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Saturday, May 31, 2014

PTO Transition and Incoming Principal Meet and Greet - June 10

On Tuesday, June 10 at 8:45a there will be a brief meeting for anyone interested in the PTO next fiscal year. This will be an opportunity for everyone to meet one another and learn about plans for next year. During the meeting we will go over positions filled and needed to be filled. We will also go over a tentative calendar for next year.

If you already have a position on next year's PTO, are interested in helping out, or just are curious, please plan to attend.

Around 9:15a on June 10, incoming principal Susan Snyder will host a meet and greet with parents. This is an opportunity to meet Ms. Snyder and discuss next year.

At 10:00a on June 10, the final PTO board meeting of the school year will take place. Board meetings are open to everyone and a tentative financial model for next year will be discussed, as well as transitioning to the board for next year.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Upcoming Week

There's just a week to go before the big event.
Here's all the information you need...

Monday, May 26th
Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL

Wednesday, May 28th
7:30-9 PM in the Wellesley High School Library
Panel Discussion on Computer Science & Technology Initiatives in the WPS
More info below.

Friday, May 30th
Sprague 2014 Spring Party, 7:00 pm at Elm Bank

Around Town

Looking for some STEM activities, summer camps or internships?
The WSTE has compiled a listing of STEM classes, one day events, internships and summer activities for K-12 students.  View the listing.

On Wednesday, May 28 from 7:30-9pm in the WHS Library (3rd Floor), WEF's Science and Technology Expo Committee is very pleased to present: "Programming the Future: Computer Science and Technology Initiatives in the Wellesley Public Schools."

The evening will feature a panel discussion followed by a question & answer period with the following speakers:
- Dr. Robert Cohen, WHS Computer Science and Math Teacher

- Ms. Kathleen Dooley, WPS Director of Technology and former software engineer

- Dr. Dean Blase, WPS Director of Curriculum and Instruction
This program is an excellent opportunity to learn what is offered now in the Wellesley Schools and what is being planned for the future. Topics to be discussed include CS instruction in classrooms, programming languages and their appropriateness for different age levels, and the 1:1 tablet initiative in the 5th and 6th grades.  Dr. Blase will discuss WPS's recent partnering with and MassCAN to train additional teachers in CS instruction in order to offer more programming courses in our schools.  
Can't make it on the 28th?: Visit the websites, and  to learn more about national and statewide private/public/nonprofit partnerships promote the teaching of computer science in American schools and households.  

Honor a teacher with a RED APPLE!  
The Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF) is launching it's RED APPLE campaign to raise funds to foster innovation and maintain excellence in our schools.  You can be a part of this exciting initiative AND recognize special educators and staff in your child's life.  Look for a RED APPLE post card in the mail or in backpacks soon.  Our goal is to raise $15,000 for teacher-awarded grants that go directly to support Wellesley Public Schools.  Donate TODAY and check it off your list!  You may also CLICK HERE ( to donate.  All honorees are notified of your donation and your contributions are tax deductible.  Click HERE ( for more information on WEF's mission.

Friday, May 23, 2014

There's just a week to go before the big event.
Here's all the information you need...

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Upcoming Week

Tuesday, May 20
Remember to vote!

News from VOTE YES FOR WELLESLEY on Question 2

Question 2: So Many Reasons to Vote YES

Still unsure about what will happen if Question 2 fails in Tuesday’s special town election?

The budget override is not just about new, much-needed initiatives. If Q2 does not pass, there will be significant services lost to Wellesley schools across all levels.

At the elementary level this means: 
  • The position of building assistant, which offers full-time instructional and program support, would be eliminated at each school.
  • Every library assistant would be eliminated.
  • Two undetermined elementary sections would be lost, with potential for significant class size increases in the corresponding grade and school.
In addition, only six elementary schools currently have assigned math specialists. The math specialist that is to be added to the seventh school to provide parity to the system will NOT be added if Question 2 fails.

Question 2: So Many Reasons to Vote YES - Yes For Wellesley 2014
Question 2: So Many Reasons to Vote YES - Yes For Welles...
Home About Us Blog A Joint Letter from the Board of Selectmen and School Committee Question 2: So Many Reasons to Vote YES The FY15 Budget: Why Ex...
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And please - make sure every eligible family member votes YES this Tuesday, May 20.

Volunteers needed!: Want to hold a sign or help with other election day activities? Please take 1 minute to fill out this form. We’d love to have you!

Need an absentee ballot?: Learn how on our voter information page.

Like us on Facebook and share with your friends!

Around Town

Wellesley FIRST Lego League Opportunities
Parents meeting Wednesday, May 21st from 7:30 - 8:30 pm in the WHS Library (3rd floor).

FIRST is an international robotics program designed to get kids interested in science, engineering and technology.  For more information on this program, please visit the website at

Plan to attend if you have a child between the ages of kindergarten and 8th grade who might be interested in joining the team.

To find out more, see flyer HERE.

Wellesley Youth Football Enrollment for 2014-2015 School Year
Wellesley Youth Football has opened registration for new players in Grades 2-7 for the 2014-2015 school year.  We are especially looking for players in Grades 2-4.  For more information, see flyer HERE.

