Per Dr. Goodwin..."assuming we have school on Wednesday, we will conduct the Halloween Parade, rain or shine (if inclement weather, we will have an indoor parade route established), so feel free to send your child(ren) to school with their costume on Wednesday."
Most teachers recommend children wearing costumes to school and then changing after the parade. So please send in a change of clothes.
Parents - please BYOC - bring your own coffee. Thank you!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Cradles to Crayons drive ends November 2nd
- Click here for a complete list of items accepted or to find out more about Cradles to Crayons.
- Want to get involved collecting or sorting donated items? Click here to find out how.
Jump In - Watch the Latest Sprague Assembly Video!
Check out the latest Sprague Teacher/Faculty dancing video promoting Acceptance and Appreciation - shown at last Friday's school assembly. I didn't know Dr. Goodwin was such a good dancer:-)
Thank you to the Assembly Committee for this amazing production!
Click Here for Jump In Video
Thank you to the Assembly Committee for this amazing production!
Click Here for Jump In Video
Idea #4 - Artwork/Order Forms Due on Friday, Nov. 2nd
Original Works Idea #4
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Orders are due this Friday, November 2nd
Thanks for participating!
Click on the following Pinterest Page for ideas and inspiration - Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work.
Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Orders are due this Friday, November 2nd
Thanks for participating!
- Use someone else's work as inspiration. From the museum, in books, on the street. If you reinterpret and work on it your way, it is your art piece!
- Working together counts as a family project that will be a great memory when you see your products. How about each family member draws themself or an interpretation of themself for a family portrait? Or come up with a family crest.
- The family motto or child's favorite saying can be noted down and decorated. Just make sure it is short, very legible and readable for transfer.
- Recreate your home on paper!
Hand and Thumbprint Love Tree, Thumbprint Reindeer Family, Horse Family
Click on the following Pinterest Page for ideas and inspiration - Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work.
Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Yard Sale Sponsored by WHS Gymnastics Team, Sat. Nov. 3rd, 9:00am
Saturday, November 3rd
52 Manor Ave from 9 AM to 2 PM
Come browse our selection of household, sporting goods, and other items and help us prepare for another great season!
Contact with any questions
Thank you for your support!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
What's Happening at Sprague?
Hurricane Sandy - Emergency Protocol
weather conditions place the safety of students in jeopardy, the
Superintendent’s Office will notify parents of school cancellations in the
following methods:
(updated parent emails must be included in
contact information)
Channel 4
781-446-6200 for a recorded message
Your favorite news website likely tracks school
do not call the school or the Police or Fire Department for this information.
Halloween Parade - Rain or shine! - Wednesday, October 31st, at 8:40amish. BYOC - Bring Your Own Coffee!
If you do not wish to have your child participate for any reason, this is completely fine as an alternative activity in the library will take place while the parade is ongoing. This activity is overseen by our tremendous School Psychologist Elana Wolkoff.
Fifth Grade Social - Friday, November 2, 7-10pm, click here to RSVP
Original Works - Order forms due this Friday, November 2nd. Contact Yoland Tong with any questions,
Printed Directory Coming in November -
Can't wait until November? Visit the Online Directory - Once logged in to the Online Directory, click on Print to visit the Printables section. We've just added a phone and email list sorted by class and a Sprague staff and teacher contact list. Keep in mind this information is for Sprague families ONLY.
For troubleshooting - email, Jean Walsh at
Volunteer Spotlight
Thank you to Melissa Martin, who hit the ground running with our nature walk program as the Environmental Science Chair. Melissa is a new parent this year at Sprague. Thank you to all of our grade level coordinators and for the many parents who volunteered their time to facilitate the K-3 grade fall nature walks.
Thank you to Shaune and Steven Berg who hosted the recent 4th grade social event this past Friday. What a wonderful night for a party! Thank you to the 4th grade room parents for assistance with the party planning. And thank you to all who brought yummy treats to enjoy.
