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Saturday, September 29, 2012

PTO Coffee & Board Meeting - Wed. Oct 3rd in the Cafeteria

                                     THE PTO

Wed., Oct. 3rd
Sprague Cafeteria

                                     Why?....To get informed about the PTO budget

(due to new PTO restrictions, coffee and refreshments will be self-serve)

The PTO Board will meet from 10-10:30am - open to all

Volunteer Sign Ups & Important Dates

Volunteer Sign Ups - thank you!

  • Oct 1 - 5th Grade Halloween Costume Collection and Sale - through Oct. 10th (Sign up sent via email to 5th grade parents) Contact Phyllis Carter for more info
  • Oct 2 - Student Picture Day at 9:00-2:30pm Tuesday
  • Oct 3 - Walk to School at 8:00-8:45am Wednesday
  • Oct 5 - Summer Readers Breakfast on Friday
  • Oct 9-11 - Book Fair on Tuesday-Thursday

Important Dates This Week:

Monday, October 1
 Collection for Halloween Costume Sale sponsored by 5th Grade
Tuesday, October 2
 Collection for Halloween Costume Sale sponsored by 5th Grade
 Student Picture Day - chair Lisa Knudson
Wednesday, October 3
 Collection for Halloween Costume Sale sponsored by 5th Grade
 PTO Coffee & Announcements
 Walk to School (International)
 PTO Speaker Event for Parents
 PTO Board Meeting
Thursday, October 4
 Collection for Halloween Costume Sale sponsored by 5th Grade
Friday, October 5
 Collection for Halloween Costume Sale sponsored by 5th Grade
 Summer Readers Breakfast - chairs Jenn Friedman and Maura Miele

For more dates, see google calendar at


A BIG THANK YOU ... to Michelle and John Walsh and our Sprague Parents

A BIG THANK YOU to Michelle and John Walsh for hosting the 1st grade social this past Friday.  "Oh what a night .... felt like we stepped back in time!"  No pictures, sorry!  Michelle and John, we appreciate your generosity and all that you did to put on such a fun event!

Thank you to the first grade room parents for helping make the social a success, Maura Miele, Nur Hamzaogullari, Jenny Schneider, Amy Paladino, Janna O'Neil and Sarah Greene, Social Chair.

Thank you to the families who participated and supported the 5th grade bulb sales, special thanks to Rebecca Cahaly, Lori Goldenthal and Kathleen Woodward, Bulb Sale Chairs.

Make Your Own Costume this Halloween, Join the Sprague Halloween Challenge

The Sprague Halloween Challenge

Halloween is probably one of the most creative holidays of the year, so it should come as no surprise that it is one of Ms. Stabnick’s favorite days.  The Sprague Halloween Challenge is to make your own costume this year for our school parade on Wednesday October 31st.  Halloween is not about buying a costume, it is about getting a little creative and a little silly to invent a character for one super celebration.  Please look through your art supplies, closets, recycling or even go down to the Wellesley Swap.   Over the years, parade spectators have enjoyed seeing robots made from boxes and even a plate of spaghetti and meatballs fashioned with yarn and Nerf balls. If you already have a store bought costume - make a prop!  If you have a pirate costume, build a parrot.  If you are looking for ideas….. see Ms. Stabnick!

All children who capture the creative spirit of Halloween will receive a prize at the parade.

Happy, Happy Halloween -  Go get clever, creepy and creative!

Ms. Stabnick

Halloween Costume Donation and Sale, See Dates Below-

                               Halloween costumes

Halloween Costume Donation and Sale 

Sponsored by the 5th Grade

Invitation to All of Sprague: Donate your costume from last year and purchase a gently used costume to creatively craft a new costume this year!

Follow Ms. Stabnick’s Halloween Costume guidelines to make your own special costume.

Donate:  Drop off used costumes during morning car line (Oct. 3 - Oct. 10th)

Sale:  Wed., Oct. 10th Noon - 2pm  ($2-$3 for costumes)

All proceeds will be donated to charity selected by 5th Graders.
5th Graders can earn Community Service Hours for working the event.

For more information contact:  Phyllis Carter at 

Scholastic Book Fair, Tues. Oct. 9th - Thurs., Oct. 11th, Volunteer to Help during your child's class visit!

Every READER is a STAR at Sprague's annual Scholastic Book Fair!
Don't miss this once a year chance to stock up your at-home library, or make a book donation to your child's class.  Parents can shop during all book fair hours, or join your children during their classroom trip to the book fair! Can't shop with your child? Just send them with money in an envelope and our book fair staff will help them shop for the perfect book.  

Class Visit Schedule - Click below to sign up to volunteer.

