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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Upcoming Weeks

Thursday, January 2th:  School resumes

Tuesday, January 7th:  Walk to School Day

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Around Town

Wellesley United Soccer Club Spring 2014 PRE-K through GRADE 3 SOCCER PROGRAM 
Registration is now open with deadline of January 30th.  This spring there will be a new PRE-K program on Wednesday afternoons 1-1:45pm.  The KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM will be held on Saturday mornings in a similar format to the fall program.  Grade 1-3 programs will be held at same times as the fall (Grade 1-2 on Sunday afternoons, Grade 3 on Saturdays)
For more info and to register, go to our website
Questions, please email

Youth Lacrosse Registration is open - register by January 9th
Registration is now open for Spring lacrosse; please go to to register.  

Boys and Girls in grades 3rd-8th who reside in Wellesley or attend a school in Wellesley are eligible to play town lacrosse.

For practice schedule and more information on both the girls and boys program go to

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Upcoming Week

Friday, December 20th
Last day of school before holiday break

Thursday, January 2nd
School resumes

Around Town

Local Groundhog Needs Your Campaign Support!

Calling all students—A local groundhog named Ms. G who resides at Drumlin Farm in Lincoln is running for the office of “Official State Groundhog of the Commonwealth” and she needs the help of Wellesley Public School students to get elected!
To Vote for Ms. G online—Visit
Sunday January 5th 3-5pm: Campaign Rally at Wellesley Public Library
Meet in the Wakelin Room for refreshments and a chance to meet Ms. G. A naturalist from Mass Audubon will be on hand to answer all questions “groundhog.” Next, a representative from the State House will explain how a bill becomes a law and how students can speak on Ms. G’s behalf at an upcoming hearing to help get her elected. Students will then make campaign posters, campaign buttons, and work as teams to prepare testimony for the upcoming hearing.
Wednesday January 8th: Hearing on Ms. G Bill
The Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight is planning a special hearing on the Ms. G Bill. Wellesley Public School students are invited to speak on Ms. G’s behalf. Meet at Wellesley Public Library at 1pm in the Wakelin Room. Bring your campaign posters, buttons, and your testimony!
Save the date—February 2nd: Groundhog Day
Catch Ms. G on the Morning Show on WBZ. Catch Ms. G and her campaign on The Weather Channel. Then see Ms. G present her annual forecast live at Drumlin Farm between 10am-12pm. Enjoy weather related educational activities, meet local TV meteorologists, and hope for an early spring!
*Ms. G’s campaign is the subject of a children’s book that will be released Feb 2, 2015.


Double your donation with a gift to WEF this December.  

The WEF Board of Directors has pledged $18,000 for a #GivingTuesday and Holiday Season matching challenge.  Every donation made to WEF through the end of December will be matched dollar for dollar, so please consider a tax-deductible donation to WEF during this Season of Giving.  We are gratefully accepting transfers of stock, which may be an attractive giving option for many this year.  All types of donations will be matched up to the max.   Donations made before 12/31 are tax-deductible in 2013.  Thank you and enjoy this beautiful season.  Click HERE for all donation options.  

Please also  like WEF on Facebook. Facebook followers will be among the first to hear about WEF’s Fall grant awards!
P.S. If you work at a company that matches charitable donations, please remember to submit the paperwork.

Shopper's Corner at Schofield Elementary

Did you know that there's a fabulous resale boutique located right in Schofield Elementary School?  It's called Shopper's Corner and it's your home for amazing bargains on designer clothing and accessories for your whole family!

Shopper's Corner sells new and gently used items from infant through adult.  Our prices are rock bottom.  Items start at $1 and most are less than $5!  We stock our inventory through donations and consignments from folks just like you.  Donations of new or very gently worn items (no stains, tears or holes please) can be dropped off any time the store is open.  If you'd like to consign, come on in and we can get you set up immediately.  We have a very generous consignor policy!