What is EF Deficit? Find out at the next WPAC lecture on Tues., Nov. 13th 7-9pm WMS
Wellesley Parent Advisory Council Presents:
What's, Where's, and How's of It
Functioning (or EF for short) seems to be
the new buzzwords. We know these skills are important, but not necessarily how
they impact a child's growth and development.
Rubin and Marjorie Albin, learning specialists and co-founders of The Student
First, will talk with us about what Executive Functioning is, how to recognize
EF deficits, and what we can do to help develop these vital skills in our
November 13th
Middle School Library
Tickets on Sale NOW for WHS fall musical, "Into the Woods," Nov. 8th - Nov. 10th at WHS
Wellesley High School Performing Arts Dept.
presents the fall musical,
"Into the Woods"
Book by Jams Lapine
Into the Woods combines the well-known fairy tales of Cinderella, Rapunzel, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Little Red Riding Hood with the story of the Baker and his Wife who desperately want a child. Unfortunately, the Baker and his Wife have been cursed by the Witch and must perform various missions involving the characters in the other fairy tales to break the spell. Once upon a time....come to the inaugural musical in the new WHS auditorium.
Thursday, November 8th at 4:30 PM
Friday, November 9th at 7:30 PM
Saturday, November 10th at 2 PM
Saturday, November 10th at 7:30 PM
Friday, November 9th at 7:30 PM
Saturday, November 10th at 2 PM
Saturday, November 10th at 7:30 PM
WHS Auditorium
Adults $16, Students (K-12) $8, Seniors (65+) $8
Adults $16, Students (K-12) $8, Seniors (65+) $8
Ticket Questions?
Ticket Questions?
Need Childcare on Tuesday, Nov., 6th?
Tuesday, November 6th from 12 - 3pm Parent/Teacher Conferences
5th Graders Babysitting is Available in the Sprague Library
(with games, arts and crafts and outdoor play)
Please contact Leslie Tellalian to sign up for a half hour time slot. Note your child(ren)'s name, age and what time they will be there. $5 donation per family. No food please. Parent helpers will be available.
Leslie Tellalian
Anne-Marie Hayden
Idea #3 - Helpful tips for your child's artwork
Original Works Ideas #3 - order by Friday, November 2
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Now we have the child who feels he/she cannot draw at all. In Ideas #2, we talked about using paper cutouts which can be put together to shape different things. We also can use other items to help form artwork.
Click on the following Pinterest Page for ideas and inspiration - Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work.
Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Now we have the child who feels he/she cannot draw at all. In Ideas #2, we talked about using paper cutouts which can be put together to shape different things. We also can use other items to help form artwork.
- Stencils are fun to use and different ones can be used to put together a scene. Coloring does not have to be inside the lines!
- Use different items with paint to create different looks. Remember the cut apple we dipped in paint and stamped on paper in grade school? Use yarn, jar covers, finger and handprints, toothpicks, comb, etc.
- Just coming up with your own pattern of whatever that repeats is pretty nice.
- Recreate that project you enjoyed as a kid!
Click on the following Pinterest Page for ideas and inspiration - Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work.
Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Annual Hearing and Vision Screenings at Sprague
From the Sprague School Nurse:
I have started conducting the mandated annual hearing and vision screenings at Sprague. These screenings help identify barriers that would impede a child's ability to learn because much learning is accomplished through vision and/or hearing.
Early identification of hearing and vision problems can prevent problems that relate to speech and language development, social and emotional development, academic achievement, and/or permanent vision loss. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has established guidelines regarding screening procedures and referral criteria for school-age children.
Vision screening checks for
- problems in acuity (sharpness)
- amblyopia (reduced vision in an otherwise healthy eye)
- binocular function (one image using both eyes)
- hyperopia (farsightedness - problems seeing close images)
- myopia (nearsightedness - problems seeing at a distance)
- strabismus (eyes not properly aligned)
- stereopsis (three-dimensional vision) grades K-3
This helps identify students who may have an unrecognized vision problem that could lead to the development of permanent vision loss if not detected early.