2KF (Fiore)
3JB (Byrne)
3JL (Lundbohn)
1LB (Blumenthal)
4MH (Henzel)
3AR (Rogers)
2KC (Casalena)
5EB (Banthin)
KSG (Goudreault)
KGG (Gledhill)
1KL (Lindquist)
2LM (Mortarelli)
4JH (Heckman)
4TD (Drake)
KKB (Bender)
5HH (Heon)


2CR (Craig)
5BH (Hale)

1DG (Gaul)

We'd love your help! Click here to volunteer!

New this year... Family Fun Afternoon! Wednesday Oct 10th, 12:30-2:30 pm
The superb Ellen Mandel will be presenting a dramatic book reading with a surprise guest everyone will be talking about! The 5th grade will be selling some tasty treats as well, so come expecting family fun for all! See you there!
Book Fair Hours:
Tuesday, Oct 9th, 9:00-11:30am, 1:15-3:30pm
Wednesday, Oct 10th, 9:00-11:30 am
Family Fun Afternoon Wed., 12:30-2:30pm
Thurs. Oct 11th, 9:00-11:30am, 1:15-3:30 pm

Thank you for your cooperation,
DD Marcoux and Andrea Doglioli
Book Fair Co-chairs

International Walk to School Day this Wed., Oct. 3rd

Our 1st Walk to School brought out 333 Sprague student walkers. 
Can we beat that number? How about 350?

For more information on the history of Walk to School, click here. 

Memorialize your child's artwork by transforming it into products you can use or gift to others

 Office PackageT-Shirt    iPhone Cover

Original Works

Your child's art on note cards or an iphone cover? You can have it for yourself and as a unique gift to others this upcoming holiday season!

We are introducing Original Works, the #1 art based fundraising company in the country. Each child will have the opportunity to have their own artwork reproduced onto a variety of products. The products range from magnets, mugs and mouse pads to ceramic tiles, bags and t-shirts.

To introduce the program to students, we are holding after school sessions. We will have a snack for the kids, then go over the program, talk about what materials may be used and discuss ideas for art together. Artwork may be started during these sessions or at home under your guidance. 8 ½ x 11 size paper will be handed out. Artwork should be done on these papers to ensure the best quality transfer.

An online sign up was sent to parents last week via email.  For privacy purposes please refer to the email to sign your child up. (voluntary not required to participate in the program).

See examples of items in the school alcove display case.
Click on this link for more info on Original Works.
Click on this link for Original Works' Pinterest page ideas.
Don't forget artwork may also be used for our HEARTSongs next spring!

Contact Yolanda Tong for more info or if you would like to help out.

1KL Seeking Book Donations - Ongoing

1KL is seeking book donations for our classroom library, specifically the series or authors listed below. If you are cleaning out your libraries at home, please consider passing your books on to our classroom.

--> Books by Mo Willems
Olivia the Pig books
Dr. Seuss books
Curious George books
Books by David Shannon
Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa series books
Frog and Toad series books
Minnie and Moo series books
Fly Guy series books
Commander Toad books
Step Into Reading books (any title)
Early nonfiction readers

Please contact Karen Lindquist at if you have books to donate. Thank you!

Assessing Medical Complaints of Children

From the Sprague School Nurse, Sharon Kahn RN

             Sometimes parents apologize to me when I notify them that their child is ill and requires dismissal, I feel there’s no need to apologize, since we aren’t able to predict that our children may become sick.  When your child has a good night’s sleep, eats breakfast and tolerates it well, and doesn’t have a fever or other objective signs of illness, then the child should attend school. Some mornings he or she may complain of nonspecific discomfort, but we all know these complaints usually resolve as the child participates in the daily routine. On the other hand, if your child was clearly ill the previous day or evening, required fever-reducing medicine in the preceding 24 hours, had interrupted sleep, vomiting or diarrhea, or is unable to eat breakfast, it is advisable to keep him/ her home from school.
            At school when a child comes to the nurse I make an assessment according to the specific complaint - for example, if a student complains of a sore throat I visualize the throat using a flashlight and palpate for enlarged tender neck glands. I listen to the quality of the voice, ask if he or she ate breakfast (or snack), and check for a fever. I provide a drink of water and watch for signs of pain with swallowing. Often I am told if family members are home sick with a similar complaint.
            If the child does not have a fever or any objective signs of illness, I recommend a return to class. I suggest comfort measures, such as increasing fluids, telling the student, “Keep your throat wet today - be sure to drink lots of water.” I ask what his/her after school plans are and if the child says he feels fine to go to soccer practice, I send him back to class, since he clearly is okay. Please be mindful that if I do make a call to you, your child has already been through this evaluation process.
            This is where I can use your help. If your child has a complaint in the morning before school, it is useful for me to know. I appreciate a heads-up call with a message saying your child complained of a stomachache or headache (or whatever) in the morning, but seemed fine to come to school. Then I know to call you if your child comes to see me complaining of not feeling well at school. Otherwise, I would likely send your child back to class.
            Sometimes a child is not feeling well but doesn’t have a fever or other easily measurable sign of illness. Obviously if I see a child four times in a morning or if the student is clearly unfit for the classroom, I will call a parent or designated caretaker.  As a parent myself, I know I would want to be informed if my child was having such a bad day.
            This is another way you can help. It is essential that we have the correct phone numbers to reach a parent or designated caretaker. If you change your work, cell, or home number, or have a new babysitter, please be sure to let us know here at Sprague so we can keep your information current and reach you or your designee quickly.
            Please call me if you have any questions.  
          Sharon Kahn RN
          Sprague School Nurse