The store is open during the school year every Wednesday from 8:30am to 12:15pm and the first Saturday of each month from 10am to noon.  We're closed during school vacation periods.  Our inventory changes frequently so we encourage shoppers to stop by often.  We sell very high quality designer names such as Lily Pulitzer, Coach, Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap Kids and Janie & Jack.  You never know what you'll find.

Our upcoming schedule:

Wednesday, December 18 from 8:30am to 12:15pm
Saturday, January 4 from 10am to noon
Wednesday, January 8 from 8:30am to 12:15pm
Wednesday, January 15 from 8:30am to 12:15pm

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Thank you for a successful Cookie Walk!


WE DID IT!  We raised nearly $7,000 for our beloved school!

Thank you to the entire Sprague Community. Without your many contributions, we wouldn't have had such a successful Cookie Walk.

Special thanks go to Dr. Goodwin for his support and leadership and to all the Sprague faculty and staff for their support and enthusiasm, especially our wonderful custodians: Scott Grady, Jack Glorioso, and Rob Carter.

Many thanks go to our generous contributors for raffle items, our fabulous bakers and our great volunteers, especially:

Becca Cahaly, Shaune Berg, Carrie Reepmeyer, Michelle Heath, Andrea Doglioli, Melissa Martin, Kim Khoury, Matthew McKay, DD Marcoux, Julie Knudson, Danae Foley, Angie Gakidis, Kim Bender, Lucienne Ronco, Nur Hamzaogullari, Angie Hemmerle, Fernandez Moreno, Laura Brown MacKinnon,  Jenn Fallon, Susan Bevilacqua, Jill Fischmann, Colette Aufranc, Suzanne Fletcher, Phyllis Theermann, Amy Palidino, Anng Kenney, Elise Rodino, Jen Caiazzo, Jen Vernazza, Susie Ellis, Aileen Russell, Carmen Quilis, Kirsten Stevenson, Ayla Lari, Annie Newman, Joanne Hinchley, Vanita Goyal, Velita Person and everyone who showed up and offered to help the day of the event!

We wish all of you happy holidays!
Katy Comstock and Adam VanArsdale

Teacher and Staff Gift Giving Rules

As we enter the holiday season, and parents contemplate gifts to teachers and staff, it is worth outlining the gift giving guidelines, as detailed by the State Ethics Commission.

Put simply, parents may give gifts either directly or through a group gift but not both:
  • directly to teachers/staff and be subject to a limit of not more than $50 (i.e. $49.99);
  • through a group blind classroom gift subject to a limit of $150.
A more detailed explanation is provided on the Sprague PTO website.

Sprague Directory

Hopefully everyone received a Sprague Directory before the Thanksgiving holiday. If you did not then please let us know and we will make sure you receive a copy.

Thank-you Cindy Klein-Marmer and Jean Walsh for all the effort you put into tracking down families, double-checking accuracy, and shepherding the process to the end. Your hard work has made a meaningful impact on the Sprague community by helping families connect and supporting the school. We really appreciate all your hard work!

Also, thank-you Michelle Walsh for helping to offset the printing costs of the directory. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

Please expect to receive the Sprague Handbook in the near future.

Around Town

Smart Wellesley. Making the Switch!

The Town of Wellesley is leading the way to a more sustainable holiday season by switching Town holiday lights to LEDs (light-emitting diodes) and setting many of them to go off at 11 pm. Municipal Light Plant Director Dick Joyce says the Town will save money by changing to LED lights and by making sure most of the lights are off when residents aren’t awake to enjoy them.

This season, the Town will decorate the lawn at Town Hall, 30 trees, and 50 lampposts. All but the lamppost lights will go off at 11 pm, according to a decision by the Wellesley Board of Selectmen.

Wellesley Green Schools is encouraging Wellesley families and businesses to follow the Town’s lead by using LED holiday lights to celebrate sustainably and sensibly. The technology behind LED lighting has improved dramatically in recent years and warm white LED holiday lights can be indistinguishable from incandescent lights.