Hearing screening checks for response to tones in the frequencies most used for spoken communication. A hearing impairment interferes with normal speech development; school age children with even minimal hearing loss are at risk for academic and communication difficulties. Early detection and proper medical treatment insures a better chance of successfully correcting any hearing problems.
School screening tests are not diagnostic in nature. They are designed to identify students who need further evaluation, with the goal of early detection, diagnosis and treatment of hearing and vision problems before they can interfere with a child's academic success. Each year here at Sprague the students undergo the mandated screenings. I then contact parents of those children who do not pass the screenings, to refer for further evaluation by their physician.
Please call me at 781-263-1969 x 502 if you have any questions or concerns.
Sharon Kahn RN
Sprague School Nurse
Online Directory -New- Printables Section Available
Online Directory - Please visit the -New- Printables section
Once logged in, click on print to view files under the Printables section.
Two new files have been added:
1. Parent Cross Reference List (to search for information when parent and child's name is different)
2. PTO Board and Committee Chair List by name and email - 2012-2013
(email addresses will only be available online through the directory printables section, we'll be removing parent email addresses off the website pages to prevent spamming.)
If you haven't had a chance to register for the Online School Directory click here for instructions.
For troubleshooting or assistance, please contact, Jean Walsh
Moms' Night Out - Wed., Nov. 7th at 7pm - CPK in Wellesley
come to our
California Pizza Kitchen
Wednesday Nov. 7th
Sprague will receive 20% of all receipts!!!
Click here to print flyer - must bring to event.
Questions: Contact Andrea Giroux,
Click here to print flyer - must bring to event.
Questions: Contact Andrea Giroux,
Idea #2 - Helpful tips for your child's artwork
Original Works Idea #2 - order by Friday, November 2
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Still thinking on what your child can do? Have you considered other art mediums? Sure crayons and markers are great and easy, but paint and paper cutouts are fun to use and can add another dimension to your artwork.
Click on the following Pinterest Page for ideas and inspiration - Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work.
Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Still thinking on what your child can do? Have you considered other art mediums? Sure crayons and markers are great and easy, but paint and paper cutouts are fun to use and can add another dimension to your artwork.
- Washing the whole background with water colors or paint would ensure the whole piece has some color. Skies and grounds are hard for kids to color all in, so why not help make it easier? Then they can go crazy with their detail work!
- If you have extra wallpaper or gift wrap at home, a great way to add color! Your child only has to cut out shapes he/she likes and put it together in a collage. Try making different things by putting the paper together in different ways.
- Think about using multiple media together, paint and paper cutouts, crayons and paint, etc.
- Recreate the Class Project they enjoyed!
Click on the following Pinterest Page for ideas and inspiration - Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work.
Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Volunteers Needed for Butterfly Garden Sat. October 27th |
Come on out & help us build a Butterfly Garden and make Sprague shine!
No Gardening Skills required just Enthusiasm & a Strong Back!!!!
Saturday, October 27th
9am-11:30am @ the Sprague Garden
Rain or Shine, shovels, wheel barrels & garden gloves would be helpful
Click here to sign up to help
Questions: Contact Jeny Brown: or Danae Foley:
Questions: Contact Jeny Brown: or Danae Foley:
FREE Home Energy Audit for Wellesley Residents - from the Green Team
you live in Wellesley, you can get a FREE home energy audit courtesy of
the Department of Public Works. Home energy audits help identify the
easiest and most cost effective energy saving opportunities. It’s easy,
and did we mention it’s FREE!?
Energy Northeast at 888-772-4242 to schedule an audit. Identify
yourself as a Wellesley resident. It will take about an hour. Schedule
your audit today!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
What's Happening This Week at Sprague?
This Week at Sprague -
Clean out your closets and drawers, Cradles to Crayons collections start this Wednesday through November 2nd at Sprague.
