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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sprague Parent Paparazzi Needed this Friday for A-CATemy Awards - 8:50am - Bring Flash Cameras

The Sprague School Assembly Committee is putting on the 6th annual A-CATemy Awards Ceremony this Friday, March 1st in the Sprague Gym.  It's typically held every year on or near March 2nd, Dr. Seuss' birthday.  Our children will walk down the red carpet into the gym where they will gather for the presentation and find out if their favorite book is a winner.

We are looking for 8-12 parents who will pose as paparazzi equipped with flash cameras surrounding the red carpet.  You don't have to take real pictures, the committee is most interested in the flash effect.  This is a fun event, you'll get to see many children and teachers/staff dressed up working the red carpet.  

To Sign Up - Please Click Here

Please arrive in the gym at 8:50am - thank you!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Next PTO Coffee with Dr. Jolene Ross on Thurs., March 7th

Please join us for a very special

 PTO Coffee on March 7th
Come to the cafe at 8:45am
to hear Dr. Jolene Ross
explain how your
child's brain works 
and what you can 
do to help build a 
healthy, brilliant mind!

Dr. Ross has experience teaching pre-school, primary, middle school and college students. This and her work with special needs students inspired her career in Psychology which began in 1979, working with individuals with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, brain injury, epilepsy and other disorders of the central nervous system.

For a complete biography on Dr. Ross, click here.

Parent University this Sat., March 2nd at Wellesley Hills Congregational Church

Parents of children from infancy to teens:

- Help your child be resilient and self-confident
- Give your children freedom, while also keeping them safe.
- Put the joy back into parenting.
- Help your children learn lifelong skills for health and well-being.
- Stop bickering and arguing before it begins
Parent University
Saturday, March 2nd, 8:30 to Noon

8:30 am - Continental Breakfast and Sign-In
8:50 am - Welcome, Intros, and Instructions
9:00 am - Keynote Address
9:45 am - Seminar 1
10:45 am - Break
11:00 am - Seminar 2
12:00 pm - Wrap-up and Resource Table
Sponsored by The Human Relations Service,
Wellesley Youth Commission, and Enjoy Your Kids

Childcare is available (see online brochure below).
Keynote Speaker
Robert Evans, Ed.D.
Raising Healthy Children in Challenging Times

Other Presenters:
Dr. Christina Scirica
Maura Renzella
Evan Rosenberg
Jim Brommers Bergquist
Cost is $20/person, $30/couple

Online Registration - click here

Online Brochure - click here

Box Top Reminder

A reminder if you have any more box tops please turn them in by this Thursday, Feb. 28th so we can submit them for the March 1st deadline.  They can be left in the container labeled "Box Tops" in the front office.  Thanks for collecting, everyone has done a great job!

Wellesley High School - All Night Party - ScrubaDub Carwash Fundraiser

All Night Party 2013

Need a car wash or thoughtful gift? Wash away the winter sludge and contribute to the All Night Party Fund by buying ScrubaDub car wash coupons. ScrubaDub Carwash is once again generously donating 50% of their sales to support the ANP.

The All Night Party is a parent organized senior year tradition. It is one of the best attended events of our senior's graduation year. After graduation on June 7th, senior parents provide a safe, fun party located at the high school for our graduates to come together and celebrate their wonderful achievements. Please support our 2 month ScrubaDub campaign and help make this a successful fundraising effort.

Look for Class of 2013 parents at Roche Brothers, The Linden Store and at WHS sporting events in the coming weeks to purchase these coupons. We have also added on online option to make purchasing easier than ever! Purchase coupons online at:

Express Wash coupons can be purchased in person for $9.50 each and online for $10 each. Coupons purchased online will be emailed directly to you.

WMS Theater Productions in March

Wellesley Middle School Theater Productions on 3/7, 3/8, 3/14, 3/15

Come support the middle school singers and actors and enjoy some great theater! 