Some important facts about LED holiday lights:
  • LEDs use 65 to 90 percent less energy than incandescents. 
  • LEDs can last up to 10 times longer than incandescents. 
  • LEDs run cooler than incandescents and pose a lower fire risk. 
  • Turning holiday lights off by 11 pm – or putting the lights on a timer to go off automatically – will save even more energy and money. Residents and businesses can take sustainability measures a step further by signing up to get their electricity from renewable power sources through the Wellesley Municipal Light Plant’s Power to Choose program. This low-cost option is available online, or by calling the Wellesley Municipal Light Plant, 781-235-7600, ext. 3366.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Cookie Walk is here!

Just a reminder that the Cookie Walk is 2:30-5:00 today, Thursday December 5th!

At drop off: Drop off your cookies bagged in groups of 6 and labeled and $5 if you would like them 
                    festively wrapped. 

Volunteers: Right after drop off until 1:00, people will be wrapping cookies in the cafeteria or just 
                   outside the cafeteria. From 1:00-2:30, the gym will be ready for set up. 

2:30 Cookie and raffle sales begin in the gym
3:30/3:45ish LINX dancers will perform
4:30: Raffle drawing (make sure you buy your tickets by 4:20)
5:00 Cookie Walk clean up begins

In an effort to be green, please bring your own reusable water bottle or you can get water from the nearby fountain. Also, it would be great if you could bring a reusable bag from home to put your cookies into. If not, there will be paper bags available that you can then reuse/recycle. Thanks for helping Sprague continue to reduce its carbon footprint!


Katy Comstock & Adam VanArsdale 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Cookie Walk is almost here!

We are almost there!!! We still need more COOKIES! If you haven't yet signed up to bake, please e-mail If everyone already baking can make an extra dozen, it would really help. The more cookies we have, the more cookies there will be to buy and of course, that raises more money for our wonderful Sprague school and children! 

The Cookie Walk raffle presale is over, but you can still buy tickets at the Cookie Walk, this coming Thursday December 5th. Remember that the winners will be announced at 4:30 p.m.,  but you do not need to be present to win. You may purchase tickets with cash, check or credit card. There are AMAZING prizes to win- Superintendent for the day, a ride to school from the Wellesley police, get an article you wrote published in the Wellesley Townsman, get a tour of Mix 104.1 radio station, win tickets to a Celtics game, a signed Gronkowski football, gift certificates to LINX camps, exercise classes, massages, gift certificates to tons of local businesses for toys, books, ice cream, entertainment, spa services and products, food, pet care, theatre and child development classes, clothing, jewelry, dinners out... and more! 

Thank you in advance for your support.

If you have any questions please contact us at:

Katy Comstock at
Adam Van Arsdale at

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Upcoming Week

Monday, December 2nd
NO SCHOOL:  Thanksgiving Recess

Tuesday, December 3rd
3:05 Russian Pen Pals with Ms. Wolkoff, Mrs. Banthin's 5th Grade Class

Wednesday, December 4th
Walk to School Day (Changed from December 5th)
3:05 Lego Robotics, Grade 2

Thursday, December 5th
Cookie Walk 2:30 - 5:00 pm
3:05 Lego Robotics, Grade 5

Sprague Elementary 8th Annual Cookie Walk!

What is the Cookie Walk?
It is an event where you can buy a wonderful assortment of holiday cookies and other treats, enjoy entertainment by the LINX dance troupe, purchase raffle tickets for your chance to win amazing prizes, and write a letter to a soldier which will be delivered for you right after the event. This event is an important fundraiser for our school.

When is it?
Thursday, December 5th from 2:30-5:00 p.m. (snow date 12/6 2:30-5:00 p.m.)
Location: Sprague Elementary gym, 401 School St., Wellesley

Calling all Sprague Bakers
Preheat your ovens, and show off your best cookie recipe at our yummiest fundraiser! We NEED tons of cookies and we appreciate ANY amount you can bake but this year we are hoping for 3-6 dozen per family.  If you can bake more it will be GREAT, but if you cannot, no worries! We also welcome gluten-free and peanut/tree-nut free items. If you cannot bake, consider purchasing items at a local bakery that look homemade!  Wrap up the cookies festively in bundles of 6 and label them with the type of cookie you baked OR just label them and we will wrap them for you for a $5 flat fee.
Drop off cookies: Thursday December 5th at car line from 8:10 to 8:45

Please let us know how many cookies or other baked items you are able to make by either:
*Filling out the form being sent home via backpack this week and returning to your child's teacher OR
*e-mailing Adam Van Arsdale at

We need Volunteers
To make this a great event, we need volunteers to wrap cookies, help set up, be cashiers, and help clean up. 