Click here for most wanted items and details!
4th Grade Parent Social: Friday, October 26th, hosted by Shaune and Steven Berg. Click here to RSVP
The PTO Board will be meeting on Monday, Oct. 22nd at 8:45am to finalize the 2012-2013 budget and review last year's gift program. If you have any questions or would like to join the meeting please contact, Jean Walsh ( or Andrea Giroux (
Volunteer Spotlight - Thank you!
Thank you to Rebecca and Glenn Cahaly for opening up their beautiful home for the 3rd Grade Social this past Friday night. Despite the rain, everyone came out to join the fun. Thank you also to the third grade room parents for helping with the party supplies and setup; and to our wonderful families for bringing so many tasty treats to enjoy. What a FANTASTIC night!
Thank you to Rebecca Cahaly for coordinating the recent Teacher/Staff Appreciation lunch this past Wednesday and to the Kindergarten and First grade families who brought in all of the fabulous menu items for the staff to enjoy.
Dishes from the 3rd Grade Social and Teacher Appreciation Lunch can be picked up in the front office across from the teacher mailboxes.
Thank you to Andrea Doglioli and DD Marcoux, our Book Fair Co-Chairs, for their outstanding work and dedication during the recent Scholastic Book Fair. You ladies are amazing! Thank you to the many parent volunteers who came out to work during the fair and to all the families who supported the fair by purchasing books for their children and our Sprague library.
Clean out your closets and drawers, Cradles to Crayons collections start this Wednesday through November 2nd at Sprague.
Click here for most wanted items and details!
4th Grade Parent Social: Friday, October 26th, hosted by Shaune and Steven Berg. Click here to RSVP
The PTO Board will be meeting on Monday, Oct. 22nd at 8:45am to finalize the 2012-2013 budget and review last year's gift program. If you have any questions or would like to join the meeting please contact, Jean Walsh ( or Andrea Giroux (
Volunteer Spotlight - Thank you!
Thank you to Rebecca and Glenn Cahaly for opening up their beautiful home for the 3rd Grade Social this past Friday night. Despite the rain, everyone came out to join the fun. Thank you also to the third grade room parents for helping with the party supplies and setup; and to our wonderful families for bringing so many tasty treats to enjoy. What a FANTASTIC night!
Thank you to Rebecca Cahaly for coordinating the recent Teacher/Staff Appreciation lunch this past Wednesday and to the Kindergarten and First grade families who brought in all of the fabulous menu items for the staff to enjoy.
Dishes from the 3rd Grade Social and Teacher Appreciation Lunch can be picked up in the front office across from the teacher mailboxes.
Thank you to Andrea Doglioli and DD Marcoux, our Book Fair Co-Chairs, for their outstanding work and dedication during the recent Scholastic Book Fair. You ladies are amazing! Thank you to the many parent volunteers who came out to work during the fair and to all the families who supported the fair by purchasing books for their children and our Sprague library.
Kristan Fiore (2KF) launches the, "Green Bean Award," this week at Sprague
Congratulations Sprague and Mrs. Fiore for this creative and inspiring idea.
Green Bean, Sprague School |
Sprague teacher and Wellesley Green School Council member, Kristan Fiore, launches the, "Green Bean Award," at Sprague School this week. For more information and to find out how a classroom can be awarded the "Green Bean Award," click here.
Babysitting for Teacher Conferences: Tues., Nov., 6th from Noon - 3pm
you attending a Parent/Teacher Conference on
Tuesday, November 6th from Noon - 3pm?
If you
are and need help with childcare while you meet with your teacher(s), the
Sprague 5th graders are here to help! Sprague 5th graders and parent helpers will
provide childcare in the Sprague Library. We’ll play games with the kids
and have fun arts and crafts available. And, if the weather is nice,
some fun outdoor play time.