WMS is hosting 2 productions in March:
Seize the Day – Thurs., March 7 @ 4:30; Fri., Mar. 8 @ 7 PM – WMS Cafeteria

Everybody Rejoice! We've Got Magic To Do! This cabaret style show will feature many talented performers and uplifting classic Broadway showtunes. Featuring students in grades 6-8, this inspirational show will have you on the edge of your seat and ready to dance! This premiere show will hopefully be the start of a new Middle School Theatre tradition! Be a part of it!

Fame, Jr. – Thurs., March 14 @ 4:30 ; Fri., March 15 @ 7 PM – WMS Auditorium

From the hit motion picture, television series, and international stage success, FAME is nothing short of a global phenomenon, set at New York City's celebrated High School for the Performing Arts. FAME JR. is the bittersweet but ultimately inspiring story of a diverse group of students as they commit to four years of grueling artistic and academic work. With candor, humor, insight and high-energy, contemporary pop score, the show explores the issues that confront many young people today.

Tickets to all performances will be available at the door.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sprague - Walk to School - rescheduled this Thursday, 2/28

Sprague families get your walking gear ready for WALK TO SCHOOL this Thursday, 2/28.

See you then,

Margaret Flitsch
Fitness and Health Specialist

Saturday, February 23, 2013

What's Happening at Sprague this Week

Monday, February 25
 WPS Strategic Plan Public Meeting - Katherine L. Babson Jr. Auditorium @ WHS
Tuesday, February 26
 Sprague Mosaic Mural Grouting
WhenTue, February 26, 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Wednesday, February 27
 Sprague Mosaic Mural Grouting
              Click here to sign up  to help finish the Mural before Open House Night on March 7th

Sprague Dining Room Mosaic - Final Push

Thanks so much to so many of you for your hard work and efforts regarding our Sprague Dining Room mosaic. It is nearing completion, but we want to make a final push so it is ready for the Sprague Open House in early March. Thus, our next/final attempts for evening sessions will be after vacation on Tuesday, February 26th andWednesday, February 27th. 
We hope you can join us. Please click on the opportunities here, night and day, to help us finish up the Mosaic before Sprague's Open House! Thanks so, so much!

WPS Strategic Planning Process - Sprague Parents Invited to Participate

Community Listening Forum Dates
  • Monday, February 25th, at 7:00-8:30 p.m., Katherine L. Babson Jr. Auditorium @ WHS
  • TUESDAY, March 5th at 7:00-8:30 p.m., Wakelin Room at the Wellesley Free Library
  • NEW -- Friday, March 8th at 9:00-10:30 a.m., Wakelin Room at the Wellesley Free Library

Around Town - Wellesley Volunteer Fair - Sun, March 17th

Find your perfect match at the Wellesley Volunteer Fair!

Welleslsey Volunteers is an initiative designed to bring together
Wellesley residents interested in volunteering with
Wellesley charitable and other nonprofit organizations or
municipal departments and agencies that need volunteers.

SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2013
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Main Library 530 Washington Street
781-235-1610 x1105

Wellesley Volunteers is sponsored by a grant from the
Fund for Wellesley and administered by Wellesley Friendly Aid

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

5th Graders vs. Faculty Basketball Recognition & Photo Ordering

The 5th graders are still celebrating their big win - what a great night!!!  Thank you to all who came out to support the event!  

A BIG thank you to...
-Lisa Moore for producing and directing the 5th grade half-time show.  
-Leslie Del Col for organizing the raffle along with her team of ticket sellers.
-Jessica Fixler for designing the amazing Stay Calm T-Shirts & coaching.
-Andrea Doglioli for overseeing the concessions & coaching.

A special thank you to..