*Click HERE to sign up for the following volunteer shifts:
   -8:10-9:00 / 9-11 / 11-1 / 1-3 / 2:30-5:30 / 3:30-4:30 / 4:30-5:30

Thank you in advance for making our Sprague Cookie Walk a success!!!
Katy Comstock & Adam Van Arsdale

Cookie Walk is getting GREENER!
Please bring your own bags to bring home purchased cookies from the Cookie Walk.  Also, in an effort to go green, there will not be bottled water available at this event so please bring your own reusable water bottles.  Thank you!!

Remember Me! Books

Remember Me! Books is a great program at Sprague that helps the library grow it's collection of new and exciting books for your children.  Throughout the year families can purchase books from a special wish list created by Librarian, Ellen Mandel, donate them to the library and then dedicate those books to their children: celebrating accomplishments, birthdays or honoring a staff/teacher.

There are 2 ways to donate:
1. Go to "Wish List" then "Find Someone's Wish List" and type in Sprague School
2. View our list, choose a book(s) and add them to your cart
3. Make sure you ship to "Ellen Mandel - Wellesley, MA " - Sprague's Librarian.  If you are buying books for yourself at the same time, you can ship to your home and have your child bring the donated book to school
4. Don't Forget - click on "Ordering a Gift" and type your dedication that the Librarian will add to the inside cover of the book once it arrives at the library

Wellesley Books:
1. They have a Sprague wish list on file at the children's desk at the back of the store
2. Choose and purchase your books off the list and deliver them to the Sprague Library desk where you can fill out a dedication form

Once your book is in the library and it has a dedication plate...
It will be shared with your child's class during Library time
Your child will have their picture taken for the Remember Me display board and be the first to borrow the book if they choose
Your gift is noted in the PTO blog
The book will then become a part of the permanent library collection for all the Sprague students to enjoy!

THANK YOU - Remember Me! Books 
Thank you to the following Sprague families for their amazing support and generosity to the Sprague Library: Martinian, Stevenson, Fischmann, Cahaly, Walsh, Marvan, Frost, O'Neill, Tong, Del Col

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Walk to School Day MOVED to Wednesday, December 4

Due to the conflict with the Cookie Walk on December 5, Walk to School Day will now be held on Wednesday, December 4th.  Please note the change, bundle up and walk, ride or scoot to school with the rest of the Sprague community!

The Sprague Cookie Walk raffle is here!!!

In an effort to be green, the pre-sale form for the Cookie Walk raffle is being sent to you electronically this year. If you would like to purchase raffle tickets ahead of time so you can focus on getting cookies and enjoying the entertainment at the Cookie Walk, please print and fill out the form below. Return it with your check made payable to the Sprague P.T.O. by next Wednesday 11/27. (no cash please) You may also wait and buy tickets at the Cookie Walk. Cash or check will be accepted there. If you have any questions, contact Katy Comstock at
Thank you!!!
                       Sprague School Cookie Walk Raffle
       Thursday, December 5, 2013, 2:30-5:00p.m. Raffle Winners will be drawn at 4:30p.m.