Please contact Leslie Tellalian to sign
up your child(ren) for a half hour time slot. Let her know your child(ren)'s name, age and what time they will be there. A $5 donation per family is
requested. No food will be served during this time.
We look forward to seeing you on
November 6th!
Leslie Tellalian
Anne-Marie Hayden
Idea #1 - Helpful tips for your child's artwork
Original Works - order by Fri., Nov 2nd
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Order packets came home and your child is questioning what they should draw? We have a few ideas discussed in our student meetings.
Click on the following Pinterest Page for ideas and inspiration:
Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work. Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Your child's artwork reproduced on a variety of products
Order packets came home and your child is questioning what they should draw? We have a few ideas discussed in our student meetings.
- Outline your child's name with big letters and then they can decorate the inside of the letters with different shapes or colors. Talk about personalizing!
- Draw your favorite shape and repeat all over the paper. Different colors or patterns can be colored in each one. OR just make the shape big and put little shapes inside.
- Draw your favorite object (or person or animal or place...) and make it large on the paper. That's really showing everyone what your favorite things are!
- Recreate a project they've done and enjoyed in Art Class!
Original Works, Ms. Stabnick's page
Don't forget to put the child's name somewhere in the art if they like. Artists do sign their work. Contact Yolanda Tong for more info.
Inspiring Sprague Artists: By Jen Stabnick, Sprague Art Teacher
Item #1 - Follow Me on Pinterest
I have been working on a Pinterest Site titled, Frogs in the Art Room
I am writing to you now, to inform you all of the next phases of the project and describe how the community can become part of this mural installation. I would like to incorporate the Sprague family dinner table into the project. I am looking for broken or chipped everyday dishware from your homes. The dishes will be broken into small pieces and added to the mosaic portion of the boarder. Dishes may be brought to the Sprague art room through the end of November. Thank you!
Michelle Heath will be the parent coordinator and with her generous help and enthusiasm for all things mosaic, we will be running workshops over the next few months to install and grout the mural in the cafeteria.
Here is a rough outline of the next 4 months......
January: Parent Volunteers to grout during workshops running mornings 8:45 - 11:00am
February: Parent Volunteers to do cleaning/ finish work during workshops running mornings 8:45 - 11:00am.
I have been working on a Pinterest Site titled, Frogs in the Art Room
It will continue to grow, but families will find it loaded with all things clever for home art projects for our young artists, fine art, cooking ideas and of course Halloween Costume ideas! I invite everyone to check it out and follow me.
Item #2 - The Sprague Mural -
Please send in broken/chipped dishware
Over the past year, plans have been in motion to install another mural on the walls of Sprague Elementary School. This will be the largest project completed at Sprague and similar to the first mural in our front lobby, it will be a collaboration of students, staff and the families of Sprague. The mural will depict a bird's eye view of a dining table with children from around the world sitting down to feast together. It will be installed on the long wall in the cafeteria for children to enjoy throughout the future years of Sprague.
During the spring of 2012, our kindergarten, first and second graders created clay tiles that represent food ingredients, such as corn, berries, flour, rice...... Our third, fourth and fifth graders researched a country and used their research of traditional clothing and food to create portrait and dinner plate clay tiles. The entire staff and student body of 2011/12 and 2012/13 created name tiles for the boarder trim. I am in the final stages of running the last glaze firings.I am writing to you now, to inform you all of the next phases of the project and describe how the community can become part of this mural installation. I would like to incorporate the Sprague family dinner table into the project. I am looking for broken or chipped everyday dishware from your homes. The dishes will be broken into small pieces and added to the mosaic portion of the boarder. Dishes may be brought to the Sprague art room through the end of November. Thank you!
Michelle Heath will be the parent coordinator and with her generous help and enthusiasm for all things mosaic, we will be running workshops over the next few months to install and grout the mural in the cafeteria.
Here is a rough outline of the next 4 months......
November: Evening workshops to install clay tiles - Michelle will be sending out a sign up sheet soon.