-Ted Wayman - The voice of Sprague Basketball
-Maura Wayman - Professional Photographer
-Michael Scampini - Game Referee

We couldn't have been successful without these parent volunteers...
Coaches: Beth Smith, Ed Lasch and Adam Van Arsdale. 
Timers/Scorekeepers: Tom Picher and Tom bowman 
Sprague Yearbook: Karen Haberly, Jen Bowman and Amy Paladino
Concession Stand:  Carla Panell, Anne Marie Hayden, Ang Kenney, Thom and Kosal Carter, Jean Walsh, Pam Carr, and anyone else who filled in throughout the night.  Many thanks to all of our bakers - we had a scrumptious variety of sweets to choose from.  Thanks to Kim Katz/Jennett Murphy for bringing the water, and to Joe Perdoni of Old School Pizza for delivering the pizzas.

And finally, thank you to our teachers and staff who were such great sports, especially Dr. Goodwin for bringing basketball to Sprague - we celebrated our 3rd year.  

Thank you, Charmaine Hartnett


Order Photos of the night from Maura Wayman - up until April 1st

Maura Wayman is offering photos to Sprague families at a significantly reduced rate. She will be donating the proceeds from the sales to the 5th grade class. Orders must be in by April 1, 2013.  Place your order by following the instructions below, delivery will be done through backpacks at Sprague.  

To view your images go to:
click on client proofing
click on clients 2010 or later
this will bring you to a new page
enter the event ID: spraguehoops13

Wellesley Green Schools Green Tip of the Month

Programmable Thermostats

Did You Know?

Programmable thermostats are an easy upgrade to make your house more comfortable and also save heating and cooling energy and cost.

What YOU can do?

If you’re still using rotary-type thermostats – you’re way overdue for an upgrade!  Already have a programmable thermostat?  Try moderating the temperature at night time or during those times of the day that you’re frequently out of the house.  There’s no need to heat or cool to optimal temperatures when you aren’t there to enjoy it.

Helpful Links:

 What's your green play of the day?

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Due to the recent blizzard leaving the sidewalks impassible at this time, we will be postponing, Walk to School, scheduled for Tuesday, February 12th until further notice.

Thank you,

Margaret Flitsch
Fitness and Health Specialist
Sprague Elementary School

Saturday, February 9, 2013

What's Happening This Week at Sprague & Thank you

Tuesday, February 12
 Lincoln's Birthday
 Walk to School
 Sprague Mosaic Mural Work Night - 20 Volunteers Needed       Click here to sign up - 
Wednesday, February 13
 WPS Strategic Plan Public Meeting - WMS Auditorium
Thursday, February 14
 Valentine's Day

Thank you to all who came out to the 5th gr. vs. faculty basketball game.It was a close game, but the 5th graders won!A special thank you to Charmaine Hartnett and Dr. Goodwinfor leading the event along with the many parent helpers who madeit possible as well as our awesome teachers and faculty!!!Go Sprague!
Thank you to Rebecca Cahaly and her committee of parents who put onthe teacher appreciation luncheon last week.  Many thanks to the 2ndand 3rd grade parents who cooked lunch, baked desserts, brought in supplies and helped with the setup and clean up.  
Thank you to Andrea Giroux for coordinating the recent Sprague Ski Trip and to the many families who participated in the fun!  
Thank you to Jeny Brown and Lisa Jones for leading the Box Top Drive last week.  You ladies motivated us to keep clipping:-)
Thank you to our amazing art teacher, Jen Stabnick for all of her hard workand dedication to the Cafeteria Mosaic Mural - it's almost complete.  Wecouldn't have come this far without the help of Michelle Heath and Yolanda Tong for organizing volunteer sign-ups.  If you haven't had a chance to make your mark on the mural, please sign up for one of the sessions this week.    

Please Help Us Finish Up the Sprague Cafeteria Mosaic this week - Need 20 More Volunteers Tuesday Night

MOSAIC MURAL FEBRUARY 11th - 12th Volunteer Schedule

We grouted the table portion of the mural last Tuesday night. Thank you to the many parents who came out to help - we couldn't do this without you. The end is in sight! We still need more help to complete it!

Sign up here.

These volunteer slots should allow us to finish up! We are offering lots of time during the day on Monday and Tuesday as well as one more Tuesday evening. Thank you so much for all your help.

