fun!!!!
Learn to play an instrument!

Students K-5 can begin taking lessons on instruments through

Wellesley’s After-School Lesson Program.

Cost for lessons is $437.50 for 15 30-minutes lessons per semester
(cost includes a $25 registration fee)

Students in grades K-12 can learn to play:


students in grades 2-12 can learn to play:
string bass

Students in grades 4-12 can learn to play:
French Horn,
Euphonium/Baritone and Tuba,
To register for lessons just fill out the form on the back and give it to your classroom music teacher.
After you have decided which instrument you would like to play, put

Instrument Registration Night on Tuesday, September 16 from 3:30-6:00 in the

Bates School Gym in your calendar. That night you will be able to pick up your new instrument so you can begin lessons!


Wellesley Public Schools Department of Performing Arts

Beginner Instrument Registration Form

Deadline to register is Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Parent Name _____________________________________________

Child’s Name _____________________________________________
Age _____________________________________________________
Grade ___________________________________________________

Home Address_____________________________________________

Email Address _____________________________________________
School ___________________________________________________
Please circle the instrument your child would like to study
These instruments are available for grades 4-12Flute,
French Horn
Euphonium Baritone, and Tuba

These instruments are available for grades K-12

String Bass is available for lessons grades 2-12

Please indicate which days and time ranges would fit into your child’s schedule.

You will be contacted with a teacher’s name as well as the day, time and location of your child’s lesson approximately 1-2 weeks after the registration deadline.
Be sure to choose 2-3 possible days and/or times.

Lessons are 30 minutes within these time frames.

















Please give this form to your child’s classroom music teacher or mail to:

Wellesley Public Schools - Performing Arts Dept.

40 Kingsbury Street

Wellesley, MA 02481

Wellesley Scouts Roundup

Girl Scouts
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts

Learn More and Sign Up

Thursday, September 4th
Wellesley Community Center
219 Washington St.

(Intersection of Rte. 9 and Washington St.)

For Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing

contact Stephen Scherrer-

For Girl Scouts

contact Laura Foody-

Solar Sign Up

Residents Moving Quick to Sign Up For Solar in Time to

Receive the WMLP Rebate & 2014 Tax Credits

Before Expiration


Learn More About Impressive ROI, Trendy, Successful

Wellesley MORE Power to Choose SUN Program

at Upcoming Open House


Residents are moving quick to sign up for solar before the August 31 deadline. Signing up for solar before this date enables them to have their panels installed before the Wellesley Municipal Light Plant solar rebate expires on December 31st (panels need to be installed by that date) and in time to get  2014 tax credits. Reserve your no-obligation estimate by going to


With a very impressive ROI, many Wellesley residents are investing in solar.


"As new parents, it was important to us to create a healthy environment for our son," said Jo Kaplan Lee, new solar owner and partner of Wellesley's  Allegro Photography. "The economics and ease of installing solar in Wellesley will allow us to sleep a little better at night knowing we are working to provide a healthier environment for our family, and our community," Lee said proudly.


There will be an open house on Wednesday, Aug 20:  5:00 PM – 8:00 PM on 12 Granite Street. Please come by to learn more.


The 2014 state average solar costs are expected to increase based on new tariffs on some imported solar panels. For "solar suitable" homes, the financials under the current Wellesley discount combined with Federal, State and local incentives are very attractive at this moment in time.  Also, the time-limited Wellesley solar price is around 30% below the state average*!


The MORE Power to Choose program is run by Wellesley volunteers and sponsored by the Town of Wellesley Sustainable Energy Committee. The solar portion of this program offers discounted group pricing from installer partner Astrum Solar along with a rebate from Wellesley’s Municipal Light Plant and generous state and federal incentives. Find out how easy and affordable it is to install panels on your home and produce your own electricity. By going solar you help the environment and your community, while saving on your electric bills. This program is working to lower the carbon footprint of the Town of Wellesley and setting a standard for the future of our town.


The overall MORE Power to Choose program provides residents opportunities to meet their individual goals of personal responsibility and engagement.  Whether you are fully vested in living a green life or are interested in taking small initial steps, the More Power to Choose campaign allows residents to participate at their own pace.


(* based on MassCEC data on installers and costs updated on 4-24-2014)


Wellesley Spelling Bee

Save The Date and Get Your Team together!
This year will be Wellesley Education Foundation's
25th Anniversary Spelling Bee
November 6th at 7:00pm, Sprague Elementary School
Contact the Bee Chairs with any questions at:

Registration Wellesley United Soccer Club

Wellesley United Soccer Club


Wellesley United Soccer Club announces registration for the PRE-K program on Wednesday afternoons from 1-1:45pm  and the Grade K-8 Academy Skills Sessions at various times on Wednesday afternoons. The Grade 1-2 Academy EDP program also runs on Fridays and there is Goalkeeper training for grades 3-8 on Wednesdays and Saturdays.   These sessions start Sept. 10th and run 6 weeks.  For more info and to register, go to our website

Questions, please email

The Wellesley Scholarship Foundation


Annual Toy Drive

Wellesley Service League’s
Annual Toy Drive

For over 40 years, the Wellesley Service
League has been collecting toys to distribute to Wellesley
Friendly Aid families in the Wellesley community.
Now is great time to clean out those toys your kids have
outgrown or aren’t playing with anymore and donate them to the
Toy Drive. We accept new and nearly new toys, books and
sporting equipment (most sought after items are Legos, Knex,
dolls, toy cars and trucks and bikes).
And if you don’t have toys to donate but would like to give, we
also accept donations that go toward gift cards for older age kids.
So clean out and help make some less fortunate members of our
Wellesley community very happy this holiday season!
Look for the Wellesley Service League toy collection boxes during
September & October at all the Wellesley schools and at the
Wellesley Free Library. If your item is very large or it is more
convenient you can drop it off in the basement of the Wellesley
Friendly Aid building.
If you have any questions please contact