December: Students will work on installing glass mosaic tiles in art class during Inclusion Week 2012. Parent Volunteers will work on installing glass mosaic tiles during workshops running mornings from 8:45-11:00am.January: Parent Volunteers to grout during workshops running mornings 8:45 - 11:00am
February: Parent Volunteers to do cleaning/ finish work during workshops running mornings 8:45 - 11:00am.
Please stay tuned for volunteering opportunities and thank you in advance for your assistance with this memorable art experience for our students and community!
Item # 3 - Sprague Halloween Challenge
Be a part of the Sprague Halloween Challenge - Click here for recent article.
Jennifer StabnickTuesday, October 16, 2012
Help Build a Butterfly Garden - Sat. October 27th |
Calling All Green Thumbs!
on out & help us build a Butterfly Garden!
Gardening Skills required just Enthusiasm & a Strong
Saturday, October
9am-11:30am @ the
Sprague Garden
or Shine
Shovels, wheel barrels
& garden gloves would be helpful
Click here to sign up to help
Questions: Contact Jeny Brown: or Danae Foley:
Questions: Contact Jeny Brown: or Danae Foley:
ONLINE Scholastic Book Fair until Oct. 23rd - FREE SHIPPING
If you missed the Scholastic Book Fair last week or wanted to get a few more titles, feel free to shop ONLINE until Oct. 23rd. FREE SHIPPING, orders will be sent to Sprague.
Click here for the ONLINE BOOK FAIR.
Thank you for your cooperation ,
DD Marcoux and Andrea Doglioli
Book Fair Co-chairs
Cradles to Crayons October 24th - November 2nd
Once again, Sprague will be participating in the Wellesley wide Cradles to Crayons drive from October 24th - November 2nd.
We will be collecting:
- new or gently used clothing, toys and books for children in need.
- Adult sizes in coats, shoes and winter boots (for children 12 and up who are tall/ big for their age),
- Boys' pants sizes 5/6 - 18/20,
- Baby coats size 0-6 months,
- Girls winter coats size 5/6,
- Boys winter coats size 7/8,
- Baby winter hats & gloves,
- Crib bedding and Infant & toddler toys.
- Click here for a complete list of items accepted or to find out more about Cradles to Crayons.
Cradles to Crayons mission is to provide these children with the essential items they need to thrive - at home, at school and at play and every year the Wellesley community does a fantastic job in supporting this mission.
Remember Me Books GHOSTING Event
Books need to be IN THE LIBRARY no later then OCTOBER 22nd
for on time Halloween delivery, so please order now if you are using Amazon, or head over to Wellesley Books and check out the Sprague wish list.
Donations are starting to pile up in the library - help us to top last years collection of 70 books!
Ghosting at Sprague involves a "ghost" anonymously leaving a bag of amazing, new books (donated by Sprague families - that means you!) and a "You've Been Ghosted!" sign on your child's classroom door.
All the kids feel involved as books are donated anonymously to the entire class (ex. Happy Halloween 4MH) and we take a class photo with the new books before they go back to the library.
Families can order books through the usual Remember Me process, follow this link if you need more information on How to Order.
Remember that your donation will be Anonymous and please list your child’s classroom in the Gift Message section (on Amazon) before you check out. This is a great way to show your Halloween spirit and support the Sprague library!
Questions? Email or
Kids' Trails Day, Sunday, Oct. 21st, 1 - 3pm
Sunday – October
21, 2012
1:00 to 3:00pm
Let's go on a Treasure Hunt! Search the trails in the Wellesley Town
Forest for treasure boxes using written clues (similar to Letterboxing).
Kids find an
ink stamp in the treasure box and stamp the card we provide. Bring back the stamped card to the parking
lot and enjoy refreshments.
registration required and free for kids of all ages. Dress and footwear should be appropriate for
the woods. Children must be accompanied
by an adult.
Meet at the
Longfellow Pond parking lot on Oakland Street.