Creative Arts and Sciences News at Sprague

On February 4th, a science educator from Bugworks visited third grade classrooms to lead a hands-on, interactive program featuring live insects and other arthropods.

Also on Feb. 4th, teacher naturalist and Sprague school parent Alli Fronzaglia from the Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary visited kindergarten classrooms to lead kindergarten scientists in an experiment to learn how pollution affects water in nature. Students attempted to clean various types of pollution from water using a variety of tools. Kindergarten scientists determined that cleaning up pollution was very difficult and that preventing it might be the best course of action. They then discussed ways to keep our waterways clean and healthy. (Thank you Alli!)

On February 5th, second grade students Explored the Ocean World with marine biologist Ellen Goethel. Ellen's marine science program includes artifacts from the sea and features a water table filled with live creatures borrowed from the sea.

These program support the science curriculum. They are sponsored by the Sprague PTO/
Creative Arts and Sciences. 

Sprague Parents: Attend one of three public meetings to provide input for WPS Strategic Plan

Dear Wellesley Community,

As part of my entry as the new Superintendent of the Wellesley Public Schools, I have met with scores of individuals and groups to better understand what’s working well and what needs to be addressed in our school system. It’s clear that the community wants to build on our successes while adapting to a future in which the college, career, and life opportunities for which we are preparing our students continue to evolve rapidly. Whether considering academic programs, long-term facilities needs, or plans for economic sustainability, we must develop a vision for the future that will guide our efforts in a coherent way.

With this in mind, the Wellesley Public School system has begun the process of developing a multi-year strategic plan to inform our work in the days ahead. The core of this effort will be focused on addressing three essential questions: What should all Wellesley students know and be able to do? What program(s) of instruction will best develop these competencies? How will we measure our success? Naturally, these questions are simply the starting point to what we hope will be a robust community conversation about the future of our school system.

For this work to be successful, community participation will be imperative. An Advisory Committee has been formed to manage this process and includes teachers, administrators, parents, and town officials. We are also inviting staff and members of the Wellesley community to attend one of three public meetings to provide early input into this process:

  • Wednesday, February 13, 3-4:30 PM, Wellesley Middle School Auditorium
  • Monday, February 25, 7-8:30 PM, Katherine L. Babson, Jr. Auditorium at Wellesley High School
  • Wednesday, March 5, 7-8:30 PM, Wakelin Room, Wellesley Free Library
In addition to these community meetings, we will be convening specific focus groups and conducting a community-wide survey in late March. Our goal is to have a working draft of the strategic plan by early summer.

Among our greatest assets in Wellesley is an engaged community that demands much from its public schools but one that also provides exceptional support. Whether you have children in school or not, we invite the entire community to join us in charting a future path for the Wellesley Public Schools in the coming months.

David F. Lussier

Superintendent of Schools

1st Kindergarten Class at Sprague becomes Green Certified


KGG became the first Kindergarten class to be green certified last week! 

4TD was also proudly certified, pushing Sprague closer to our goal of having the entire school certified by March 15th (the other Green holiday).
With nearly 50% of the classrooms certified and others ready to go, Sprague School students and faculty are practicing what they pledge to do: 
Create a healthy, sustainable world starting with their classrooms. 
From reading books with eco-friendly themes, to using both sides of a piece of paper and turning off lights, computers and water when not in use, as well as recycling, the Sprague community is doing its part to take care of our planet Earth. 

Wellesley Green Schools, leading this all-town program, reports that the Upham School has been completely Green Certified and Schoefield will be working with WHS students to get theirs fully completed this year as well.
Just another way we are proud of Sprague. 
You might just see some glimpses of these ecologically minded citizens in your home too.

Thank you,

Phyllis Theerman

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sprague Student vs. Faculty Basketball game - 6:30pm WMS this Thursday, 2/7

Do you love Sprague students?
Do you love our teachers?
Do you like to have fun?