WEF Grants
DID YOU KNOW that the Wellesley Education Foundation just awarded over $40,000 in grants in support of academic excellence and innovation in the Wellesley Public Schools?  A few examples of the grants awarded in the Spring cycle include support of literacy initiatives in the Elementary schools, expanding the Robotics program in the Middle School, new photography enhancements in the High School and extending our school-wide green initiatives with the installation of a composting program.  Please click HERE for a complete list of spring grants.  Want to learn more about WEF and it's mission? Click HERE.

Summer Enrichment Programs at Land's Sake
Farm and Forest Explorers
Ages 7-­12 July 7-­August 15;; Monday through Friday each week, 8:30am-­12:30pm Optional second half (full day) until 3:00pm Cost: Non-­Member price: $225 half day, additional $125 for full day;; Member price:
$200 half day, additional $100 full day. 10% discount for multi-­week registration
Spend a fun-­filled week connecting with nature! Explorers will learn about farm operations and how to grow food on a small scale in a garden, be able to identify local flora and fauna, learn how to care for our farm animals, play games, and make delicious snacks with produce from the farm. Participants will leave recharged from a week of fun and active outdoor exploration.

Green Power
Ages 13-­17 Seven one-­week sessions from June 30-­Aug 15;; Monday through Friday, 8:30-­3:30pm Cost: $350 for non-­members, $300 for members, 10% discount for multi-­week enrollment
The Green Power program is a local food immersion program designed to give participants hands-­on experiences with all aspects of local food production. These experiences include: planting, weeding and harvesting on our organic farm, working with farm animals, community service with local food aid organizations, educating the public about what we’re doing and cooking a community meal. In addition to being a great learning opportunity, Green Power teaches the value of meaningful work by offering participants a share of the produce and by gaining community service hours. This year Green Power will have their own farm fields to grow in, and students will get to help decide what to plant and what to do with the harvest!
Mark your calendar! The Farm Stand Season Opning Celebration is on Saturday, June 7th from 10am-­1pm

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Spring Party and Auction

Please join us for the largest fundraising event of the year!

The night will be full of great food and good cheer, fabulous live auction items, and plenty of dancing.

Sprague Annual Party & Auction
Friday, May 30, 2014
7:00 - 11:00 pm
(Live Auction at 9:00 pm)

The Hunnewell Carriage House
Elm Bank Reservation
900 Washington Street
Wellesley, Massachusetts

Invitations went out this week!  Please complete and return the registration form by May 21.

Food drive for Wellesley Food Pantry next week through May 14th

Are you making plans for summer?  Include the Wellesley Food Pantry and your neighbors in your plans!  The Wellesley Food pantry needs our help to fill their cupboards for the summer.

Sprague launched its annual food drive for the Wellesley Food Pantry with an assembly on Friday.  For the last 3 years, Sprague has contributed more to the Food Pantry than any other school in town, including the Middle School and High School!  Our goal is to continue this tradition, to make this our best year yet, and to fill the gym stage to its capacity with donated items.  

Each grade has been assigned specific items to bring in between now and Wednesday, May 14: 
·        Kindergarten: Rice/Spaghetti
·        1st Graders: Canned fruit
·        2nd Graders: Canned Vegetables
·        3rd Graders: Jelly/Jam/Peanut Butter
·        4th Graders: Pasta Sauce/Cooking Oil
·        5th Graders: Canned Meats (SPAM, ham, chicken, turkey, salmon-anything other than tuna)/Toilet Paper/Paper Towels

The Food Pantry needs just about everything, so we encourage students to bring the suggested items but we will gladly accept others.  Items can be placed in bins located outside the main office which will then be transferred to the stage in the gym.  5th graders will be collecting donations in car line May 12-14.

If you are interested in learning more or talking to your kids more about the Wellesley Food Pantry, consider visiting the website or sharing this video (may be difficult, especially for younger children).

Thank you to everyone for contributing to this very worthy cause and caring for others in our community. On behalf of the WFP, thank you, thank you, thank you!!

News from the YES FOR WELLESLEY campaign on Question 2

Lots of people have asked us how to vote absentee in the upcoming May 20 special election.

If you want to vote absentee on Ballot Question 2 (which is the question that concerns the $3.345 million override) you can fill out this form OR look for the bright green “Yes for Wellesley” oversized postcard arriving in your mail over the next few days. The postcard has a section you can clip, fill out and either mail or hand-deliver to Town Hall. Family members may apply on behalf of other voters in their household.
  • If you mail the postcard or it is hand-delivered by a family member, a ballot will be mailed to you. Be sure to return the ballot (by hand or by mail) so it arrives by the end of the day on May 20.
  • Can’t wait for the ballot to come in the mail? If you hand-deliver the signed postcard, you will be able to vote ON THE SPOT at Town Hall from the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, anytime from now through noon on May 19.

Get Involved! Yes for Wellesley needs your help to get the word out about the override and Question 2. Will you help on May 20 (Election Day) or the weekend of May 17-18 by holding a sign in the community or assisting at a voting precinct?