Entrance to the parking lot is on the left 1-mile south of Rt. 9.
Need more
information? Call Denny Nackoney at
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Volunteer Spotlight - Open Jobs & Thank You to Sprague Volunteers and Hosts
Open Volunteer Jobs:
Great way to build your resume and have fun at the same time!!!Cookie Walk Chairs: We need 2 more parents to help tackle this event. Join Katy Comstock, volunteer mom, who has agreed to solicit teachers for raffle items. What's involved? 1. inspire Sprague bakers, 2. assemble a team of parents to package cookies the morning of the event and 3. manage the day of cookie sales. It's a fun day, but please put your name in this week ... as we'll have to explore an alternative event if no one signs up!!! Please Email
Communications Officer: PTO Board position, would be responsible for overseeing all communication methods working closely with the PTO Presidents, not responsible for chairing communication positions - rather evaluating existing systems and mentoring communications chairs. Two year term. To discuss, email Jean Walsh,
Ways and Means Officer: PTO Board position, would be responsible for overseeing all fundraising and auction events while working closely with the PTO Presidents, Treasurer and Communications Officer, not responsible for chairing specific events - rather evaluating existing programs and introducing new income streams. Would mentor fundraising and auction chairs. Two year term. To discuss, email Jean Walsh at
Calling All Green Thumbs!
Come on out & help us build a Butterfly Garden!
No Gardening Skills required just Enthusiasm & a Strong Back!!!!
Saturday, October 27th
9am-11:30am @ the Sprague Garden
Rain or Shine
Shovels, wheel barrels & garden gloves would be helpful
Volunteer Sign Up coming soon.
Questions: Email Jeny Brown: or Danae Foley:
A BIG THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING Sprague Volunteers and Hosts:
Scholastic Book Fair: Sprague loves books! This week's Scholastic Book Fair was a huge success! Parents, children, and teachers had fun picking out books and many donated books to their classroom and our Sprague library. Thanks to all parents who helped with setup, breakdown, shopping, and registers. A special thanks to Ellen Mandel and Dr Goodwin for a wonderful interactive story time! One last "thank you" to the Sprague community for nurturing a love for reading in our kids!
Enjoy your books!
~ DD Marcoux & Andrea Doglioli
Book Fair Chairs
2nd Grade Social: A special thank you to Dulcey and Matthew Connon for opening up their lovely home to host the 2nd grade parent social this past Friday. It was great to see parents along with Dr. Goodwin having such a wonderful time connecting and enjoying the night. Thank you also to second grade room parents for assisting with the party and social chair, Sarah Green. An interesting fact about the Connon home is that it's one of the original homesteads in Wellesley on Atwood Street going back to the early 1900's. Dulcey and Matt have done an amazing job preserving the architecture and history of the home. Thank you again for your hospitality.
~ Jean Walsh and Andrea Giroux
Co-PTO Presidents
Help Sprague Bring Home the Cup - Wellesley Spelling Bee, Thurs., Nov., 8th at 7pm at Sprague
We're looking for 3 parents or teachers to be a part of the Sprague PTO Team for the Wellesley Spelling Bee, Thursday, November 8th at 7:00pm in the Sprague Gym. This Wellesley tradition is a major fundraiser for WEF and great fun for participants and observers alike. This is the last year that Sprague will host this event.
Approximately 50 teams, each made up of three members, participate in the Spelling Bee. Seven or eight teams compete in a round. The winners of each round compete in the championship round. The champions take home the Ruth Humphries Bee Trophy to keep for their reigning year. A plaque listing all of the winners hangs in the Wellesley Free Library.
The Bee does not involve solo spelling. Teams within the round spells each word simultaneously. The emcee announces the word and then the three member teams have 25 seconds to discuss and write down their answers. At the gong, each team holds up their board. The correct spellers continue. Each speller is supplied a study guide of most of the spelling words. Some teams study; others choose a more casual approach.