                                                                  1 Ticket: $2
                                                                  6 Tickets: $10
                                                                 15 Tickets: $20

  Item Number
No. of Tickets
  Total $


Superintendent for the day: A chance for one student to join Dr. Lussier for lunch, a tour of central office & share their vision for Wellesley public schools!
Donated by Dr. Lussier


The Coolest Ride in Town: One of Wellesley's finest will drive you & two friends to or from school in a police cruiser.
Donated by the Wellesley Police Department


Future Journalist: Get a tour of Metrowest News & teacher support to write an article about your school that will be published in the Wellesley Townsman!
Donated by Robert Tremblay, Katy Comstock & Cathy Brauner


Future Radio Personality: Get a tour of Mix 104.1 radio station and a meet and greet with radio personalities Gregg Daniels, Sue Brady & Fast Freddy.
Donated by Mix 104.1 radio station


Boston Strong: A signed photo of Ryan Lavarnway (a pitcher for the 2013 World Series champions, the Boston Red Sox) 2 loge section 8 tickets to a Celtics game (your choice of 1/15 or 1/17) signed football by Patriot's player Rob Gronkowski, and  a Bruins/Boston Strong t-shirt.
Donated by the Red Sox, Murillo family, & Comstock/Leone family


The Acting Bug: One weekly winter or spring class at Wellesley Theatre Project and one semester at All about Us Inc. theatre program
Donated by: Wellesley theatre project and All about Us. Inc.


The Ultimate Summer Camp experience: These gift certificates for $200 off a LINX regular camp and $200 off a LINX specialty camp will ensure your child will have a fun summer!
Donated by: LINX Camps


Get in Shape and feel great: $30 to Marathon Sports, a free month's membership at Get in Shape for Women, 5 classes at Purre Barre, and a one hour massage!
Donated by Marathon Sports, Get in shape for Women, Purre Barre & Stepping Stone Acupuncture & Wellness Spa

Parent/Child Fun: 2 Manicures at Mini-Luxe, $20 to Wellesley books, $25 to Wellesley toys, $25 to White Mountain Creamery, 4 laser tag passes & $10 in tokens to Fun & Games, 4 mini-golf passes, a Pogo stick ($60) $20 to Truly Yogurt, $50 in customized cupcakes… and for you: $100 in Salon One Services & a 1 hour massage.
Donated by: Mini-Luxe,Wellesley books, Wellesley Toys, White Mountain Creamery, Fun & Games, Little Bits, Truly Yogurt, Take the Cake, Salon One & massage therapist Dianne O'Sullivan-Gard



Take care of your 4 footed friend and treat yourself to goodies too!: Unleashed goody bag, $25 to Pet World, $30 in pet sitting services, $25 to Fells, $30 to Linden Deli, $25 to Comellas, $40 to Wasik's Cheese Shop, products from Starbucks and Peets, candle products from Pinestraw & 2 Tiffany champagne flutes.
Donated by Unleashed, Pet World, Metrowest petsitting, Fells, Linden Deli, Comellas, Wasik's Cheese Shop, Starbucks, Peets, Pinestraw, & the Fischmann family



My Kidville: Enjoy a 16 week class and full year's membership.
Donated by My Kidville


A night on the town #1: Get all fancied up & enjoy a night on the town: $300 for a color, cut & makeover at Station Row Salon in Newton, a Sarah Campbell Ruana and $125 for dinner at Lineage.
Donated by Station Row Salon, Sarah Campbell & the Sewall family


A night on the town #2: Get all fancied up & enjoy a night on the town: $300 for a color, cut & makeover at Station Row Salon in Newton, a cut or shave for him at Roosters, $150 for Stella & Dot Jewelry and $125 for dinner at Island Creek Oyster Bar.

Donated by Station Row Salon, Roosters, Stella & Dot and the Sewall family




A night on the town #3: Get all fancied up & enjoy a night on the town: $300 for a color, cut & makeover at Station Row Salon in Newton, $150 for Stella & Dot jewelry, and $125 for dinner at The Cottage.

Donated by Station Row Salon, Stella & Dot, and the Cottage


Dining in: Wellesley Native, Mark Valentine, a personal chef, will prepare dinner for 6 to be dropped off at your home. Make sure you're looking good with a gorgeous pair of Ippolita earrings and products from Drybar.
Donated by Shaune and Steve Berg, Ippolita & Drybar


We extend our sincere thanks to all our contributors for their ongoing support and generosity!

Your Name: ___________________________

Phone Number: ________________________

Email: _________________________________

Amount Enclosed: ________________________

For Treasurer Use Only

Check #______________

Total Amount ___________