If so, PLEASE email or take 1 minute to fill out the form located here. Many thanks to those who have generously donated their time!

Yes for Wellesley is online! Check out our website with the latest info Like us on Facebook and share your support with your friends at

Career Day - Thank-you!

Dear Sprague Community,
Kudos and thank you to the Sprague community for hosting a wonderful Career Day—it was an honor to be a part of it! The students' level of curiosity and engagement was beyond impressive. I hope they learned that it's important to listen to their hearts and follow their passion. They have a bright future ahead of them and I look forward to seeing where they go. Like I say to my own children, "the harder you work, the luckier you get".

I commend you all for the initiative and hard work you've put into this event. A big special thanks to Dr. Goodwin and Mrs. Elise Rodino.

Femina Ali, D.M.D. - Wellesley Dental Group

Around Town

27th Annual Hunnewell Elementary School Fun Fair!
The 27th Annual Hunnewell Elementary School Fun Fair will be held on Friday, May 16, from 3:05-6:00 p.m., 28 Cameron Street, behind the Wellesley Free Library. The Wellesley community is invited to join in this annual event which features food, games and rides, including a moonbounce, 52 foot chair swing, fun house, dunk tank, crafts, and, of course, the popular cake walk. Whoever lands on the number pulled out of a hat when the music stops gets their choice of over 250 cakes. New this year is a three-lane bungee run. Ride and game tickets will be on sale at Hunnewell on the day of the fair.  Rain date is May 30.

46th Annual Wellesley Veteran's Day Parade and Information:  Wellesley Wonderful Weekend
Click HERE for a complete listing of the weekend's activities.

Inaugural Wonder Run 5K to be held on Sunday, May 18th!
The Wellesley Junior Women's Club (WHJWC) is pleased to offer its inaugural Wonder Fun on Sunday, May 18, 2014, a welcome addition to the Wellesley Wonderful Weekend!  The WHJWC is a nonprofit organization of over 80 committed volunteers dedicated to giving back to our community.  The Wonder Run serves as one of our key fundraisers.  All of the proceeds generated from the Wonder Run will help us continue to support community groups, raise money for scholarships, and fund organizations and programs that provide education, enrichment and essential services to our local population.

With an 8:30 am start at the Wellesley High School, the Wonder Run 5K road race course goes through scenic Wellesley.  As a great addition to Wellesley Wonderful Weekend, we expect hundreds of participants and great community support for this much anticipated event.  We hope you will join us.  Online registration is $25.00 and is now available on our website or  For questions about the Wonder Run 5K road race, please contact the event directors at

21st Annual Schofield 5K/Fun Run & Fun Fair
Sunday, June 1, 2014  

Start your morning with a run!   Sign up for Schofield's USATF certified 5K.  The whole family will love the Kids Fun Run & Fun Fair that follows.  Great games, inflatables, silent auction, prize table and food!  All proceeds benefit the Schofield PTO.

Catch Us If You Can!

Wellesley High School Sailing Team - Blanket Sales
The WHS Sailing Team is selling super heavyweight fleece blankets with a water resistant nylon oxford side that protects against the elements.  It's perfect for staying cozy and dry at sporting events and you can wrap yourself in Raider Pride while you are cheering on the sidelines!  PERFECT FOR GRADUATES and COACHES GIFTS!!
Size 50"W x 60"L.  Red with Black trim embroidered with "Wellesley" in the corner.    Price $40.  Currently in stock and ready to pick up!!  
Email:  Elizabeth Lazaro or  781-237-9116

Troll and Fairy House Event
Wellesley Conservation Council will host a walk along Morses’ Pond to Pickle Poin Sanctuary for Elementary School Children. Each child will adopt a tree and build a fairy or troll house under it close to the ground. These fairy house structures are made from sticks, pebbles, dry grasses, nuts, and other natural materials gathered during the short walk. No living material will be disturbed. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Upcoming Week

Friday, May 9th
8:45a PTO Meeting (Great way to learn about activities at Sprague. Everyone is invited to listen and participate!)

Override News from YES FOR WELLESLEY

Expanded kindergarten is arguably the most talked-about item included in the planned $3.345 million override, but did you know it only accounts for 16 percent of the total, or the cost of one teaching assistant in each kindergarten classroom? Read why Wellesley educators believe expanded kindergarten is so important. 

Get Involved: Yes for Wellesley needs your help to get the word out about the May 20 override vote! Will you:
  • Sign your name(s) to a full-page ad in the Townsman? We needLOTS of signees!
  • Host a lawn sign?
  • Help with a mailing party or volunteer in other ways?
If so, PLEASE help by taking 1 minute to fill out the form located here. Many thanks to the hundreds who have already shown their support!

Please donate: Getting the word out to vote YES on Question 2 takes funding, from car magnets to lawn signs to the Townsman ad to reaching out to voters by mail. Please keep an eye out for a letter hitting mailboxes this week. Take a look at our fact sheet and consider making an online donation by clicking here. 

Yes for Wellesley is online: Check out our website with the latest info Like us on Facebook and share your support with your friends at