Monday, September 17, 2012

Register Your Team for The Wellesley Spelling Bee

Save the date! It’s free admission for this family friendly community event. The 23rd annual Wellesley Bee, an adult spelling event sponsored by the Wellesley Education Foundation, will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 7 p.m. in the Sprague Elementary School gymnasium.

Organize a team to test your spelling mettle.  Various community groups, businesses, alumni groups, neighborhoods, sports teams, student councils and PTOs assemble teams.  Join the Wellesley Spelling Bee by attending, joining a team, or sponsoring a team!

Bee Green and Register at 
Team entry fee is $450.
New teams are most welcome.
Entries due by October 19, 2012.

This annual, high-spirited community event is a major fundraiser for the Wellesley Education Foundation (WEF).  Last year's Bee raised over $30,000 from nearly 50 teams, matching donations from Wellesley College and Babson College, as well as other generous WEF sponsors.  The money raised makes a difference in education throughout Wellesley.

For more information about the Bee, contact the co-chairs at:

Anne Marvan  781-239-1496
Janet Seidl  781-235-6065
Julie Garvey  781-235-4225
Suzanne Votapka  781-237-4817

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Donate! Annual Toy Drive

Wellesley Service League’s
Annual Toy Drive

For over 40 years, the Wellesley Service League has been collecting toys to distribute to Wellesley Friendly Aid families in the Wellesley community.

Now is great time to clean out those toys your kids have outgrown or aren’t playing with anymore and donate them to the Toy Drive.  We accept new and nearly new toys, books and sporting equipment (most sought after items are Legos, Knex, dolls, toy cars and trucks and bikes).

And if you don’t have toys to donate but would like to give, we also accept donations that go toward gift cards for older age kids.

So clean out and help make some less fortunate members of our Wellesley community very happy this holiday season!

Look for the Wellesley Service League toy collection box at all the Wellesley schools and at the Wellesley Free Library.  If your item is very large or it is more convenient you can drop it off in the basement of the Wellesley Friendly Aid building. 

If you have any questions please contact

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fiske Elementary - Wild West Roundup - Sat. Sept. 22nd 10am-2pm

Looking for some family fun with a Western Flair?  Fiske Elementary is hosting their annual Wild West Roundup on Saturday, Sept. 22nd from 10am-2pm. Rain or Shine....45 Hastings Street, Wellesley, MA.
For more information call - 781-235-0933.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What's your opinion?

New Pre-K and Kindergarten Soccer Programs this fall

Wellesley United Soccer Announces NEW Pre-K and Kindergarten Soccer Programs for the fall. 

The Pre-K program will be offered on 6 Tuesday or Thursday afternoons 12:30-1:15pm or 1:30-2:15pm and will be run by Director of Coaching Tom Goodman.

The Kindergarten program will be offered on Saturday mornings from 9:15-10 a.m. and will be run by Director of Coaching Tom Goodman with parent coach volunteers. Sign up to coach when you register your player.

Go to under Programs to view all registration information.  Grade 1-3 programs may still be accepting registrations as well. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sprague & Hardy Cub Scout Registration, Wed., Sept. 12th 6:30-7:30pm - Hardy Elementary School

Sprague & Hardy Elementary Boys (Grades 1st - 5th) & Parents interested in Cub Scouts?
Join us for an informational event on Wednesday, Sept. 12th from 6:30-7:30pm
at Hardy Elementary School.
Registration and information about Cub Scout activities will be provided by adult leaders from Wellesley Pack 140.  
Pack dues are $40 per boy; scholarships are available.
Questions - please contact Pack Leader, Howie Horner at

Metrowest Travel Basketball Tryouts begin Sept. 24th, register Sept., 7th - 21st.

Metrowest Travel Basketball Tryouts

Wellesley Youth Basketball Association will be holding tryouts for the Metrowest travel basketball teams for boys and girls in grades 5-8. Registration will be open September 7 - 21, and tryouts will begin September 24. There is a $10 fee to register. Please note that pre-registration is mandatory in order to participate in the tryout process. We regret that we will be unable to accommodate walk-in registrations on the day of the tryout. Parents interested in serving as coaches can find an application under the Coaching Corner tab on the website. Please see the WYBA website for registration and more information.