Sound like fun? Please email Jean Walsh at if you'd like to be on the team by Monday, Oct. 15th .
Headaches in Children: From the Sprague School Nurse, Sharon Kahn RN
What causes children's
of all ages experience headaches and may even have them on a recurrent basis. A
number of factors, singly or in combination, can cause your child’s headache.
These include:
Genetic predisposition: Headaches, especially
migraines, tend to run in families.
Illness and infection: Headache is a frequent
symptom of common childhood illnesses, including ear infections, strep throat,
sinus infections, and colds.
Head trauma: Most head bumps are minor,
but seek medical attention quickly if your child has dizziness, nausea,
vomiting, blurred or double vision, ringing in the ears, any memory loss, poor
coordination or emotional instability (anger, crying, anxiety) or has a
steadily worsening headache after a bang on the head.
Environmental factors: Weather changes, odors, loud
noises, bright light, and secondhand smoke can all cause headaches.
Emotional factors: Depression, stress, or
anxiety, which may be affected by peer pressure, school problems and family
concerns, can lead to headaches.
Certain foods, food
additives, and beverages: MSG (in foods like bacon, bologna, hot dogs) and caffeine (in
soda, chocolate, coffee and tea) are known to trigger headaches.
Sleep deprivation: Overtiredness or a change in
routine or sleep pattern may cause headaches in children.
Inadequate hydration or
skipping meals: Lack of fluids or food can cause headaches.
Eyestrain: If your child complains of
headache and/or dizziness when reading and writing schedule an eye exam.
What kind of headache does
your child have?
are typically hard to describe, especially for children. Some are related to
stress, while others are the result of an illness or injury. Headaches are classified into two main
categories — primary and secondary. Primary
headaches develop by themselves rather than as a result of illness or
injury. This category includes:
Tension-type headache. Often stress related, the
most common of children's headaches; the child may complain of a tightening or
pressure in the head, neck and skull muscles.
Migraine. Approximately 5 percent of
school-age children experience migraines. Before children reach puberty,
migraines affect about the same number of boys as girls, but in the teen years,
girls tend to have migraines more often. A migraine may be disabling, causing
not just pain but nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.
Children may also have all of the signs of a migraine with no head pain, known
as an abdominal migraine. Unlike tension-type headaches, migraines often occur
during nonstressful or recreational times.
Cluster headache. This is the least common
type of headache in children. It's usually disabling and involves a sharp,
stabbing pain on one side of the head.
Secondary headaches result from some underlying
condition, such as fever, cold virus, strep throat, head trauma, sinus or ear
infection, medication side effects, meningitis, temporomandibular joint
disorders (TMJ) or other jaw-related problems.
Preventing children's
headaches -
that promote general good health will prevent all but the occasional headache
in a child:
Adequate rest. Children need plenty of
sleep on a regular schedule, at least 9 hours.
A healthy diet and fluids. Your child needs to eat
breakfast, lunch, dinner and nutritious snacks throughout the day. Be sure your
child drinks enough water, particularly in hot weather and after strenuous
Take steps at the first sign
of a headache.
When your child develops a headache, encourage him or her to take a nap — if
possible, in a dark, quiet room.
Keep a headache diary. Note times and places that
headaches occur. Describe any thoughts,
behaviors or events that occur with headaches. Information from the diary will
help to identify possible headache triggers. Wait for the child to volunteer
that he or she has a headache rather than asking.
Avoid stressors. Be alert for things that may
be causing stress in your child's life, such as difficulty doing schoolwork or
strained relationships with peers.
Exercise. Regular aerobic exercise,
such as walking, swimming or biking, can help reduce the frequency and
intensity of headaches. Exercise
relieves stress, relaxes your muscles and increases the levels of the body's
natural stress relievers.
When to Call the MD?
Seek your
pediatrician’s advice if your child has recurrent headaches or any episode of
head pain severe enough to keep him/her out of school or other activities.
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