Don't miss the 5th grade versus Faculty Basketball game on Thursday, Feb. 7th at Wellesley Middle School at 6:30pm

Gym doors open at 6:00pm  
Pizza and baked goods for sale. 
Win an iPod Nano or iPod Touch in the raffle.

Everyone will be talking about THE game on Friday Morning!!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

What's Happening this Week at Sprague

Tuesday, February 5
Wednesday, February 6
 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch Hosted by 2nd and 3rd grades - chair Rebecca Cahaly       CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP
Thursday, February 7
 5th Graders vs Staff Basketball Game, All Sprague Families Invited       Doors Open at 6:00pm:  Pizza, refreshments and raffle tickets for sale.
Friday, February 8
 Walk to School
 PTO Coffee with speaker Dr. Ross - see below
 Author Mike Lupica's presentation - 

Please join us for our very special

February 8th PTO Coffee 

come to the cafe at 8:45am

to hear Dr. Jolene Ross
explain how your
child's brain works 
and what you can 
do to help build a 
healthy, brilliant mind!

Dr. Ross has experience teaching pre-school, primary, middle school and college students. This and her work with special needs students inspired her career in Psychology which began in 1979, working with individuals with developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, brain injury, epilepsy and other disorders of the central nervous system.

For a complete biography on Dr. Ross, click here.

We REALLY NEED Mosaic Mural Volunteers THIS WEEK

Your help is truly crucial now! We CANNOT take on the task of grouting without at least 20 VOLUNTEERS! Grouting is on Tuesday evening, February 5th from 6:30-9:30pm.

PLEASE click HERE to sign up!
We also need to put finishing touches to the mural with small broken bits of tile during Monday and Tuesday daytime shifts before we can grout.

Students have created and helped ALOT and now it's up to parents to continue perfecting this outstanding community masterpiece.  We are in the home stretch.  Please help us with this wonderful creation in time for us all to share at Sprague's Open House.

New York Times best-selling author Mike Lupica visits Sprague on Friday, Feb. 8th

The Sprague Elementary School is thrilled to host New York Times best-selling author Mike Lupica for an exciting presentation based on his new book, Game Changers Book 2: Play Makers.
Mike will be visiting Sprague on Friday, February 8th in a free visit arranged for us by Wellesley Books. As part of his visit, Mike will happily sign and personalize copies of his books for interested students. If you would like to purchase a book, please fill out the form sent home in backpacks last week, and attach a check or cash for the total amount of your purchase, and return it (in an envelope) to your teacher by Monday, February 4th.
Ben is known as the best point guard in the league. And now that Shawn O'Brien has joined their team, they are a shoe-in to win it all. But there is another new kid in town, Chase Braggs, a point guard like Ben who seems to be better, stronger, and faster. Refusing to let his team down, Ben hits the courts hard to practice. But with Ben not around his best friend Lily has been hanging out with Chase and she thinks he's a cool guy. Ben's frustration with Chase is starting to affect his relationship with Lily. Will Ben be able to pull it together for his team and for himself?

Around Town

Wellesley United Soccer 

Wellesley United Soccer Club Spring 2013 Registration for players who will
be in grades K-3 is now going on.  Online registration and program dates and times are available at   Deadline for Grade 1-3 is February 10th. Deadline for Kindergarten is March 30th.  For more info email


Wellesley Little League and Girls’ Softball

Notice of Registration for Spring 2013

The Wellesley Little League Board of Directors has announced that registration for the Spring 2013 Baseball and Softball programs will begin on November 5th.  Email notices will be sent to all eligible players from prior years.  All registrations will be processed online through our website

Eligible players include boys and girls, Kindergarten thru 8th grade, living or attending school in Wellesley. All players must have been born no earlier than 8/31/1997.  All interested players are invited to register.

Information on all our Spring 2013 Baseball & Softball leagues as well as important spring season dates is available on our website To receive the early registration discount you must register before January 31st otherwise the regular registration fee will apply up till February 28th at which till a late fee will be applied.    If you have any questions, please email WLL at, or call the WLL phone 781-235-5411.